Examples of VariableModificationEvent

Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.VariableModificationEvent

                            try {
                                VariableInstance vinst =  faultHandlerScopeFrame.resolve(catchBlock.faultVariable);
                                initializeVariable(vinst, _fault.getFaultMessage());

                                // Generating event
                                VariableModificationEvent se = new VariableModificationEvent(vinst.declaration.name);
                                if (_oscope.debugInfo != null)
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                throw new InvalidProcessException(ex);
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.VariableModificationEvent

                final VariableInstance rval = _scopeFrame
                        .resolve(((VariableRef) ocopy.from).getVariable());
                Element lvalue = (Element) fetchVariableData(rval, false);
                initializeVariable(lval, lvalue);
                se = new VariableModificationEvent(lval.declaration.name);
            } else {
                // This really should have been caught by the compiler.
                        .fatal("Message/Non-Message Assignment, should be caught by compiler:"
                                + ocopy);
                throw new FaultException(
                        "Message/Non-Message Assignment:  " + ocopy);
        } else {
            // Conventional Assignment logic.
            Node rvalue = evalRValue(ocopy.from);
            Node lvalue = evalLValue(ocopy.to);
            if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                __log.debug("lvalue after eval " + lvalue);
                if (lvalue != null) __log.debug("content " + DOMUtils.domToString(lvalue));

            // Get a pointer within the lvalue.
            Node lvaluePtr = lvalue;
            boolean headerAssign = false;
            if (ocopy.to instanceof OAssign.DirectRef) {
                DirectRef dref = ((DirectRef) ocopy.to);
                Element el = DOMUtils.findChildByName((Element)lvalue, dref.elName);
                if (el == null) {
                    el = (Element) ((Element)lvalue).appendChild(lvalue.getOwnerDocument()
                            .createElementNS(dref.elName.getNamespaceURI(), dref.elName.getLocalPart()));
                lvaluePtr = el;
            } else if (ocopy.to instanceof OAssign.VariableRef) {
                VariableRef varRef = ((VariableRef) ocopy.to);
                if (varRef.headerPart != null) headerAssign = true;
                lvaluePtr = evalQuery(lvalue, varRef.part != null ? varRef.part : varRef.headerPart, varRef.location,
                        new EvaluationContextProxy(varRef.getVariable(), lvalue));
            } else if (ocopy.to instanceof OAssign.PropertyRef) {
                PropertyRef propRef = ((PropertyRef) ocopy.to);
                lvaluePtr = evalQuery(lvalue, propRef.propertyAlias.part,
                        new EvaluationContextProxy(propRef.getVariable(),
            } else if (ocopy.to instanceof OAssign.LValueExpression) {
                LValueExpression lexpr = (LValueExpression) ocopy.to;
                lvaluePtr = evalQuery(lvalue, null, lexpr.expression,
                        new EvaluationContextProxy(lexpr.getVariable(), lvalue));
                if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
                    __log.debug("lvaluePtr expr res " + lvaluePtr);

            // For partner link assignmenent, the whole content is assigned.
            if (ocopy.to instanceof OAssign.PartnerLinkRef) {
                OAssign.PartnerLinkRef pLinkRef = ((OAssign.PartnerLinkRef) ocopy.to);
                PartnerLinkInstance plval = _scopeFrame
                replaceEndpointRefence(plval, rvalue);
                se = new PartnerLinkModificationEvent(((OAssign.PartnerLinkRef) ocopy.to).partnerLink.getName());
            } else {
                // Sneakily converting the EPR if it's not the format expected by the lvalue
                if (ocopy.from instanceof OAssign.PartnerLinkRef) {
                    rvalue = getBpelRuntime().convertEndpointReference((Element)rvalue, lvaluePtr);
                    if (rvalue.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE)
                        rvalue = ((Document)rvalue).getDocumentElement();

