protocol - The communications protocol. A VmIdentifier omitting the protocol must be resolved against a HostIdentifier using {@link HostIdentifier#resolve}.
hostname - A hostname or IP address indicating the target host. A VmIdentifier omitting the protocol must be resolved against a HostIdentifier using {@link HostIdentifier#resolve}.
port - The port for the communications protocol. Treatment of the port parameter is implementation (protocol) specific. A VmIdentifier omitting the protocol should be resolved against a HostIdentifier using {@link HostIdentifier#resolve}.
servername - The treatment of the Path, Query, and Fragment components of the VmIdentifier are implementation (protocol) dependent. A VmIdentifier omitting the protocol should be resolved against a HostIdentifier using {@link HostIdentifier#resolve}.
All VmIdentifier instances are constructed as absolute, hierarchical URIs. The constructors will accept relative (and even some malformed, though convenient) URI strings. Such strings are transformed into legitimate, absolute URI strings.
With the exception of file: based VmIdentifier strings, all VmIdentifier strings must include a lvmid. Attempting to construct a non-file based VmIdentifier that doesn't include a lvmid component will result in a MonitorException.
Here are some examples of VmIdentifier strings.
Relative URIs
1234 - Specifies the Java Virtual Machine identified by lvmid 1234 on an unnamed host. This string is transformed into the absolute form //1234, which must be resolved against a HostIdentifier.
1234@hostname - Specifies the Java Virtual Machine identified by lvmid 1234 on host hostname with an unnamed protocol. This string is transformed into the absolute form //1234@hostname, which must be resolved against a HostIdentifier.
1234@hostname:2099 - Specifies the Java Virtual Machine identified by lvmid 1234 on host hostname with an unnamed protocol, but with port 2099. This string is transformed into the absolute form //1234@hostname:2099, which must be resolved against a HostIdentifier.
Absolute URIs
rmi://1234@hostname:2099/remoteobjectname - Specifies the Java Virtual Machine identified by lvmid 1234 on host hostname accessed using the rmi: protocol through the rmi remote object named remoteobjectname as registered with the rmiserver on port 2099 on host hostname.
file:/path/file - Identifies a Java Virtual Machine through accessing a special file based protocol to use as the communications mechanism.