ConstantClass cc = (ConstantClass) (cp.getConstant(exc_indices[i]));
checkIndex(cc, cc.getNameIndex(), CONST_Utf8); // cannot be sure this ConstantClass has already been visited (checked)!
String cname = ((ConstantUtf8) cp.getConstant(cc.getNameIndex())).getBytes().replace('/','.'); //convert internal notation on-the-fly to external notation
Verifier v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier(cname);
VerificationResult vr = v.doPass1();
if (vr != VerificationResult.VR_OK){
throw new ClassConstraintException("Exceptions attribute '"+tostring(obj)+"' references '"+cname+"' as an Exception but it does not pass verification pass 1: "+vr);
// We cannot safely trust any other "instanceof" mechanism. We need to transitively verify
// the ancestor hierarchy.
JavaClass e = Repository.lookupClass(cname);
JavaClass t = Repository.lookupClass(Type.THROWABLE.getClassName());
JavaClass o = Repository.lookupClass(Type.OBJECT.getClassName());
while (e != o){
if (e == t) break; // It's a subclass of Throwable, OKAY, leave.
v = VerifierFactory.getVerifier(e.getSuperclassName());
vr = v.doPass1();
if (vr != VerificationResult.VR_OK){
throw new ClassConstraintException("Exceptions attribute '"+tostring(obj)+"' references '"+cname+"' as an Exception but '"+e.getSuperclassName()+"' in the ancestor hierachy does not pass verification pass 1: "+vr);
e = Repository.lookupClass(e.getSuperclassName());