Examples of Vector_String

Examples of org.jpedal.utils.repositories.Vector_String

    int itemsInTable = 0, items_added = 0;
    //pointer to current element on each row
    int[] currentItem = new int[max_rows];

    Vector_Int[] rowContents = new Vector_Int[max_rows];
    Vector_String alignments = new Vector_String(); //text alignment
    Vector_Float widths = new Vector_Float(); //cell widths
    Vector_Float cell_x1 = new Vector_Float(); //cell widths
    String separator = "", empty_cell = " ";

    if (isXHTML == false) {
      separator = "\",\"";
      empty_cell = "";

     * set number of items on each line, column count and populate empty rows
    int[] itemCount = new int[max_rows];
    for (i = 0; i < max_rows; i++) {
      itemCount[i] = ((Vector_Int) lines.elementAt(i)).size() - 1;

      //total number of items
      itemsInTable = itemsInTable + itemCount[i];

      //reset other values
      currentItem[i] = 0;
      rowContents[i] = new Vector_Int(20);

    //now work through and split any overlapping items until all done
    while (true) {

      //size of column and pointers
      float x1 = 9999,min_x2 = 9999,x2,current_x1,current_x2,c_x1,next_x1 = 9999,c_x2,items_in_column = 0;
      boolean all_done = true; //flag to exit at end
      float total_x1 = 0, total_x2 = 0, left_gap = 0, right_gap;

      String alignment = "center";

      if (items_added < itemsInTable) {

         * work out cell x boundaries on basis of objects
        for (i = 0; i < max_rows; i++) { //get width for column
          if (itemCount[i] > currentItem[i]) { //item  id
            item = ((Vector_Int) lines.elementAt(i)).elementAt(currentItem[i]);
            current_x1 = f_x1[item];
            current_x2 = f_x2[item];
            if (current_x1 < x1) //left margin
              x1 = current_x1;
            if (current_x2 < min_x2) //right margin if appropriate
              min_x2 = current_x2;
        cell_x1.addElement(x1); //save left margin
        x2 = min_x2; //set default right margin

         * workout end and next column start by scanning all items
        for (i = 0;i < max_rows;i++) { //slot the next item on each row together work out item
          item = ((Vector_Int) lines.elementAt(i)).elementAt(currentItem[i]);
          c_x1 = f_x1[item];
          c_x2 = f_x2[item];

          //max item width of this column
          if ((c_x1 >= x1) & (c_x1 < min_x2) & (c_x2 > x2))
            x2 = c_x2;

          if (currentItem[i] < itemCount[i]) { //next left margin

            item =((Vector_Int) lines.elementAt(i)).elementAt(currentItem[i] + 1);
            current_x1 = f_x1[item];
            if ((current_x1 > min_x2) & (current_x1 < next_x1))
              next_x1 = current_x1;

                //stop infinite loop case

        //allow for last column
        if (next_x1 == 9999)
          next_x1 = x2;
         * count items in table and workout raw totals for alignment.
         * Also work out widest x2 in column
        for (i = 0;i < max_rows;i++) { //slot the next item on each row together

          //work out item
          item =((Vector_Int) lines.elementAt(i)).elementAt(currentItem[i]);
          c_x1 = f_x1[item];
          c_x2 = f_x2[item];

          //use items in first column of single colspan
          if ((c_x1 >= x1) & (c_x1 < min_x2) & (c_x2 <= next_x1)) {

            //running totals to calculate alignment
            total_x1 = total_x1 + c_x1;
            total_x2 = total_x2 + c_x2;

         * work out gap and include empty space between cols and save
        if (i == 0)
          left_gap = x1;
        if (next_x1 == -1)
          right_gap = 0;
          right_gap = (int) ((next_x1 - x2) / 2);

        int width = (int) (x2 - x1 + right_gap + left_gap);
                //noinspection UnusedAssignment,UnusedAssignment
                left_gap = right_gap;

        /** workout the alignment */
        float x1_diff = (total_x1 / items_in_column) - x1;
        float x2_diff = x2 - (total_x2 / items_in_column);
        if (x1_diff < 1)
          alignment = "left";
        else if (x2_diff < 1)
          alignment = "right";

        for (i = 0;i < max_rows;i++) { //slot the next item on each row together
          master = ((Vector_Int) lines.elementAt(i)).elementAt(0);
          //get next item on line or -1 for no more
          if (itemCount[i] > currentItem[i]) {
            //work out item
            item =((Vector_Int) lines.elementAt(i)).elementAt(currentItem[i]);
            c_x1 = f_x1[item];
            c_x2 = f_x2[item];
            all_done = false;

