Examples of Variable_set

Examples of sos.spooler.Variable_set

    return str.replaceAll(",", "_");

  private Variable_set getParameters() throws Exception {
    try {      
      Variable_set params = spooler.create_variable_set();
      //Parameter auslesen
      if (spooler_task.params() != null)

      if (spooler_job.order_queue() != null && spooler_task.order().params() != null)

      return params;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new Exception("error occurred reading Patameter: " + e.getMessage());
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Examples of sos.spooler.Variable_set

    try {
      // Job oder Order
      Variable_set params = spooler.create_variable_set();
      if (spooler_task.params() != null) params.merge(spooler_task.params());
      if (spooler_job.order_queue() != null && spooler_task.order().params() != null) {
      // mandatory parameters
      String fileName    = getParam(params,"filename",true);
      String command     = getParam(params,"command",true);  
      String param       = getParam(params,"param",false);
      spooler_log.debug3("command=" + command);
      spooler_log.debug3("param=" + param);
      spooler_log.debug3("filename=" + fileName);
      command = command + " " + param;
       String oldFile = fileName;
      //To make orderparams available for substitution in orderparam value
      while (fileName.matches("^.*%[^%]+%.*$")) {
         String p = fileName.replaceFirst("^.*%([^%]+)%.*$", "$1");
         String s = params.var(p);
         s = s.replace('\\','/');
         fileName = fileName.replaceAll("%"+p+"%", s);
      if (!fileName.equals(oldFile))logger.info(".. job parameter after substitution [file]: " + fileName);
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Examples of sos.spooler.Variable_set

    try {
      // Job oder Order
      Variable_set params = spooler.create_variable_set();
      if (spooler_task.params() != null) params.merge(spooler_task.params());
      if (spooler_job.order_queue() != null && spooler_task.order().params() != null)
      // mandatory parameters
      name = "file";
      if ( params.value("file") != null && params.value("file").length()>0 ) {       
        file = params.value("file");
        // To make orderparams available for substitution in orderparam value
        while (file.matches("^.*%[^%]+%.*$")) {
          String p = file.replaceFirst("^.*%([^%]+)%.*$", "$1");
          String s = params.var(p);
          s = s.replace('\\','/');
          file = file.replaceAll("%"+p+"%", s);
          logger.debug("processing job parameter [file]: substitute %"+p+"% with "+s);
        logger.info(".. job parameter [file]: " + file);
      else if ( params.value("source_file") != null && params.value("source_file").length() > 0 ) {               
        file = params.value("source_file");
      // To make orderparams available for substitution in orderparam value
        while (file.matches("^.*%[^%]+%.*$")) {
          String p = file.replaceFirst("^.*%([^%]+)%.*$", "$1");
          String s = params.var(p);
          s = s.replace('\\','/');
          file = file.replaceAll("%"+p+"%", s);
          logger.debug("processing job parameter [source_file]: substitute %"+p+"% with "+s);
        logger.info(".. job parameter [source_file]: " + file);
      else {
        throw new Exception("job parameter is missing: ["+name+"]");
      // optional parameters
      name = "file_spec";
      if ( params.value(name)!=null && params.value(name).length()>0 ) {       
        fileSpec = params.value(name);
        logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + fileSpec);
      try {
        name = "gracious";
        if ( params.value(name) != null && params.value(name).length() > 0 ) {
          flags |= ( SOSFileOperations.toBoolean(params.value(name)) ) ? SOSFileOperations.GRACIOUS : 0;
          logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + params.value(name));
        name = "recursive";
        if ( params.value(name) != null && params.value(name).length() > 0 ) {
          flags |= ( SOSFileOperations.toBoolean(params.value(name)) ) ? SOSFileOperations.RECURSIVE : 0;
          logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + params.value(name));
        name = "remove_dir";
        if ( params.value(name) != null && params.value(name).length() > 0 ) {
          flags |= ( SOSFileOperations.toBoolean(params.value(name)) ) ? SOSFileOperations.REMOVE_DIR : 0;
          logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + params.value(name));
        name = "wipe";
        if ( params.var(name)!=null && params.var(name).length()>0 ) {
          flags |= ( SOSFileOperations.toBoolean(params.var(name)) ) ? SOSFileOperations.WIPE : 0;
          logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + params.var(name));
        name = "count_files";
        if ( params.value(name)!=null && params.value(name).length()>0 ) {
          count_files = SOSFileOperations.toBoolean(params.value(name));
          logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + params.value(name));
          if (spooler_job.order_queue() == null)
            logger.warn("This is no order job. Job parameter ["+name+"] is only available for order jobs");
      } catch (Exception x) {
        throw new Exception("cannot evaluate job parameter ["+name+"]: "+ x.getMessage());
      name = "min_file_age";
      if ( params.var(name)!=null && params.var(name).length()>0 ) {
        minFileAge = params.var(name);
        logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + minFileAge);
      name = "max_file_age";
      if ( params.var(name)!=null && params.var(name).length()>0 ) {
        maxFileAge = params.var(name);
        logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + maxFileAge);
      name = "min_file_size";
      if ( params.var(name)!=null && params.var(name).length()>0 ) {
        minFileSize = params.var(name);
        logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + minFileSize);
      name = "max_file_size";
      if ( params.var(name)!=null && params.var(name).length()>0 ) {
        maxFileSize = params.var(name);
        logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + maxFileSize);
      if ( params.var(name)!=null && params.var(name).length()>0 ) {
        try {
          skipFirstFiles = Integer.parseInt(params.var(name));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
          throw new Exception("invalid, non-numeric value for parameter [" + name + "]: " + ex.getMessage());
        logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + skipFirstFiles);
      if ( params.var(name)!=null && params.var(name).length()>0 ) {
        try {
          skipLastFiles = Integer.parseInt(params.var(name));
        } catch (Exception ex) {
          throw new Exception("invalid, non-numeric value for parameter [" + name + "]: " + ex.getMessage());
        logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + skipLastFiles);
      // Methodenaufruf
      int nrOfRemovedObjects = SOSFileOperations.removeFileCnt(file, fileSpec, flags, java.util.regex.Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, minFileAge, maxFileAge, minFileSize, maxFileSize, skipFirstFiles, skipLastFiles, logger);
      // Anzahl der �bertragenen Dateien wird in einen Order-Parameter geschrieben
      if (count_files && spooler_job.order_queue() != null) {
        spooler_task.order().params().set_var("scheduler_SOSFileOperations_file_count", String.valueOf(nrOfRemovedObjects));
      rc = (nrOfRemovedObjects > 0);
      if (!rc && params.value("gracious") != null && params.value("gracious").equalsIgnoreCase("all")) {
        return (spooler_job.order_queue() != null);
      } else {
        return (spooler_job.order_queue() != null) ? rc : false;
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Examples of sos.spooler.Variable_set

