Examples of WikiPluginMacro

Examples of org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.plugin.WikiPluginMacro

                parser.setRenderer(new NullWikiTextRenderer() {
                    public String renderMacro(WikiTextMacro macro) {

                        if (macro.getName().equals("lastModifiedDocuments")) {
                            WikiPluginMacro pluginMacro = PluginRegistry.instance().createWikiPluginMacro(macro);
                            LastModifiedDocumentsPreferences lmdPrefs =
                                    Preferences.instance().get(LastModifiedDocumentsPreferences.class, pluginMacro);
                            assert lmdPrefs.getDocumentTitleLength().equals(60l);
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Examples of org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.plugin.WikiPluginMacro

                parser.setRenderer(new NullWikiTextRenderer() {
                    public String renderMacro(WikiTextMacro macro) {

                        if (macro.getName().equals("lastModifiedDocuments")) {
                            WikiPluginMacro pluginMacro = PluginRegistry.instance().createWikiPluginMacro(macro);
                            LastModifiedDocumentsPreferences lmdPrefs =
                                    Preferences.instance().get(LastModifiedDocumentsPreferences.class, pluginMacro);
                            assert lmdPrefs.getDocumentTitleLength().equals(66l);
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Examples of org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.plugin.WikiPluginMacro

            log.warn("macros are not reentrant, duplicate macro on page stack: " + wikiTextMacro);
            return null;

        // Check if the wikiTextMacro actually is registered, we don't build unknown macros
        WikiPluginMacro pluginMacro = PluginRegistry.instance().createWikiPluginMacro(wikiTextMacro);
        if (pluginMacro == null) {
            log.info("macro is not bound in plugin registry: " + wikiTextMacro);
            return null;

        // Check if we can find the template to include for this wikiTextMacro
        String macroIncludePath = getMacroIncludePath(pluginMacro);
        if (macroIncludePath == null) {
            return null;

        // Before we build the nested components, set the WikiMacro instance in the PAGE context under a
        // unique name, so we can use a VariableMapper later and alias this as 'currentMacro'
        String macroPageVariableName = pluginMacro.getPageVariableName();
        log.debug("setting WikiMacro instance in PAGE context as variable named: " + macroPageVariableName);
        Contexts.getPageContext().set(macroPageVariableName, pluginMacro);

        // Whoever wants to do something before we finally build the XHTML template
        log.debug("firing VIEW_BUILD macro event");
        Events.instance().raiseEvent(pluginMacro.getCallbackEventName(WikiPluginMacro.CallbackEvent.VIEW_BUILD), pluginMacro);

        // This is where the magic happens... the UIWikiFormattedText component should have one child after that, a UIMacro
        includeMacroFacelet(pluginMacro, macroIncludePath, context, parent);

        // Now get the identifier of the newly created UIMacro instance and set it for future use
        Object macroId = parent.getAttributes().get(UIMacro.NEXT_MACRO);
        if (macroId != null) {
        } else {
            // Best guess based wikiTextMacro renderer, needed during reRendering when we don't build the child
            // - only then is NEXT_MACRO set by the MacroComponentHandler
            macroId =
                            parent.getChildCount() - 1

        // Put an optional CSS include in the header of the wiki document we are rendering in.
        // (This needs to happen after the clientId is set, as CSS resource path rendering needs to
        // know if it occurs in a JSF request (clientId present) or not.
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Examples of org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.plugin.WikiPluginMacro


            public String renderMacro(WikiTextMacro macro) {

                WikiPluginMacro pluginMacroWithTemplate = macrosWithTemplateByPosition.get(macro.getPosition());
                if (pluginMacroWithTemplate == null) {
                    log.debug("macro does not have an XHTML template/include, skipping: " + macro);
                    return "";

                log.debug("firing BEFORE_VIEW_RENDER macro event");

                log.debug("preparing include rendering for macro: " + pluginMacroWithTemplate);
                UIComponent child = findComponent( pluginMacroWithTemplate.getClientId() );
                log.debug("JSF child client identifier: " + child.getClientId(getFacesContext()));
                ResponseWriter originalResponseWriter = getFacesContext().getResponseWriter();
                StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
                ResponseWriter tempResponseWriter = originalResponseWriter

                try {
                    log.debug("rendering template of macro: " + pluginMacroWithTemplate);
                    JSF.renderChild(getFacesContext(), child);

                    log.debug("firing AFTER_VIEW_RENDER macro event");
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
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Examples of org.jboss.seam.wiki.core.plugin.WikiPluginMacro


            public String renderMacro(WikiTextMacro macro) {

                WikiPluginMacro pluginMacroWithTemplate = macrosWithTemplateByPosition.get(macro.getPosition());
                if (pluginMacroWithTemplate == null) {
                    log.debug("macro does not have an XHTML template/include, skipping: " + macro);
                    return "";

                log.debug("firing BEFORE_VIEW_RENDER macro event");

                log.debug("preparing include rendering for macro: " + pluginMacroWithTemplate);
                UIComponent child = findComponent( pluginMacroWithTemplate.getClientId() );
                log.debug("JSF child client identifier: " + child.getClientId(getFacesContext()));
                ResponseWriter originalResponseWriter = getFacesContext().getResponseWriter();
                StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter();
                ResponseWriter tempResponseWriter = originalResponseWriter

                try {
                    log.debug("rendering template of macro: " + pluginMacroWithTemplate);
                    JSF.renderChild(getFacesContext(), child);

                    log.debug("firing AFTER_VIEW_RENDER macro event");
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
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