Examples of VersioningFeatureStore

Examples of org.geotools.data.VersioningFeatureStore

            // see if there is anything at all to do, if both sides have no changes there
            // is no point eating away a revision number (this avoid the local revision number to
            // skyrocket for nothing if there are frequent synchronisations)
            String tableName = request.getTypeName().getLocalPart();
            VersioningFeatureStore fs = (VersioningFeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource(tableName);
            FeatureStore history = (FeatureStore) ds.getFeatureSource(SYNCH_HISTORY);
            PropertyIsEqualTo ftSyncRecord = ff.equals(ff.property("table_name"), ff.literal(tableName));
            TransactionType changes = request.getTransaction();
            int changesCount = core.countChanges(changes);
            // ... if we have no changes from remote
            if(changesCount == 0) {
                // ... and we have no changes locally
                String lastLocalRevisionId = lastLocalRevision != -1 ? String.valueOf(lastLocalRevision) : "FIRST";
                if(fs.getLog(lastLocalRevisionId, "LAST", null, null, 1).size() == 0) {
                    // add a new record without the need to grab a new local revision
                    // (if necessary, that is, if at least the Central revision changed or if
                    // we don't have a synch history at all)
                    long newCentralRevision = request.getToVersion();
                    if(lastCentralRevision != newCentralRevision || record == null) {
                        SimpleFeatureType hft = (SimpleFeatureType) history.getSchema();
                        SimpleFeature f = SimpleFeatureBuilder.build(hft, new Object[] { tableName,
                                lastLocalRevision, newCentralRevision }, null);
                    // ... let's just return directly, no need to store or do anything
                    return new PostDiffResponseType();
            // setup the commit message and author
            transaction.putProperty(VersioningDataStore.AUTHOR, "gss");
            transaction.putProperty(VersioningDataStore.MESSAGE, "Applying " + changesCount
                    + " changes coming from Central on layer '" + tableName + "'");

            // grab the feature stores and bind them all to the same transaction
            VersioningFeatureStore conflicts = (VersioningFeatureStore) ds

            // get a hold on a revision number early so that we don't get concurrent changes
            // from the user (the datastore will make it so that no new revision numbers will
            // be generated until we commit or rollback this transaction
            long newLocalRevision = Long.parseLong(conflicts.getVersion());

            // apply changes
            LOGGER.info("About to apply " + core.countChanges(changes)
                    + " changes coming from Central");
            if (core.countChanges(changes) > 0) {
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