Examples of WindowsException

Examples of com.sun.enterprise.util.cluster.windows.process.WindowsException

                new HashMap<String, String>((Map) (System.getProperties())));

        node = theNode;

        if (node == null)
            throw new WindowsException(
                    Strings.get("internal.error", "Node is null"));

        if (!isDcomNode(node))
            throw new WindowsException(Strings.get("not.dcom.node",
                    getNode().getName(), getNode().getType()));

        SshConnector conn = node.getSshConnector();
        if (conn == null)
            throw new WindowsException(Strings.get("no.password"));

        SshAuth auth = conn.getSshAuth();
        if (auth == null)
            throw new WindowsException(Strings.get("no.password"));

        String notFinal = auth.getPassword();
        if (!ok(notFinal))
            throw new WindowsException(Strings.get("no.password"));

        password = DcomUtils.resolvePassword(notFinal);

        notFinal = node.getNodeHost();
        if (!ok(notFinal))
            notFinal = conn.getSshHost();
        if (!ok(notFinal))
            throw new WindowsException(Strings.get("no.host"));
        host = resolver.resolve(notFinal);

        notFinal = auth.getUserName();
        if (!ok(notFinal))
            notFinal = System.getProperty("user.name");
        if (!ok(notFinal))
            throw new WindowsException(Strings.get("no.username"));
        user = resolver.resolve(notFinal);

        notFinal = node.getWindowsDomain();
        if (!ok(notFinal))
            notFinal = host;
        windowsDomain = resolver.resolve(notFinal);

        notFinal = node.getInstallDirUnixStyle();
        if (!ok(notFinal))
            throw new WindowsException(Strings.get("no.lib.dir"));

        if (!notFinal.endsWith("/"))
            notFinal += "/";

        notFinal += SystemPropertyConstants.getComponentName();
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