* @param exact Hint of exact number of partitions to parallelize, if not -1.
* @return new DRM holding the same data but parallelized according to new hints.
public static H2ODrm exec(H2ODrm drmA, int min, int exact) {
final Frame frin = drmA.frame;
final Vec vin = drmA.keys;
// First create a new empty Frame with the required partitioning
Frame frout = H2OHelper.emptyFrame(frin.numRows(), frin.numCols(), min, exact);
Vec vout = null;
if (vin != null) {
// If String keyed, then run an MRTask on the new frame, and also
// creat yet another 1-column newer frame for the re-orged String keys.
// The new String Vec will therefore be similarly partitioned as the
// new Frame.
// vout is finally collected by calling anyVec() on outputFrame(),
// as it is the only column in the output frame.
vout = new MRTask() {
public void map(Chunk chks[], NewChunk nc) {
int chunkSize = chks[0].len();
Vec vins[] = frin.vecs();
long start = chks[0].start();
ValueString vstr = new ValueString();
for (int r = 0; r < chunkSize; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < chks.length; c++) {
chks[c].set0(r, vins[c].at(start + r));
nc.addStr(vin.atStr(vstr, start + r));
}.doAll(1, frout).outputFrame(null, null).anyVec();
} else {
// If not String keyed, then run and MRTask on the new frame, and
// just pull in right elements from frin
new MRTask() {
public void map(Chunk chks[]) {
int chunkSize = chks[0].len();
Vec vins[] = frin.vecs();
long start = chks[0].start();
for (int r = 0; r < chunkSize; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < chks.length; c++) {
chks[c].set0(r, vins[c].at(start + r));