    try {
      // Job oder Order
      Variable_set params = spooler.create_variable_set();
      if (spooler_task.params() != null) params.merge(spooler_task.params());
      if (spooler_job.order_queue() != null && spooler_task.order().params() != null)
      // mandatory parameters
      name = "file";
      if ( params.var(name)!=null && params.var(name).length()>0 )       
        file = params.var(name);
        throw new Exception("job parameter is missing: ["+name+"]");
      //To make orderparams available for substitution in orderparam value
      while (file.matches("^.*%[^%]+%.*$")) {
         String p = file.replaceFirst("^.*%([^%]+)%.*$", "$1");
         String s = params.var(p);
         s = s.replace('\\','/');
         file = file.replaceAll("%"+p+"%", s);
         logger.debug("processing job parameter ["+name+"]: substitute %"+p+"% with "+s);
      logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + file);

      // optional parameters
      name = "file_spec";
      if ( params.var(name)!=null && params.var(name).length()>0 ) {
        fileSpec = params.var(name);
        logger.info(".. job parameter ["+name+"]: " + fileSpec);
      rc = SOSFileOperations.canWrite(file, fileSpec, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, logger);
      if (!rc && params.value("gracious") != null && params.value("gracious").equalsIgnoreCase("all")) {
        return (spooler_job.order_queue() != null);
      if (!rc && params.value("gracious") != null &&
      (params.value("gracious").equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || params.value("gracious").equalsIgnoreCase("true") || params.value("gracious").equals("1") ) ) {
        return false;
      if ( !rc ) {
        throw new Exception("check failed for file: " + file);
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Examples of sos.spooler.Variable_set

