private final Pattern WB_REQUEST_REGEX = Pattern
public WaybackRequest parse(String requestPath) {
WaybackRequest wbRequest = null;
Matcher matcher = WB_REQUEST_REGEX.matcher(requestPath);
String urlStr = null;
if (matcher != null && matcher.matches()) {
wbRequest = new WaybackRequest();
String dateStr = matcher.group(1);
urlStr = matcher.group(2);
if (!urlStr.startsWith("http://")) {
urlStr = "http://" + urlStr;
// The logic of the classic WM wrt timestamp bounding:
// if 14-digits are specified, assume min-max range boundaries
// if less than 14 are specified, assume min-max range boundaries
// based upon amount given (2001 => 20010101... - 20011231...)
// AND assume the user asked for the LATEST possible date
// within that range...
// ...don't ask me, I just work here.
String startDate = null;
String endDate = null;
if (dateStr.length() == 14) {
startDate = getEarliestTimestamp();
endDate = getLatestTimestamp();
} else {
// classic behavior:
// startDate = Timestamp.parseBefore(dateStr).getDateStr();
// endDate = Timestamp.parseAfter(dateStr).getDateStr();
// dateStr = endDate;
// "better" behavior:
startDate = getEarliestTimestamp();
endDate = getLatestTimestamp();
dateStr = Timestamp.parseAfter(dateStr).getDateStr();
wbRequest.put(WaybackConstants.REQUEST_EXACT_DATE, dateStr);
//wbRequest.put(WaybackConstants.REQUEST_START_DATE, startDate); BUG MC 120608
//wbRequest.put(WaybackConstants.REQUEST_END_DATE, endDate); BUG MC 120608
try {
// String wbPrefix = wbRequest.getDefaultWaybackPrefix();
// if (urlStr.startsWith(wbPrefix)) {
// wbRequest.setBetterRequestURI(urlStr);
// }
} catch (URIException e) {
if(urlStr != null) {
LOGGER.severe("Failed parse of url(" + urlStr + ")");