VersionConstraints represent the relationship between two bundles (in the case of bundle requires) or a bundle and a package (in the case of import/export).
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients. The {@link StateObjectFactory} should be used to construct instances.
@since 3.1
@noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
A version constraint is a boolean expression that can check versions for applicability. In string format, it is represented as a comma-separated list of specific versions, closed ranges (expressed using "[1.2.3-4.5)" syntax and open ranges (expressed using "[1.2.3" or "4.5)" syntax). The square brackets indicate that the range includes the specified version. The parenthesis indicate that the range goes up to, but does not actually include the specified version.
@author Konstantin Komissarchik
A constraint on versions for a dependency. A constraint can either consist of one or more version ranges or a single version. In the first case, the constraint expresses a hard requirement on a version matching one of its ranges. In the second case, the constraint expresses a soft requirement on a specific version (i.e. a recommendation).
@author Benjamin Bentmann
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