RoutedStore routedStore = getStore(cluster, 2, 2, 1, 0);
BaseStoreRoutingPlan routingPlan = new BaseStoreRoutingPlan(cluster, this.storeDef);
List<Integer> replicatingNodes = routingPlan.getReplicationNodeList(aKey.get());
// This is node 1
Node primaryNode = Iterables.get(cluster.getNodes(), replicatingNodes.get(0));
// This is node 6
Node secondaryNode = Iterables.get(cluster.getNodes(), replicatingNodes.get(1));
// Disable primary node so that the first put happens with 6 as the
// pseudo master
recordException(failureDetector, primaryNode);
Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> store = new InconsistencyResolvingStore<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]>(routedStore,