Main.txt Foobar.txt OLD/ Main/ 1.txt 2.txt Foobar/ page.propertiesIn this case, "Main" has three versions, and "Foobar" just one version.
The properties file contains the necessary metainformation (such as author) information of the page. DO NOT MESS WITH IT!
All files have ".txt" appended to make life easier for those who insist on using Windows or other software which makes assumptions on the files contents based on its name.
Main.txt Foobar.txt OLD/ Main/ 1.txt 2.txt Foobar/ page.propertiesIn this case, "Main" has three versions, and "Foobar" just one version.
The properties file contains the necessary metainformation (such as author) information of the page. DO NOT MESS WITH IT!
All files have ".txt" appended to make life easier for those who insist on using Windows or other software which makes assumptions on the files contents based on its name.