          } else {
            item = -1;
            c_x1 = -1;
            c_x2 = -1;

          if ((item == -1) & (items_added <= itemsInTable)) {
            //all items in table so just filling in gaps
          } else if ((c_x1 >= x1) & (c_x1 < x2)) {
            //fits into cell so add in and roll on marker

          } else if (c_x1 > x2) { //empty cell
      if (all_done)

     * now assemble rows
    for (int row = 0; row < max_rows; row++) {
      StringBuffer line_content = new StringBuffer();
      int count = rowContents[row].size() - 1;
      master = ((Vector_Int) lines.elementAt(row)).elementAt(0);

      for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        item = rowContents[row].elementAt(i);

        if (isXHTML) {

          //get width
          float current_width = widths.elementAt(i);
          String current_alignment = alignments.elementAt(i);
          int test, colspan = 1, pointer = i + 1;

          if (item != -1) {

            //look for colspan
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Examples of org.jpedal.utils.repositories.Vector_String

    boolean foundFirst = false;
    boolean useRegEx = false;

    //Search result and teaser holders
    Vector_Float resultCoords = new Vector_Float(0);
    Vector_String resultTeasers = new Vector_String(0);

    //Extract the text data into local arrays for searching

    //Remove any hidden text on page as should not be found

    //Get unused text objects and sort them for correct searching
    int[] items = getsortedUnusedFragments(true, false);

     * check orientation and get preferred. Items not correct will be
     * ignored
    int l2r = 0;
    int r2l = 0;
    int t2b = 0;
    int b2t = 0;

    for(int i=0; i!=items.length; i++){
      case 0 :l2r++; break;
      case 1 :r2l++; break;
      case 2 :t2b++; break;
      case 3 :b2t++; break;     

    int[] unsorted = new int[]{l2r, r2l, t2b, b2t};
    int[] sorted = new int[]{l2r, r2l, t2b, b2t};

    //Set all to -1 so we can tell if it's been set yet
    int[] writingModes = new int[]{-1,-1,-1,-1};


    for(int i=0; i!= unsorted.length; i++){
      for(int j=0; j < sorted.length; j++){

          int pos = j - 3;

            writingModes[pos] = i;

    for(int u=0; u!=writingModes.length; u++){

      int writingMode = writingModes[u];

      //if not lines for writing mode, ignore

        //Merge text fragments into lines as displayed on page
        createLines(items.length, items, writingMode, true, false, true);

        //Bitwise flags for regular expressions engine, options always required
        int options = 0;

        //Turn on case sensitive mode
        if((searchType & SearchType.CASE_SENSITIVE) != SearchType.CASE_SENSITIVE){
          options =(options | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

        //Only find first occurance of each search term
        if((searchType & SearchType.FIND_FIRST_OCCURANCE_ONLY) == SearchType.FIND_FIRST_OCCURANCE_ONLY){
          firstOccuranceOnly = true;

        //Only find whole words, not partial words
        if((searchType & SearchType.WHOLE_WORDS_ONLY) == SearchType.WHOLE_WORDS_ONLY){
          wholeWordsOnly = true;

        //Allow search to find split line results
        if((searchType & SearchType.MUTLI_LINE_RESULTS) == SearchType.MUTLI_LINE_RESULTS){
          options =(options | Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL);

        //Allow the use of regular expressions symbols
        if((searchType & SearchType.USE_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS) == SearchType.USE_REGULAR_EXPRESSIONS){
          useRegEx = true;

         * create local copies of arrays
        float[] f_y1 = this.f_y1, f_y2 = this.f_y2;

         * swap around x and y so rountine works on all cases
        boolean valuesSwapped = false;
        if (writingMode == PdfData.HORIZONTAL_LEFT_TO_RIGHT) {
          f_y1 = this.f_y1;
          f_y2 = this.f_y2;
        } else if (writingMode == PdfData.HORIZONTAL_RIGHT_TO_LEFT) {
          f_y1 = this.f_y1;
          f_y2 = this.f_y2;
        } else if (writingMode == PdfData.VERTICAL_BOTTOM_TO_TOP) {
          f_y1 = this.f_x2;
          f_y2 = this.f_x1;
          valuesSwapped = true;
        } else if (writingMode == PdfData.VERTICAL_TOP_TO_BOTTOM) {
          f_y2 = this.f_x1;
          f_y1 = this.f_x2;
          valuesSwapped = true;

