Examples of WikiEngine

Examples of org.apache.wiki.WikiEngine

    public final int doWikiStartTag()
        throws IOException,
        WikiEngine       engine   = m_wikiContext.getEngine();
        JspWriter        out      = pageContext.getOut();
        Calendar         cal      = Calendar.getInstance();
        Calendar         prevCal  = Calendar.getInstance();
        Calendar         nextCal  = Calendar.getInstance();

        //  Check if there is a parameter in the request to set the date.
        String calendarDate = pageContext.getRequest().getParameter( "calendar.date" );
        if( calendarDate == null )
            calendarDate = pageContext.getRequest().getParameter( "weblog.startDate" );
        if( calendarDate != null )
                Date d = m_dateFormat.parse( calendarDate );
                cal.setTime( d );
                prevCal.setTime( d );
                nextCal.setTime( d );
            catch( ParseException e )
                log.warn( "date format wrong: "+calendarDate );

        cal.set( Calendar.DATE, 1 );     // First, set to first day of month
        prevCal.set( Calendar.DATE, 1 );
        nextCal.set( Calendar.DATE, 1 );

        prevCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); // Now move to first day of previous month
        nextCal.add(Calendar.MONTH, 1)// Now move to first day of next month

        out.write( "<table class=\"calendar\">\n" );

        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest = m_wikiContext.getHttpRequest();
        String queryString = engine.safeGetQueryString( httpServletRequest );
        out.write( "<tr>"+
                   getMonthNaviLink(prevCal,"&lt;&lt;", queryString)+
                   "<td colspan=5 class=\"month\">"+
                   getMonthLink( cal )+
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.WikiEngine

    public final int doWikiStartTag()
        throws IOException,
        WikiEngine engine = m_wikiContext.getEngine();
        WikiPage   page   = m_wikiContext.getPage();

        if( page != null )
            PageManager mgr = engine.getPageManager();

            PageLock lock = mgr.getCurrentLock( page );

            HttpSession session = pageContext.getSession();
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.WikiEngine

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
    public final int doWikiStartTag()
        throws IOException
        WikiEngine engine = m_wikiContext.getEngine();
        WikiPage   page   = m_wikiContext.getPage();
        AttachmentManager mgr = engine.getAttachmentManager();

            if( page != null && engine.pageExists(page) && mgr.attachmentsEnabled() )
                if( mgr.hasAttachments(page) )
                    return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.WikiEngine

    private String figureOutURL()
        throws ProviderException
        String url = null;
        WikiEngine engine = m_wikiContext.getEngine();

        if( m_pageName == null )
            WikiPage page = m_wikiContext.getPage();

            if( page != null )
                m_pageName = page.getName();

        if( m_templatefile != null )
            String params = addParamsForRecipient( null, m_containedParams );
            String template = engine.getTemplateDir();
            url = engine.getURL( WikiContext.NONE, "templates/"+template+"/"+m_templatefile, params, false );
        else if( m_jsp != null )
            String params = addParamsForRecipient( null, m_containedParams );
            //url = m_wikiContext.getURL( WikiContext.NONE, m_jsp, params );
            url = engine.getURL( WikiContext.NONE, m_jsp, params, m_absolute );
        else if( m_ref != null )
            int interwikipoint;

            if( JSPWikiMarkupParser.isExternalLink(m_ref) )
                url = m_ref;
            else if( (interwikipoint = m_ref.indexOf(":")) != -1 )
                String extWiki = m_ref.substring( 0, interwikipoint );
                String wikiPage = m_ref.substring( interwikipoint+1 );

                url = engine.getInterWikiURL( extWiki );

                if( url != null )
                    url = TextUtil.replaceString( url, "%s", wikiPage );
            else if( m_ref.startsWith("#") )
                // Local link
            else if( TextUtil.isNumber(m_ref) )
                // Reference
                int hashMark = -1;

                String parms = (m_version != null) ? "version="+getVersion() : null;

                //  Internal wiki link, but is it an attachment link?
                WikiPage p = engine.getPage( m_pageName );

                if( p instanceof Attachment )
                    url = m_wikiContext.getURL( WikiContext.ATTACH, m_pageName );
                else if( (hashMark = m_ref.indexOf('#')) != -1 )
                    // It's an internal Wiki link, but to a named section

                    String namedSection = m_ref.substring( hashMark+1 );
                    String reallink     = m_ref.substring( 0, hashMark );

                    reallink = MarkupParser.cleanLink( reallink );

                    String matchedLink;
                    String sectref = "";
                    if( (matchedLink = engine.getFinalPageName( reallink )) != null )
                        sectref = "section-"+engine.encodeName(matchedLink)+"-"+namedSection;
                        sectref = "#"+sectref.replace('%', '_');
                        matchedLink = reallink;

                    url = makeBasicURL( m_context, matchedLink, parms, m_absolute ) + sectref;
                    String reallink = MarkupParser.cleanLink( m_ref );

                    url = makeBasicURL( m_context, reallink, parms, m_absolute );
        else if( m_pageName != null && m_pageName.length() > 0 )
            WikiPage p = engine.getPage( m_pageName );

