Package weka.estimators

Examples of weka.estimators.DiscreteEstimator

  private void addInstance(Instance instance) {

    Coordinates c = new Coordinates(instance);

    // Get DiscreteEstimator from the map
    DiscreteEstimator df =
      (DiscreteEstimator) m_estimatedDistributions.get(c);

    // If no DiscreteEstimator is present in the map, create one
    if (df == null) {
      df = new DiscreteEstimator(instance.dataset().numClasses(),0);
    df.addValue(instance.classValue(),instance.weight()); // update df
    m_estimatedDistributions.put(c,df); // put back in map
    (c, new CumulativeDiscreteDistribution(df));
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    m_priors = new double[m_wrappedClusterer.numberOfClusters()];
     for (int i = 0; i < m_wrappedClusterer.numberOfClusters(); i++) {
       m_priors[i] = 1.0; // laplace correction
       for (int j = 0; j < data.numAttributes(); j++) {
   if (data.attribute(j).isNominal()) {
     m_model[i][j] = new DiscreteEstimator(data.attribute(j).numValues(),
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    // Reserve space for the distributions
    m_Distributions = new Estimator[m_Instances.numAttributes() - 1]
    m_ClassDistribution = new DiscreteEstimator(m_Instances.numClasses(),
    int attIndex = 0;
    Enumeration enu = m_Instances.enumerateAttributes();
    while (enu.hasMoreElements()) {
      Attribute attribute = (Attribute) enu.nextElement();

      // If the attribute is numeric, determine the estimator
      // numeric precision from differences between adjacent values
      double numPrecision = DEFAULT_NUM_PRECISION;
      if (attribute.type() == Attribute.NUMERIC) {
  if ((m_Instances.numInstances() > 0)
      && !m_Instances.instance(0).isMissing(attribute)) {
    double lastVal = m_Instances.instance(0).value(attribute);
    double currentVal, deltaSum = 0;
    int distinct = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < m_Instances.numInstances(); i++) {
      Instance currentInst = m_Instances.instance(i);
      if (currentInst.isMissing(attribute)) {
      currentVal = currentInst.value(attribute);
      if (currentVal != lastVal) {
        deltaSum += currentVal - lastVal;
        lastVal = currentVal;
    if (distinct > 0) {
      numPrecision = deltaSum / distinct;

      for (int j = 0; j < m_Instances.numClasses(); j++) {
  switch (attribute.type()) {
  case Attribute.NUMERIC:
    if (m_UseKernelEstimator) {
      m_Distributions[attIndex][j] =
        new KernelEstimator(numPrecision);
    } else {
      m_Distributions[attIndex][j] =
        new NormalEstimator(numPrecision);
  case Attribute.NOMINAL:
    m_Distributions[attIndex][j] =
      new DiscreteEstimator(attribute.numValues(), true);
    throw new Exception("Attribute type unknown to NaiveBayes");
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                  maxWidth = m.length();
          } else if (m_Distributions[i][0] instanceof DiscreteEstimator) {
            DiscreteEstimator d = (DiscreteEstimator)m_Distributions[i][j];
            for (int k = 0; k < d.getNumSymbols(); k++) {
              String size = "" + d.getCount(k);
              if (size.length() > maxWidth) {
                maxWidth = size.length();
            int sum = ("" + d.getSumOfCounts()).length();
            if (sum > maxWidth) {
              maxWidth = sum;

      // Check width of class labels
      for (int i = 0; i < m_Instances.numClasses(); i++) {
        String cSize = m_Instances.classAttribute().value(i);
        if (cSize.length() > maxWidth) {
          maxWidth = cSize.length();

      // Check width of class priors
      for (int i = 0; i < m_Instances.numClasses(); i++) {
        String priorP =
                               maxWidth, 2).trim();
        priorP = "(" + priorP + ")";
        if (priorP.length() > maxWidth) {
          maxWidth = priorP.length();
      if (maxAttWidth < "Attribute".length()) {
        maxAttWidth = "Attribute".length();

      if (maxAttWidth < "  weight sum".length()) {
        maxAttWidth = "  weight sum".length();

      if (containsKernel) {
        if (maxAttWidth < "  [precision]".length()) {
          maxAttWidth = "  [precision]".length();

      maxAttWidth += 2;

      temp.append(pad("Class", " ",
                      (maxAttWidth + maxWidth + 1) - "Class".length(),

