Provides state information throughout the processing of a page. A WikiContext is born when the JSP pages that are the main entry points, are invoked. The JSPWiki engine creates the new WikiContext, which basically holds information about the page, the handling engine, and in which context (view, edit, etc) the call was done.
A WikiContext also provides request-specific variables, which can be used to communicate between plugins on the same page, or between different instances of the same plugin. A WikiContext variable is valid until the processing of the page has ended. For an example, please see the Counter plugin.
When a WikiContext is created, it automatically associates a {@link WikiSession} object with the user's HttpSession. TheWikiSession contains information about the user's authentication status, and is consulted by {@link #getCurrentUser()}. object
Do not cache the page object that you get from the WikiContext; always use getPage()!
@see com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.Counter
@author Andrew R. Jaquith