        boolean useManagedConnection = true;
        // boolean rc = false;
        HashMap result = null;
        String spoolerId = job.spooler.id().toLowerCase();
        Variable_set taskParams = job.spooler_task.params();
        Variable_set orderPayload = null;
        String managedVersion = job.spooler.var("scheduler_managed_jobs_version");
      if (managedVersion==null || managedVersion.length()==0) managedVersion = "1";
      job.spooler_log.debug6("scheduler_managed_jobs_version: "+managedVersion);
      Variable_set mergedParams = job.spooler.create_variable_set();
        order = job.spooler_task.order();
        orderPayload = order.params();
      String connectionName = mergedParams.var("database_connection");
      // check if job uses ProcessDatabaseJob Parameters:
      if (mergedParams.var("db_class").length()>0 &&
          mergedParams.var("db_driver").length()>0 &&
          mergedParams.var("db_url").length()>0 ){
        if(job.spooler_task.job().order_queue()!=null && useManagedConnection){          
          String jobChain = order.job_chain().name();
          // String jobChainModel = "";
          String orderId = getOrderIdInTable(spoolerId, jobChain, order);         
            job.spooler_log.debug3("Connection from payload:"+connectionName);
        if (managedVersion.equalsIgnoreCase("1")){
          if (connectionName == null || connectionName.length() == 0) {
            connectionName = connection.getSingleValue("SELECT \"CONNECTION\" FROM " + getTableManagedOrders() +
                " WHERE \"SPOOLER_ID\"='" + spoolerId + "' AND \"JOB_CHAIN\"='" + jobChain + "'" +
                " AND \"ORDER_ID\"='" + orderId + "'");
          if (connectionName == null || connectionName.length() == 0) {
            connectionName = connection.getSingleValue("SELECT \"CONNECTION\" FROM " + getTableManagedOrders() +
                " WHERE \"SPOOLER_ID\" IS NULL AND \"JOB_CHAIN\"='" + jobChain + "' AND " +
                "\"ORDER_ID\"='" + orderId + "'");
           if (connectionName == null || connectionName.length() == 0) {
           jobChainModel = connection.getSingleValue("SELECT \"ID\" FROM " + getTableManagedModels() +
           " WHERE \"NAME\"='" + jobChain + "'");
           if (jobChainModel == null || jobChainModel.length() == 0)
           throw (new Exception("no model found for job chain [" + jobChain + "]of managed order: " + orderId));
        if (managedVersion.equalsIgnoreCase("1") && useManagedConnection){
          if (connectionName == null || connectionName.length() == 0) {
            connectionName = connection.getSingleValue("SELECT \"CONNECTION\" FROM " + getTableManagedJobs() +
                " WHERE \"SPOOLER_ID\"='" + spoolerId + "' AND \"JOB_NAME\"='" + job.spooler_job.name() + "'");
          if (connectionName == null || connectionName.length() == 0) {
            connectionName = connection.getSingleValue("SELECT \"CONNECTION\" FROM " + getTableManagedJobs() +
                " WHERE \"SPOOLER_ID\" IS NULL AND " +
                "\"JOB_NAME\"='" + job.spooler_job.name() + "'");
        if (useManagedConnection){
          if ((connectionName == null || connectionName.length() == 0))
            throw (new Exception("no database connection identifier found for managed order"));
          result = connection.getSingle("SELECT \"DRIVER\", \"CLASS\", \"URL\", \"USERNAME\", \"PASSWORD\", \"CONNECTION\" FROM "
            + JobSchedulerManagedObject.getTableManagedConnections()
            + " WHERE \"CONNECTION\"='" + connectionName + "'");
        } else{
          result = new HashMap();
          result.put("class", mergedParams.var("db_class"));
          result.put("driver", mergedParams.var("db_driver"));
          result.put("url", mergedParams.var("db_url"));
          result.put("username", mergedParams.var("db_user"));
          result.put("password", mergedParams.var("db_password"));
      if (result.isEmpty()) throw (new Exception("no connection settings found for managed connection: "
            + connectionName));
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Examples of sos.spooler.Variable_set

    public boolean spooler_process() {

        Order order = null;
        Variable_set params = null;
        SCPClient scpClient = null;

        try {
            try { // to fetch parameters from orders that have precedence over job parameters
                params = spooler_task.params();
                if (spooler_task.job().order_queue() != null) {
                    order = spooler_task.order();
                    if ( order.params() != null)
                // get basic authentication parameters
                if (params.value("action") != null && params.value("action").length() > 0) {
                    if (!params.value("action").equalsIgnoreCase("get") && !params.value("action").equalsIgnoreCase("put"))
                        throw new Exception("invalid action parameter [action] specified, expected get, put: " + params.value("action"));
                    spooler_log.info(".. parameter [action]: " + this.getAction());
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("no action parameter [action] was specified");

                if (params.value("file_list") != null && params.value("file_list").length() > 0) {
                    spooler_log.info(".. parameter [file_list]: " + this.getFileList());
                } else {
                    if (this.getAction().equals("get")) throw new Exception("action [get] requires filenames being specified as parameter [file_list]");