      temp.append(pad("Attribute", " ", maxAttWidth - "Attribute".length(), false));
      // class labels
      for (int i = 0; i < m_Instances.numClasses(); i++) {
        String classL = m_Instances.classAttribute().value(i);
        temp.append(pad(classL, " ", maxWidth + 1 - classL.length(), true));
      // class priors
      temp.append(pad("", " ", maxAttWidth, true));
      for (int i = 0; i < m_Instances.numClasses(); i++) {
        String priorP =
                               maxWidth, 2).trim();
        priorP = "(" + priorP + ")";
        temp.append(pad(priorP, " ", maxWidth + 1 - priorP.length(), true));
      temp.append(pad("", "=", maxAttWidth +
                      (maxWidth * m_Instances.numClasses())
                      + m_Instances.numClasses() + 1, true));

      // loop over the attributes
      int counter = 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < m_Instances.numAttributes(); i++) {
        if (i == m_Instances.classIndex()) {
        String attName = m_Instances.attribute(i).name();
        temp.append(attName + "\n");
        if (m_Distributions[counter][0] instanceof NormalEstimator) {
          String meanL = "  mean";
          temp.append(pad(meanL, " ", maxAttWidth + 1 - meanL.length(), false));
          for (int j = 0; j < m_Instances.numClasses(); j++) {           
            // means
            NormalEstimator n = (NormalEstimator)m_Distributions[counter][j];
            String mean =
              Utils.doubleToString(n.getMean(), maxWidth, 4).trim();
            temp.append(pad(mean, " ", maxWidth + 1 - mean.length(), true));
          // now do std deviations
          String stdDevL = "  std. dev.";
          temp.append(pad(stdDevL, " ", maxAttWidth + 1 - stdDevL.length(), false));
          for (int j = 0; j < m_Instances.numClasses(); j++) {
            NormalEstimator n = (NormalEstimator)m_Distributions[counter][j];
            String stdDev =
              Utils.doubleToString(n.getStdDev(), maxWidth, 4).trim();
            temp.append(pad(stdDev, " ", maxWidth + 1 - stdDev.length(), true));
          // now the weight sums
          String weightL = "  weight sum";
          temp.append(pad(weightL, " ", maxAttWidth + 1 - weightL.length(), false));
          for (int j = 0; j < m_Instances.numClasses(); j++) {
            NormalEstimator n = (NormalEstimator)m_Distributions[counter][j];
            String weight =
              Utils.doubleToString(n.getSumOfWeights(), maxWidth, 4).trim();
            temp.append(pad(weight, " ", maxWidth + 1 - weight.length(), true));
          // now the precisions
          String precisionL = "  precision";
          temp.append(pad(precisionL, " ", maxAttWidth + 1 - precisionL.length(), false));
          for (int j = 0; j < m_Instances.numClasses(); j++) {
            NormalEstimator n = (NormalEstimator)m_Distributions[counter][j];
            String precision =
              Utils.doubleToString(n.getPrecision(), maxWidth, 4).trim();
            temp.append(pad(precision, " ", maxWidth + 1 - precision.length(), true));
        } else if (m_Distributions[counter][0] instanceof DiscreteEstimator) {
          Attribute a = m_Instances.attribute(i);
          for (int j = 0; j < a.numValues(); j++) {
            String val = "  " + a.value(j);
            temp.append(pad(val, " ", maxAttWidth + 1 - val.length(), false));
            for (int k = 0; k < m_Instances.numClasses(); k++) {
              DiscreteEstimator d = (DiscreteEstimator)m_Distributions[counter][k];
              String count = "" + d.getCount(j);
              temp.append(pad(count, " ", maxWidth + 1 - count.length(), true));
          // do the totals
          String total = "  [total]";
          temp.append(pad(total, " ", maxAttWidth + 1 - total.length(), false));
          for (int k = 0; k < m_Instances.numClasses(); k++) {
            DiscreteEstimator d = (DiscreteEstimator)m_Distributions[counter][k];
            String count = "" + d.getSumOfCounts();
            temp.append(pad(count, " ", maxWidth + 1 - count.length(), true));
        } else if (m_Distributions[counter][0] instanceof KernelEstimator) {
          String kL = "  [# kernels]";
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    for (i = 0; i < m_num_clusters; i++) {
      Instance center = centers.instance(i);
      for (j = 0; j < m_num_attribs; j++) {
  if (inst.attribute(j).isNominal()) {
    m_model[i][j] = new DiscreteEstimator(m_theInstances.
            , true);
    for (k = 0; k < inst.attribute(j).numValues(); k++) {
      m_model[i][j].addValue(k, nominalCounts[i][j][k]);
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  private void new_estimators () {
    for (int i = 0; i < m_num_clusters; i++) {
      for (int j = 0; j < m_num_attribs; j++) {
        if (m_theInstances.attribute(j).isNominal()) {
          m_model[i][j] = new DiscreteEstimator(m_theInstances.
            , true);
        else {
          m_modelNormal[i][j][0] = m_modelNormal[i][j][1] =
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          if ((int)width > maxWidth) {
            maxWidth = (int)width;
        } else {
          // nominal distributions
          DiscreteEstimator d = (DiscreteEstimator)m_model[i][j];
          for (int k = 0; k < d.getNumSymbols(); k++) {
            String size = Utils.doubleToString(d.getCount(k), maxWidth, 4).trim();
            if (size.length() > maxWidth) {
              maxWidth = size.length();
          int sum =
            Utils.doubleToString(d.getSumOfCounts(), maxWidth, 4).trim().length();
          if (sum > maxWidth) {
            maxWidth = sum;