        //Portions of text to perform the search on and find teasers
        String[] searchText;
        String[] coordsText;

        //Merge all text into one with \n line separators
        //This will allow checking for multi line split results
        String plain = "";
        String raw = "";
        for(int i=0; i!=content.length; i++){
          if(content[i]!=null && writingMode == this.writingMode[i]){

            raw += content[i] +"\n";
            plain += content[i] +"\n";

        //Remove double spaces, replacing them with single spaces
        raw = removeDuplicateSpaces(raw);
        plain = removeDuplicateSpaces(plain);

        //Strip xml from content and keep coords and text data
        raw = Strip.stripXML(raw,isXMLExtraction).toString();

        //Strip xml and coords data from content and keep text data
        plain = removeHiddenMarkers(plain);
        plain = Strip.stripXML(plain,isXMLExtraction).toString();

        //Store text in the search and teaser arrays
        searchText = new String[]{plain};
        coordsText = new String[]{raw};

        //Hold starting point data at page rotation
        Point resultStart;

        //Work through the search terms one at a time
        for(int j=0; j!=terms.length; j++){

          String searchValue = terms[j];

          //Set the default separator between words in a search term
          String sep = " ";

          //Multiline needs space or newline to be recognised as word separators
          if((searchType & SearchType.MUTLI_LINE_RESULTS) == SearchType.MUTLI_LINE_RESULTS){
            sep = "[ \\\\n]";

          //if not using reg ex add reg ex literal flags around the text and word separators
            searchValue = "\\Q"+searchValue+"\\E";
            sep = "\\\\E"+sep+"\\\\Q";

          //If word seperator has changed, replace all spaces with modified seperator
          if(!sep.equals(" ")){
            searchValue = searchValue.replaceAll(" ", sep);

          //Surround search term with word boundry tags to match whole words
            searchValue = "\\b"+searchValue+"\\b";

          //Create pattern to match search term
          Pattern searchTerm = Pattern.compile(searchValue, options);

          //Create pattern to match search term with two words before and after
          Pattern teaserTerm = Pattern.compile("(?:\\S+\\s)?\\S*(?:\\S+\\s)?\\S*"+searchValue+"\\S*(?:\\s\\S+)?\\S*(?:\\s\\S+)?", options);

          //Loop through all search text
          for(int i=0; i!=searchText.length; i++){

            //Get text data and text+coord data
            String plainText = searchText[i];
            String coordText = coordsText[i];

            //So long as text data is not null

              //Create two matchers for finding search term and teaser
              Matcher termFinder = searchTerm.matcher(plainText);
              Matcher teaserFinder = teaserTerm.matcher(plainText);
              boolean needToFindTeaser = true;

              //Keep looping till no result is returned
                resultStart = null;
                //Make note of the text found and index in the text
                String foundTerm = termFinder.group();
                int termStarts = termFinder.start();
                int termEnds = termFinder.end()-1;

                //If storing teasers

                  //Store the term found as a default value
                  String teaser = foundTerm;

                    teaser = "<b>"+teaser+"</b>";

                  boolean itemFound = false;
                    itemFound = teaserFinder.find();

                    //Get a teaser if found and set the search term to bold is allowed
                    if(teaserFinder.start()<termStarts && teaserFinder.end()>termEnds){

                      //replace default with found teaser
                      teaser = teaserFinder.group();

                        //Calculate points to add bold tags
                        int teaseStarts = termStarts-teaserFinder.start();
                        int teaseEnds = (termEnds-teaserFinder.start())+1;

                        //Add bold tags
                        teaser = teaser.substring(0, teaseStarts) + "<b>" +
                        teaser.substring(teaseStarts, teaseEnds) + "</b>" +
                        teaser.substring(teaseEnds, teaser.length());
                      needToFindTeaser = true;
                      needToFindTeaser = false;

                  //Store teaser

                //Get coords of found text for highlights
                float currentX = 0;
                float width = 0;

                //Track point in text data line (without coord data)
                int pointInLine = -1;

                //Track line on page
                int lineCounter = 0;

                //Skip null values and value not in the correct writing mode to ensure correct result coords
                while(content[lineCounter]==null || writingMode!=this.writingMode[lineCounter])

                //Flags used to catch if result is split accross lines
                boolean startFound = false;
                boolean endFound = false;

                //Cycle through coord text looking for coords of this result
                //Ignore first value as it is known to be the first marker
                for(int pointer=1; pointer<coordText.length(); pointer++){