               if (params.value("file_spec") != null && params.value("file_spec").length() > 0) {
                   spooler_log.info(".. parameter [file_spec]: " + this.getFileSpec());
               } else {

               if (params.value("local_dir") != null && params.value("local_dir").length() > 0) {
                   spooler_log.info(".. parameter [local_dir]: " + this.getLocalDir());
               } else {

               if (params.value("remote_dir") != null && params.value("remote_dir").length() > 0) {
                   spooler_log.info(".. parameter [remote_dir]: " + this.getRemoteDir());
               } else {

               if (params.value("create_dir") != null && params.value("create_dir").length() > 0) {
                   if (params.value("create_dir").equalsIgnoreCase("true") || params.value("create_dir").equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || params.value("create_dir").equals("1")) {
                   } else {
                   spooler_log.info(".. parameter [create_dir]: " + this.isCreateDir());
               } else {

               if (params.value("recursive") != null && params.value("recursive").length() > 0) {
                   if (params.value("recursive").equalsIgnoreCase("true") || params.value("recursive").equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || params.value("recursive").equals("1")) {
                   } else {
                   spooler_log.info(".. parameter [recursive]: " + this.isRecursive());
               } else {

               if (params.value("permissions") != null && params.value("permissions").length() > 0) {
                   try {
                       spooler_log.info(".. parameter [permissions]: " + this.getPermissions());
                   } catch (Exception e) {
                       throw new Exception("illegal octal value for parameter [permissions]: " + params.value("permissions"));  
               } else {

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Examples of sos.spooler.Variable_set

          if (stdErrLine.trim().length() > 0)
            stdErrEmpty = false;
          stdErrString += stdErrLine + "\n";
        if (orderJob && order != null) {
          Variable_set realOrderPayload = order.params();
          SetVar(realOrderPayload, conStd_err_output, stdErrString);
          SetVar(realOrderPayload, conStd_out_output, stdOutString);
          SetVar(realOrderPayload, conExit_code, "" + subProc.exit_code());
          SetVar(realOrderPayload, "timed_out", "" + timedOut);
          // for compatibility with SubProcessJob
          SetVar(realOrderPayload, "scheduler_order_terminated", (!timedOut ? "true" : "false"));
          replaceAliases(realOrderPayload, outputParameterAliases);
        } // additionally set task parameters for use with copy-from:
        Variable_set taskParams = spooler_task.params();
        SetVar(taskParams, conStd_err_output, stdErrString);
        SetVar(taskParams, conStd_out_output, stdOutString);
        SetVar(taskParams, conExit_code, "" + subProc.exit_code());
        SetVar(taskParams, "timed_out", "" + timedOut);
        replaceAliases(taskParams, outputParameterAliases);
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Examples of sos.spooler.Variable_set

   * Parameter auslesen
  private Variable_set getParameters() throws Exception {
    Order order = null;
    try {     
      Variable_set params = spooler.create_variable_set();      
      params = spooler_task.params();

      if (spooler_task.job().order_queue() != null) {
        order = spooler_task.order();
        if ( order.params() != null)
      return params;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new Exception("error occurred reading Patameter: " + e.getMessage());
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Examples of sos.spooler.Variable_set

     * process single mail
    public boolean spooler_process() {

        Order order = null;
        Variable_set orderData = null;
        int mailOrderId = 0;
        boolean rc = true;
        try {
          mailOrderId = Integer.parseInt( this.mailOrderIterator.next().toString());
          SOSMailOrder mailOrder = new SOSMailOrder(this.sosMailSettings, this.getConnection());
          if (this.getLogger() != null) mailOrder.setSOSLogger(this.getLogger());
          //  job scheduler sets mail host if no default was specified by settings
            if (mailOrder.getHost() == null || mailOrder.getHost().length() == 0) {
                if (!spooler_log.mail().smtp().equalsIgnoreCase("-queue")) {
                } else {
                    throw new Exception("no SMTP host was configured, global settings contain smtp=-queue");
            // job scheduler sets mail queue directory if no default was specified by parameters or settings
            if (mailOrder.getQueueDir() == null || mailOrder.getQueueDir().length() == 0)

