private CommandLineParser populate(ShellContext shellContext, String line,
final Map<String, InputComponent<?, ?>> allInputs, Map<String, InputComponent<?, ?>> lastPage)
throws Exception
WizardCommandController controller = getController();
Map<String, InputComponent<?, ?>> pageInputs = new LinkedHashMap<>(controller.getInputs());
CommandLineParser parser = commandLineUtil.generateParser(controller, shellContext, allInputs);
CommandLine cmdLine = parser.parse(line, true);
Map<String, InputComponent<?, ?>> populatedInputs = commandLineUtil.populateUIInputs(cmdLine, allInputs);
// Second pass to ensure disabled fields are set
parser = commandLineUtil.generateParser(controller, shellContext, allInputs);
cmdLine = parser.parse(line, true);
populatedInputs = commandLineUtil.populateUIInputs(cmdLine, allInputs);
boolean inputsChanged = false;
for (String input : pageInputs.keySet())
// TODO: May not work correctly with Subflows
if (populatedInputs.containsKey(input))
// Trim inputs from last page, because information from the current page was provided
inputsChanged = true;
if (controller.canMoveToNextStep())
parser = populate(shellContext, line, allInputs, pageInputs);
else if (inputsChanged)
parser = commandLineUtil.generateParser(controller, shellContext, allInputs);