Examples of Windows

Examples of org.olat.core.gui.Windows

        // chief controller creator for sub path, e.g.
        subPathccc = dmzServicesByPath.get(sub);
        UserSession usess = ureq.getUserSession();
        Windows ws = Windows.getWindows(usess);
        synchronized (ws) { //o_clusterOK by:fj per user session
          ChiefController occ;
          if(subPathccc != null){
            occ = subPathccc.createChiefController(ureq);
            Window window = occ.getWindow();
            window.dispatchRequest(ureq, true);
      }//else a /olat/dmz/ request
       * create content as it is defined in config.xml in he dmzbean

       * solve this with a predispatcher action
//      // convenience method to jump immediatly to AAI (Shibboleth) home
//      // organisation for login without selecting home organisation manually
//      if (ShibbolethModule.isEnableShibbolethLogins()) {
//        String preSelIdp = request.getParameter("preselection");
//        String redirect = request.getParameter("redirect");
//        if (preSelIdp != null && redirect != null && redirect.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
//          preSelIdp = preSelIdp.toLowerCase();
//          Collection sites = IdPSite.getIdPSites(ShibbolethModule.getMetadata());
//          for (Iterator iter = sites.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
//            IdPSite site = (IdPSite) iter.next();
//            if (site.getName().toLowerCase().indexOf(preSelIdp) > -1) {
//              response.sendRedirect(AssertionConsumerService.buildRequest(request.getLocale(), site));
//              break;
//            }
//          }
//        }
//      }

      UserSession usess = ureq.getUserSession();
      Windows ws = Windows.getWindows(usess);
      synchronized (ws) { //o_clusterOK by:fj per user session

        Window window;
        boolean windowHere = ws.isExisting(ureq.getWindowID());
        boolean validDispatchUri = ureq.isValidDispatchURI();
        if (validDispatchUri && !windowHere) {
          // probably valid framework link from previous user && new Session(no window):
          // when a previous user logged off, and 30min later (when the httpsession is invalidated), the next user clicks e.g. on
          // the log-in link in the -same- browser window ->
          // -> there is no window -> create a new one
          window = null;
          // request new windows since it is a new usersession, the old one was purged
          ws = Windows.getWindows(usess);
        } else {
          if (validDispatchUri) {
            window = ws.getWindow(ureq);
          } else {
            // e.g. /dmz/ -> start screen, clear previous session data
            window = null;
            // request new windows since it is a new usersession, the old one was purged
            ws = Windows.getWindows(usess);
        if (window == null) {
          // no window found, -> start a new WorkFlow/Controller and obtain the window
          // main controller which also implements the windowcontroller for pagestatus and modal dialogs
          ChiefController occ = chiefControllerCreator.createChiefController(ureq);
//        REVIEW:12-2007:CodeCleanup       
          // browser did not send a cookie && url has a window id with it (= we
          // are clicking a framework link or submitting a framework form)
          //if (sessionId == null && ureq.getWindowID() != null) {
            //Translator trans = new PackageTranslator("org.olat", ureq.getLocale()); // locale

          window = occ.getWindow();
          window.dispatchRequest(ureq, true);
        } else {
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