{@link ValidationManager} is an object that provides Validation functionality,through its
validate( )
{@link ValidationManagerFactory}
{@link ValidationManager}
based on the Validation File. Validation File specifies Validation rules i.e. which Constraints to apply to which elements. Objects are validated by applying specified Constraints to its elements. Validation file is xml file based on
. If no Validation File is specified,
returns default
. Default
is based on default Validation File. Default Validation File defines Constraints for 8.0 Sun DTDs.
Validations are performed, recursively on the given Object. Two types of Validations are perfomed, Structural validations and Specified validations. Structural validations are expressed through {@link CardinalConstraint}
. CardinalConstraint
is an implicit Constraint. Its always applied to each of the element; you dont need to specify it explicitly. Whereas , other Constaints need to be explicitly specified for each element you wanted to apply it to. Constraints to be applied are specified through Validation File. You can also define, your own custom Constraint
s and apply them to any elements. When you define your own Constraint
s, you need to provide information about them to the framework. This information is provided through Constraints File. Constraints File is xml file, based on constraints.dtd
. Constraints File to use is specified through system property constraints.file
. You can override Constraint
s provided by framework , by providing your own.
@see Constraint
@see CardinalConstraint
@see Validatee
@see ValidationManagerFactory
@author Rajeshwar Patil
@version %I%, %G%