                if (headerAssign && lvaluePtr.getParentNode().getNodeName().equals("message") && rvalue.getNodeType()==Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    lvalue = copyInto((Element)lvalue, (Element) lvaluePtr, (Element) rvalue);
                } else if (rvalue.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && lvaluePtr.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    lvalue = replaceElement((Element)lvalue, (Element) lvaluePtr, (Element) rvalue,
                } else {
                    lvalue = replaceContent(lvalue, lvaluePtr, rvalue.getTextContent());
                final VariableInstance lval = _scopeFrame.resolve(ocopy.to.getVariable());
                if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
                    __log.debug("ASSIGN Writing variable '" + lval.declaration.name +
                                "' value '" + DOMUtils.domToString(lvalue) +"'");
                commitChanges(lval, lvalue);
                se = new VariableModificationEvent(lval.declaration.name);

        if (ocopy.debugInfo != null)
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.VariableModificationEvent

                final VariableInstance rval = _scopeFrame
                        .resolve(((OAssign.VariableRef) ocopy.from).getVariable());
                Element lvalue = (Element) fetchVariableData(rval, false);
                initializeVariable(lval, lvalue);
                se = new VariableModificationEvent(lval.declaration.name);
            } else {
                // This really should have been caught by the compiler.
                        .fatal("Message/Non-Message Assignment, should be caught by compiler:"
                                + ocopy);
                throw new FaultException(
                        "Message/Non-Message Assignment:  " + ocopy);
        } else {
            // Conventional Assignment logic.
            Node rvalue = evalRValue(ocopy.from);
            Node lvalue = evalLValue(ocopy.to);
            if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                __log.debug("lvalue after eval " + lvalue);
                if (lvalue != null) __log.debug("content " + DOMUtils.domToString(lvalue));

            // Get a pointer within the lvalue.
            Node lvaluePtr = lvalue;
            boolean headerAssign = false;
            if (ocopy.to instanceof OAssign.DirectRef) {
                OAssign.DirectRef dref = ((OAssign.DirectRef) ocopy.to);
                Element el = DOMUtils.findChildByName((Element)lvalue, dref.elName);
                if (el == null) {
                    el = (Element) ((Element)lvalue).appendChild(lvalue.getOwnerDocument()
                            .createElementNS(dref.elName.getNamespaceURI(), dref.elName.getLocalPart()));
                lvaluePtr = el;
            } else if (ocopy.to instanceof OAssign.VariableRef) {
                OAssign.VariableRef varRef = ((OAssign.VariableRef) ocopy.to);
                if (varRef.headerPart != null) headerAssign = true;
                lvaluePtr = evalQuery(lvalue, varRef.part != null ? varRef.part : varRef.headerPart, varRef.location,
                        new EvaluationContextProxy(varRef.getVariable(), lvalue));
            } else if (ocopy.to instanceof OAssign.PropertyRef) {
                OAssign.PropertyRef propRef = ((OAssign.PropertyRef) ocopy.to);
                lvaluePtr = evalQuery(lvalue, propRef.propertyAlias.part,
                        new EvaluationContextProxy(propRef.getVariable(), lvalue));
            } else if (ocopy.to instanceof OAssign.LValueExpression) {
                OAssign.LValueExpression lexpr = (OAssign.LValueExpression) ocopy.to;
                lvaluePtr = evalQuery(lvalue, null, lexpr.expression,
                        new EvaluationContextProxy(lexpr.getVariable(), lvalue));
                if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
                    __log.debug("lvaluePtr expr res " + lvaluePtr);

            // For partner link assignmenent, the whole content is assigned.
            if (ocopy.to instanceof OAssign.PartnerLinkRef) {
                OAssign.PartnerLinkRef pLinkRef = ((OAssign.PartnerLinkRef) ocopy.to);
                PartnerLinkInstance plval = _scopeFrame.resolve(pLinkRef.partnerLink);
                replaceEndpointRefence(plval, rvalue);
                se = new PartnerLinkModificationEvent(((OAssign.PartnerLinkRef) ocopy.to).partnerLink.getName());
            } else if (ocopy.to.getVariable().type instanceof OPropertyVarType) {
                // For poperty assignment, the property, the variable that points to it and the correlation set
                // all have the same name
                CorrelationSetInstance csetInstance = _scopeFrame.resolve(ocopy.to.getVariable().name);
                CorrelationKey ckey = new CorrelationKey(csetInstance.declaration.getId(), new String[] { rvalue.getTextContent() });
                if (__log.isDebugEnabled()) __log.debug("Writing correlation " + csetInstance.getName()
                        + " using value " + rvalue.getTextContent());
                getBpelRuntime().writeCorrelation(csetInstance, ckey);
                se = new CorrelationSetWriteEvent(csetInstance.declaration.name, ckey);
            } else {
                // Sneakily converting the EPR if it's not the format expected by the lvalue
                if (ocopy.from instanceof OAssign.PartnerLinkRef) {
                    rvalue = getBpelRuntime().convertEndpointReference((Element)rvalue, lvaluePtr);
                    if (rvalue.getNodeType() == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE)
                        rvalue = ((Document)rvalue).getDocumentElement();

