public Object execute(Object o, InternalContextAdapter context)
throws MethodInvocationException
VelPropertyGet vg = null;
* first, see if we have this information cached.
IntrospectionCacheData icd = context.icacheGet(this);
* if we have the cache data and the class of the object we are
* invoked with is the same as that in the cache, then we must
* be allright. The last 'variable' is the method name, and
* that is fixed in the template :)
if ( icd != null && (o != null) && (icd.contextData == o.getClass()) )
vg = (VelPropertyGet) icd.thingy;
* otherwise, do the introspection, and cache it. Use the
* uberspector
RuntimeServices rsvc=VelocityUtil.getEngine().getRuntimeServices();
vg = rsvc.getUberspect().getPropertyGet(o,identifier, uberInfo);
if (vg != null && vg.isCacheable() && (o != null))
icd = new IntrospectionCacheData();
icd.contextData = o.getClass();
icd.thingy = vg;
* pass through application level runtime exceptions
catch( RuntimeException e )
throw e;
catch(Exception e)
String msg = "ASTIdentifier.execute() : identifier = "+identifier;
Logger.error(this,msg, e);
throw new VelocityException(msg, e);
* we have no getter... punt...
if (vg == null)
if (strictRef)
throw new MethodInvocationException("Object '" + o.getClass().getName() +
"' does not contain property '" + identifier + "'", null, identifier,
uberInfo.getTemplateName(), uberInfo.getLine(), uberInfo.getColumn());
return null;
* now try and execute. If we get a MIE, throw that
* as the app wants to get these. If not, log and punt.
return vg.invoke(o);
catch(InvocationTargetException ite)
* if we have an event cartridge, see if it wants to veto
* also, let non-Exception Throwables go...
Throwable t = ite.getTargetException();
if (t instanceof Exception)
RuntimeServices rsvc=VelocityUtil.getEngine().getRuntimeServices();
return EventHandlerUtil.methodException(rsvc, context, o.getClass(), vg.getMethodName(),
(Exception) t);
* If the event handler throws an exception, then wrap it
* in a MethodInvocationException. Don't pass through RuntimeExceptions like other
* similar catchall code blocks.
catch( Exception e )
throw new MethodInvocationException(
"Invocation of method '" + vg.getMethodName() + "'"
+ " in " + o.getClass()
+ " threw exception "
+ ite.getTargetException().toString(),
ite.getTargetException(), vg.getMethodName(), getTemplateName(), this.getLine(), this.getColumn());
* no event cartridge to override. Just throw
throw new MethodInvocationException(
"Invocation of method '" + vg.getMethodName() + "'"
+ " in " + o.getClass()
+ " threw exception "
+ ite.getTargetException().toString(),
ite.getTargetException(), vg.getMethodName(), getTemplateName(), this.getLine(), this.getColumn());
catch(IllegalArgumentException iae)