To create a query which looks up an account by name and password you would do the following:
QueryBuilder<Account, String> qb = accountDao.queryBuilder(); Where where = qb.where(); // the name field must be equal to "foo" where.eq(Account.NAME_FIELD_NAME, "foo"); // and where.and(); // the password field must be equal to "_secret" where.eq(Account.PASSWORD_FIELD_NAME, "_secret"); PreparedQuery<Account, String> preparedQuery = qb.prepareQuery();
In this example, the SQL query that will be generated will be approximately:
SELECT * FROM account WHERE (name = 'foo' AND passwd = '_secret')
If you'd rather chain the methods onto one line (like StringBuilder), this can also be written as:
queryBuilder.where().eq(Account.NAME_FIELD_NAME, "foo").and().eq(Account.PASSWORD_FIELD_NAME, "_secret");
If you'd rather use parens and the like then you can call:
Where where = queryBuilder.where(); where.and(where.eq(Account.NAME_FIELD_NAME, "foo"), where.eq(Account.PASSWORD_FIELD_NAME, "_secret"));
All three of the above call formats produce the same SQL. For complex queries that mix ANDs and ORs, the last format will be necessary to get the grouping correct. For example, here's a complex query:
Where where = queryBuilder.where(); where.or(where.and(where.eq(Account.NAME_FIELD_NAME, "foo"), where.eq(Account.PASSWORD_FIELD_NAME, "_secret")), where.and(where.eq(Account.NAME_FIELD_NAME, "bar"), where.eq(Account.PASSWORD_FIELD_NAME, "qwerty")));
This produces the following approximate SQL:
@author graywatsonSELECT * FROM account WHERE ((name = 'foo' AND passwd = '_secret') OR (name = 'bar' AND passwd = 'qwerty'))