                if (headerAssign && lvaluePtr.getParentNode().getNodeName().equals("message") && rvalue.getNodeType()==Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    lvalue = copyInto((Element)lvalue, (Element) lvaluePtr, (Element) rvalue);
                } else if (rvalue.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && lvaluePtr.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    lvalue = replaceElement((Element)lvalue, (Element) lvaluePtr, (Element) rvalue,
                } else {
                    lvalue = replaceContent(lvalue, lvaluePtr, rvalue.getTextContent());
                final VariableInstance lval = _scopeFrame.resolve(ocopy.to.getVariable());
                if (__log.isDebugEnabled())
                    __log.debug("ASSIGN Writing variable '" + lval.declaration.name +
                            "' value '" + DOMUtils.domToString(lvalue) +"'");
                commitChanges(lval, lvalue);
                se = new VariableModificationEvent(lval.declaration.name);

        if (ocopy.debugInfo != null)
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.VariableModificationEvent

  public void writeVariable(OScope.Variable variable, Node value)
      throws FaultException, ExternalVariableModuleException {
    VariableInstance vi = _scopeFrame.resolve(variable);
    //_context.commitChanges(vi, _scopeFrame, value);
    _context.initializeVariable(vi, _scopeFrame, value);
        VariableModificationEvent vme = new VariableModificationEvent(variable.name);
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.VariableModificationEvent

                                if (msgEl != null) {
                                    try {
                                        VariableInstance vinst = ehScopeFrame.resolve(_oevent.variable);
                                        initializeVariable(vinst, msgEl);

                                        VariableModificationEvent se = new VariableModificationEvent(vinst.declaration.name);
                                        if (_oevent.debugInfo != null)
                                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                                        throw new InvalidProcessException(ex);
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.VariableModificationEvent

                                if (msgEl != null) {
                                    try {
                                        VariableInstance vinst = ehScopeFrame.resolve(_oevent.variable);
                                        getBpelRuntime().initializeVariable(vinst, _scopeFrame, msgEl);

                                        VariableModificationEvent se = new VariableModificationEvent(vinst.declaration.name);
                                        if (_oevent.debugInfo != null)
                                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                                        throw new InvalidProcessException(ex);
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.VariableModificationEvent

            _self.parent.failure(e.toString(), null);

        // Generating event
        VariableModificationEvent se = new VariableModificationEvent(vinst.declaration.name);
        if (_opick.debugInfo != null)
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.VariableModificationEvent

                            _self.parent.failure(e.toString(), null);

                        // Generating event
                        VariableModificationEvent se = new VariableModificationEvent(outputVar.declaration.name);
                        if (_oinvoke.debugInfo != null)

                        try {
                            for (OScope.CorrelationSet anInitCorrelationsOutput : _oinvoke.initCorrelationsOutput) {
                                initializeCorrelation(_scopeFrame.resolve(anInitCorrelationsOutput), outputVar);
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.VariableModificationEvent

            _self.parent.failure(e.toString(), null);

        // Generating event
        VariableModificationEvent se = new VariableModificationEvent(vinst.declaration.name);
        if (_oforEach.debugInfo != null)

        instance(new SCOPE(child.activity, newFrame, _linkFrame));
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Examples of org.apache.ode.bpel.evt.VariableModificationEvent

                            try {
                                VariableInstance vinst =  faultHandlerScopeFrame.resolve(catchBlock.faultVariable);
                                initializeVariable(vinst, _fault.getFaultMessage().cloneNode(true));

                                // Generating event
                                VariableModificationEvent se = new VariableModificationEvent(vinst.declaration.name);
                                if (_oscope.debugInfo != null)
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                throw new InvalidProcessException(ex);
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