E.g., a typical event sequence for the pre-translate phase would be:
These two events are fired once per page request, at the beginning and after delivery of the page (respectively). They are generated by the {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.ui.WikiServletFilter}.
Page lock and unlock events occur only once during an editing session, so there are no begin and end events. They are generated by the {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.PageManager}.
Other WikiPageEvents include both phase boundary and in-phase events for saving, pre- and post-translating content. These are very noisy event types, but are not fired unless a listener is available. They are generated by the {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.filters.FilterManager}, {@link com.ecyrd.jspwiki.event.PageEventFilter}, and potentially other implementing classes.
Note that due to the asynchronous nature of event processing, any threads spawned by such events will not necessarily have completed during their specific phase; we can assume only that no more events of that phase will be fired after its *_END event has been fired.
@author Murray Altheim @see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.event.WikiEvent @since 2.4.20E.g., a typical event sequence for the pre-translate phase would be:
These two events are fired once per page request, at the beginning and after delivery of the page (respectively). They are generated by the {@link org.apache.wiki.ui.WikiServletFilter}.
Page lock and unlock events occur only once during an editing session, so there are no begin and end events. They are generated by the {@link org.apache.wiki.PageManager}.
Other WikiPageEvents include both phase boundary and in-phase events for saving, pre- and post-translating content. These are very noisy event types, but are not fired unless a listener is available. They are generated by the {@link org.apache.wiki.filters.DefaultFilterManager}, {@link org.apache.wiki.event.PageEventFilter}, and potentially other implementing classes.
Note that due to the asynchronous nature of event processing, any threads spawned by such events will not necessarily have completed during their specific phase; we can assume only that no more events of that phase will be fired after its *_END event has been fired.
@see org.apache.wiki.event.WikiEvent @since 2.4.20