                  // find second marker and get x coord
                  int startPointer = pointer;
                  while (pointer < coordText.length()) {
                    if (coordText.charAt(pointer) == MARKER2)

                  //Convert text to float value for x coord
                  currentX = Float.parseFloat(coordText.substring(startPointer, pointer));

                  // find third marker and get width
                  startPointer = pointer;
                  while (pointer < coordText.length()) {
                    if (coordText.charAt(pointer) == MARKER2)


                  //Convert text to float value for character width
                  width = Float.parseFloat(coordText.substring(startPointer, pointer));

                  // find fourth marker and get text (character)
                  startPointer = pointer;
                  while (pointer < coordText.length()) {
                    if (coordText.charAt(pointer) == MARKER2)


                  //Store text to check for newline character later
                  String text = coordText.substring(startPointer, pointer);

                  //Start of term not found yet.
                  //Point in line is equal to or greater than start of the term.
                  //Store coords and mark start as found.
                  if(!startFound && pointInLine>=termStarts){
                    resultStart = new Point((int)currentX, (int)f_y1[lineCounter]);
                    startFound = true;

                  //End of term not found yet.
                  //Point in line is equal to or greater than end of the term.
                  //Store coords and mark end as found.
                  if(!endFound && pointInLine>=termEnds){
                    if (valuesSwapped){
                      if (writingMode == PdfData.VERTICAL_BOTTOM_TO_TOP) {
                        resultCoords.addElement((int) f_y2[lineCounter]);
                        resultCoords.addElement((int) currentX+width);
                      } else {
                        resultCoords.addElement((int) f_y2[lineCounter]);
                        resultCoords.addElement((int) currentX+width);
                      resultCoords.addElement(currentX + width);

                    endFound = true;

                  //Using multi line option.
                  //Start of term found.
                  //End of term not found.
                  //New line character found.
                  //Set up multi line result.
                  if(startFound && !endFound && text.contains("\n")){
                    //Set ends coords
                    if (valuesSwapped){
                      if (writingMode == PdfData.VERTICAL_BOTTOM_TO_TOP) {
                        resultCoords.addElement((int) f_y2[lineCounter]);
                        resultCoords.addElement((int) currentX+width);
                        resultCoords.addElement(linkedSearchAreas); //Mark next result as linked

                      } else {
                        resultCoords.addElement((int) f_y2[lineCounter]);
                        resultCoords.addElement((int) currentX+width);
                        resultCoords.addElement(linkedSearchAreas); //Mark next result as linked

                      resultCoords.addElement(currentX + width);
                      resultCoords.addElement(linkedSearchAreas); //Mark next result as linked
                    //Set start of term as not found
                    startFound = false;

                    //Set this point in line as start of next term
                    //Guarantees next character is found as
                    //start of the next part of the search term
                    termStarts = pointInLine;

                  //In multiline mode we progress the line number when we find a \n
                  //This is to allow the correct calculation of y coords

                    //If current content pointed at is null or not the correct writing mode, skip value until data is found
                    while(lineCounter<content.length && (content[lineCounter]==null || writingMode!=this.writingMode[lineCounter])){


                //If only finding first occurance,
                //Stop searching this text data for search term.
                  foundFirst = true;

              //If only finding first occurance and first is found,
              //Stop searching all text data for this search term.
              if(firstOccuranceOnly && foundFirst){


        //Remove any trailing empty values

        //If including tease values

          //Remove any trailing empty values

          //Store teasers so they can be retrieved by different search methods
          if (usingMultipleTerms){
            //Store all teasers for so they may be returned as a sorted map
            //Only used for one method controled by the above flag
            for(int i=0; i!=resultTeasers.size(); i++)
            //Store all teasers to be retrieved by getTeaser() method
            teasers = resultTeasers.get();
    //Return coord data for search results
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Examples of org.jpedal.utils.repositories.Vector_String

    //find all fullyqualifiednames and check them.
    //check if the name is within the list we currently have
    if(!namesMap.isEmpty() && namesMap.toString().contains(name)){
      Vector_String childNames = new Vector_String();
      //scan over the list and find the child names
            for (Object aNamesMap : namesMap) {
                String val = (String) aNamesMap;
                if (val.contains(name)) {
                    // add them to our arrayList
      //return the Vector of childnames as a String[]
      //NOTE: remember to trim first otherwise you get a massive array
      return childNames.get();
    }else {
      // if there is no name within our list return null
      return null;
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