            // set queue prefix "sos" to enalbe dequeueing by JobSchedulerMailDequeueJob
            // classic or order driven
            if (spooler_task.job().order_queue() == null) {                               
                rc = this.mailOrderIterator.hasNext();
            } else {
                order = spooler_task.order();
                orderData = (Variable_set) spooler_task.order().payload();
                if ( orderData.var("id") == null || orderData.var("id").toString().length() == 0){
                    // TODO:Parameter dokumentieren
                    if(orderData.var("mail_from")!=null && orderData.var("mail_from").length()>0){
                    if(orderData.var("mail_to")!=null && orderData.var("mail_to").length()>0){
                    if(orderData.var("mail_cc")!=null && orderData.var("mail_cc").length()>0){
                    if(orderData.var("mail_bcc")!=null && orderData.var("mail_bcc").length()>0){
                    if(orderData.var("mail_subject")!=null && orderData.var("mail_subject").length()>0){
                    if(orderData.var("mail_body")!=null && orderData.var("mail_body").length()>0){
                    if(orderData.var("mail_attachment")!=null && orderData.var("mail_attachment").length()>0){
                } else{
                }catch (Exception e){
                    if (this.getLogger() != null) this.getLogger().info("failed to load order [" + orderData.var("id")+"]: " + e.getMessage());
                    return false;
                // setback this order for future target date
                if (mailOrder.getTargeted() != null) {
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Examples of sos.spooler.Variable_set

    public boolean spooler_process() {
        String request = "";
        String response = "";
        Variable_set parameters = null;
        SOSSchedulerCommand remoteCommand = null;
        try {

            parameters = spooler_task.params();
            if (spooler_job.order_queue() != null) {
                this.getOrderParameters(spooler_task.order().params(), true);
            int oneOfUs = 0;
            oneOfUs += (this.getJobName() == null || this.getJobName().length() == 0) ? 0 : 1;
            oneOfUs += (this.getOrderId() == null || this.getOrderId().length() == 0) ? 0 : 1;
            oneOfUs += (this.getCommand() == null || this.getCommand().length() == 0) ? 0 : 1;
            if (oneOfUs == 0) {
                throw new Exception("one of the parameters [scheduler_remote_job, scheduler_remote_order, scheduler_remote_command] must be specified");
            } else if (oneOfUs > 1) {
                throw new Exception("one of the parameters [scheduler_remote_job, scheduler_remote_order, scheduler_remote_command] must be specified, " + oneOfUs + " were given");
            if (this.getOrderId() != null && this.getOrderId().length() > 0) {
                request  = "<add_order";
                request += " replace=\"" + (this.isReplace() ? "yes" : "no") + "\"";
                if (this.getOrderId() != null && this.getOrderId().length() > 0) request += " id=\"" + this.getOrderId() + "\"";
                if (this.getAt() != null && this.getAt().length() > 0) request += " at=\"" + this.getAt() + "\"";
                if (this.getJobChain() != null && this.getJobChain().length() > 0) request += " job_chain=\"" + this.getJobChain() + "\"";
                if (this.getPriority() != null && this.getPriority().length() > 0) request += " priority=\"" + this.getPriority() + "\"";
                if (this.getState() != null && this.getState().length() > 0) request += " state=\"" + this.getState() + "\"";
                if (this.getTitle() != null && this.getTitle().length() > 0) request += " title=\"" + this.getTitle() + "\"";
                if (this.getWebService() != null && this.getWebService().length() > 0) request += " web_service=\"" + this.getWebService() + "\"";
                request += ">";
                request += "<params>";
                String[] params = parameters.names().split(";");
                for(int i=0; i<params.length; i++) {
                    if (!params[i].startsWith("scheduler_remote_")) {
                      request += "<param name=\"" + params[i] + "\" value=\"" + parameters.var(params[i]) + "\"/>";
                request += "</params>";
                if (this.getRunTime() != null && this.getRunTime().length() > 0) request += this.getRunTime();
                request += "</add_order>";

            } else if (this.getJobName() != null && this.getJobName().length() > 0) {
                request  = "<start_job job=\"" + this.getJobName() + "\"";
                if (this.getAfter() != null && this.getAfter().length() > 0) request += " after=\"" + this.getAfter() + "\"";
                if (this.getAt() != null && this.getAt().length() > 0) request += " at=\"" + this.getAt() + "\"";
                if (this.getWebService() != null && this.getWebService().length() > 0) request += " web_service=\"" + this.getWebService() + "\"";
                request += ">";
                request += "<params>";
                String[] params = parameters.names().split(";");
                for(int i=0; i<params.length; i++) {
                    if (!params[i].startsWith("scheduler_remote_")) {
                        request += "<param name=\"" + params[i] + "\" value=\"" + parameters.var(params[i]) + "\"/>";
                request += "</params>";
                request += "</start_job>";

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