* This is a regression test for bug 2459305.
public void testCopySnapshotDoesNotCauseWrites() {
FakeConversationView view = FakeConversationView.builder().with(schemas).build();
Wavelet udw = view.getWaveView().createUserData();
PrimitiveSupplement substrate = WaveletBasedSupplement.create(udw);
ParticipantId viewer = new ParticipantId("nobody@google.com");
SupplementedWave swave = SupplementedWaveImpl.create(substrate, view, viewer, ALWAYS);
// Do something that is readable
// Save version to detect writes
long udwVersion = udw.getVersion();
// Copy into pojo
new PrimitiveSupplementImpl(substrate);
// Verify no writes.
assertEquals(udwVersion, udw.getVersion());