if (loop.size() < 2) {
// single infinite line
final Line line = loop.get(0).getLine();
vertices[i++] = new Vector2D[] {
line.toSpace(new Vector1D(-Float.MAX_VALUE)),
line.toSpace(new Vector1D(+Float.MAX_VALUE))
} else if (loop.get(0).getStart() == null) {
// open loop with at least one real point
final Vector2D[] array = new Vector2D[loop.size() + 2];
int j = 0;
for (Segment segment : loop) {
if (j == 0) {
// null point and first dummy point
double x = segment.getLine().toSubSpace(segment.getEnd()).getX();
x -= FastMath.max(1.0, FastMath.abs(x / 2));
array[j++] = null;
array[j++] = segment.getLine().toSpace(new Vector1D(x));
if (j < (array.length - 1)) {
// current point
array[j++] = segment.getEnd();
if (j == (array.length - 1)) {
// last dummy point
double x = segment.getLine().toSubSpace(segment.getStart()).getX();
x += FastMath.max(1.0, FastMath.abs(x / 2));
array[j++] = segment.getLine().toSpace(new Vector1D(x));
vertices[i++] = array;
} else {