            String parms = (m_version != null) ? "version="+getVersion() : null;

            parms = addParamsForRecipient( parms, m_containedParams );

            if( p instanceof Attachment )
                String ctx = m_context;
                // Switch context appropriately when attempting to view an
                // attachment, but don't override the context setting otherwise
                if( m_context == null || m_context.equals( WikiContext.VIEW ) )
                    ctx = WikiContext.ATTACH;
                url = engine.getURL( ctx, m_pageName, parms, m_absolute );
                //url = m_wikiContext.getURL( ctx, m_pageName, parms );
                url = makeBasicURL( m_context, m_pageName, parms, m_absolute );
            String page = engine.getFrontPage();
            url = makeBasicURL( m_context, page, null, m_absolute );

        return url;
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.WikiEngine

            if( result == null )
                //  Default back to the declared user name
                WikiEngine engine = this.m_wikiContext.getEngine();
                WikiSession wikiSession = WikiSession.getWikiSession( engine, (HttpServletRequest)pageContext.getRequest() );
                Principal user = wikiSession.getUserPrincipal();

                if( user != null )
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.WikiEngine

    public int doWikiStartTag()
        throws IOException,
        WikiEngine engine = m_wikiContext.getEngine();
        WikiPage   page;

        if( m_pageName == null )
            page = m_wikiContext.getPage();
            page = engine.getPage( m_pageName );

        // System.out.println("Checking "+page);

        if( page != null && engine.pageExists( page.getName(), page.getVersion() ) )
            return SKIP_BODY;

        return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE;
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.WikiEngine

        if( m_iterator != null && m_iterator.hasNext() && m_count++ < m_maxItems )
            SearchResult r = (SearchResult) m_iterator.next();
            // Create a wiki context for the result
            WikiEngine engine = m_wikiContext.getEngine();
            HttpServletRequest request = m_wikiContext.getHttpRequest();
            Command command = PageCommand.VIEW.targetedCommand( r.getPage() );
            WikiContext context = new WikiContext( engine, request, command );
            // Stash it in the page context
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.WikiEngine


    public final int doWikiStartTag()
        throws IOException
        WikiEngine engine   = m_wikiContext.getEngine();
        WikiPage   page     = null;
        String     versionString = "";
        String     pageName = null;
        //  Determine the page and the link.
        if( m_pageName == null )
            page = m_wikiContext.getPage();
            if( page == null )
                // You can't call this on the page itself anyways.
                return SKIP_BODY;

            pageName = page.getName();
            pageName = m_pageName;

        //  Determine the latest version, if the version attribute is "this".
        if( m_version != null )
            if( "this".equalsIgnoreCase(m_version) )
                if( page == null )
                    // No page, so go fetch according to page name.
                    page = engine.getPage( m_pageName );
                if( page != null )
                    versionString = "version="+page.getVersion();
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.WikiEngine


    private String makeBasicURL( String context, String page, String parms, boolean absolute )
        String url;
        WikiEngine engine = m_wikiContext.getEngine();

        if( context.equals( WikiContext.DIFF ) )
            int r1 = 0;
            int r2 = 0;

            if( DiffLinkTag.VER_LATEST.equals(getVersion()) )
                WikiPage latest = engine.getPage( page, WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION );

                r1 = latest.getVersion();
            else if( DiffLinkTag.VER_PREVIOUS.equals(getVersion()) )
                r1 = m_wikiContext.getPage().getVersion() - 1;
                r1 = (r1 < 1 ) ? 1 : r1;
            else if( DiffLinkTag.VER_CURRENT.equals(getVersion()) )
                r1 = m_wikiContext.getPage().getVersion();
                r1 = Integer.parseInt( getVersion() );

            if( DiffLinkTag.VER_LATEST.equals(m_compareToVersion) )
                WikiPage latest = engine.getPage( page, WikiProvider.LATEST_VERSION );

                r2 = latest.getVersion();
            else if( DiffLinkTag.VER_PREVIOUS.equals(m_compareToVersion) )
                r2 = m_wikiContext.getPage().getVersion() - 1;
                r2 = (r2 < 1 ) ? 1 : r2;
            else if( DiffLinkTag.VER_CURRENT.equals(m_compareToVersion) )
                r2 = m_wikiContext.getPage().getVersion();
                r2 = Integer.parseInt( m_compareToVersion );

            parms = "r1="+r1+"&amp;r2="+r2;

        //url = m_wikiContext.getURL( m_context, m_pageName, parms );
        url = engine.getURL( m_context, m_pageName, parms, m_absolute );

        return url;
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.WikiEngine

            if( !m_overrideAbsolute )
                // TODO: see WikiContext.getURL(); this check needs to be specified somewhere.
                WikiEngine engine = m_wikiContext.getEngine();
                m_absolute = "absolute".equals( engine.getWikiProperties().getProperty( WikiEngine.PROP_REFSTYLE ) );

            JspWriter out = pageContext.getOut();
            String url = figureOutURL();
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