    if (maxAttWidth < "Attribute".length()) {
      maxAttWidth = "Attribute".length();
    maxAttWidth += 2;

    temp.append(pad("Cluster", " ",
                    (maxAttWidth + maxWidth + 1) - "Cluster".length(),
    temp.append(pad("Attribute", " ", maxAttWidth - "Attribute".length(), false));

    // cluster #'s
    for (int i = 0; i < m_num_clusters; i++) {
      String classL = "" + i;
      temp.append(pad(classL, " ", maxWidth + 1 - classL.length(), true));

    // cluster priors
    temp.append(pad("", " ", maxAttWidth, true));
    for (int i = 0; i < m_num_clusters; i++) {
      String priorP = Utils.doubleToString(m_priors[i], maxWidth, 2).trim();
      priorP = "(" + priorP + ")";
      temp.append(pad(priorP, " ", maxWidth + 1 - priorP.length(), true));

    temp.append(pad("", "=", maxAttWidth +
                    (maxWidth * m_num_clusters)
                    + m_num_clusters + 1, true));

    for (int i = 0; i < m_num_attribs; i++) {
      String attName = m_theInstances.attribute(i).name();
      temp.append(attName + "\n");

      if (m_theInstances.attribute(i).isNumeric()) {
        String meanL = "  mean";
        temp.append(pad(meanL, " ", maxAttWidth + 1 - meanL.length(), false));
        for (int j = 0; j < m_num_clusters; j++) {
          // means
          String mean =
            Utils.doubleToString(m_modelNormal[j][i][0], maxWidth, 4).trim();
          temp.append(pad(mean, " ", maxWidth + 1 - mean.length(), true));
        // now do std deviations
        String stdDevL = "  std. dev.";
        temp.append(pad(stdDevL, " ", maxAttWidth + 1 - stdDevL.length(), false));
        for (int j = 0; j < m_num_clusters; j++) {
          String stdDev =
            Utils.doubleToString(m_modelNormal[j][i][1], maxWidth, 4).trim();
          temp.append(pad(stdDev, " ", maxWidth + 1 - stdDev.length(), true));
      } else {
        Attribute a = m_theInstances.attribute(i);
        for (int j = 0; j < a.numValues(); j++) {
          String val = "  " + a.value(j);
          temp.append(pad(val, " ", maxAttWidth + 1 - val.length(), false));
          for (int k = 0; k < m_num_clusters; k++) {
            DiscreteEstimator d = (DiscreteEstimator)m_model[k][i];
            String count = Utils.doubleToString(d.getCount(j), maxWidth, 4).trim();
            temp.append(pad(count, " ", maxWidth + 1 - count.length(), true));
        // do the totals
        String total = "  [total]";
        temp.append(pad(total, " ", maxAttWidth + 1 - total.length(), false));
        for (int k = 0; k < m_num_clusters; k++) {
          DiscreteEstimator d = (DiscreteEstimator)m_model[k][i];
          String count =
            Utils.doubleToString(d.getSumOfCounts(), maxWidth, 4).trim();
            temp.append(pad(count, " ", maxWidth + 1 - count.length(), true));
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Related Classes of weka.estimators.DiscreteEstimator

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