* @throws BadNameException
* if the syntax of the name string is not correct.
* @return A <code>List</code> with elements of type {@link AVA}.
public List parse(String rfc2253name) throws BadNameException {
UTF8InputStreamReader utfReader;
ByteArrayOutputStream baos;
ByteArrayInputStream bais;
StringTokenizer st;
StringBuffer value;
boolean tokParsed;
boolean utfParsed;
boolean plus;
String str;
String tok;
String key;
String val;
String t;
byte[] ascii;
byte[] buf;
byte[] utf;
char[] chs;
byte b;
int returnState;
int trunc;
int state;
int i;
trunc = -1;
returnState = -1;
state = 0;
tokParsed = true;
utfParsed = true;
key = new String();
value = new StringBuffer();
tok = "";
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
LinkedList ava_ = new LinkedList();
if (rfc2253name.equals("")) {
return ava_;
st = new StringTokenizer(rfc2253name, TOKENIZERS, true);
while (st.hasMoreTokens() || !tokParsed) {
if (tokParsed) {
tok = st.nextToken();
switch (state) {
case 0:
* We consume whitespace characters and wait for an attribute
* keyword in this state.
if (WHITESPACE.indexOf(tok) >= 0) {
if (SPECIALS.indexOf(tok.charAt(0)) < 0) {
tok = tok.trim();
if (tok.length() >= 4
&& tok.substring(0, 4).equalsIgnoreCase("OID.")) {
tok = tok.substring(4);
if (Character.isDigit(tok.charAt(0))) {
chs = tok.toCharArray();
for (i = 1; i < chs.length; i++) {
if (!Character.isDigit(chs[i]) && !(chs[i] == '.')) {
throw new BadNameException("(" + state
+ ") The key '" + tok
+ "' seems to be an OID, but it "
+ "contains the illegal character '"
+ chs[i] + "'!");
} else {
chs = tok.toCharArray();
for (i = 1; i < chs.length; i++) {
if (!Character.isDigit(chs[i])
&& !Character.isLetter(chs[i])
&& chs[i] != '-') {
throw new BadNameException("(" + state
+ ") The key '" + tok
+ "' contains the the illegal "
+ "character '" + chs[i] + "'!");
key = tok;
state = 1;
throw new BadNameException("(" + state
+ ") Key starts with SPECIAL '" + tok + "'!");
case 1:
* We again consume whitespace characters until we encounter an
* equals sign ('='). Then we advance our state.
if (WHITESPACE.indexOf(tok) >= 0) {
if (tok.equals("=")) {
state = 2;
throw new BadNameException("(" + state
+ ") '=' expected after '" + key + "'!");
case 2:
* We again consume whitespace characters until we hit the first
* non-space character. In that case we emulate an epsilon
* transition to state number 3. In other words, we fall through
* with the current token still being valid.
if (WHITESPACE.indexOf(tok) >= 0) {
* If the first token is a hash mark ('#') then we have n
* hexadecimal encoding that is treated in state 7.
if (tok.equals("#")) {
state = 7;
* Fall through, new state, token stays valid.
state = 3;
case 3:
* The central state. It distinguishes between quoted and
* unquoted substrings, handles the truncation counter for
* trailing whitespace characters and more.
if (!tok.equals(ESCAPE) && !utfParsed) {
throw new BadNameException("(" + state
+ ") Invalid UTF-8 code '"
+ Hex.encode(baos.toByteArray()) + "'!");
if (!tokParsed) {
tokParsed = true;
* Check if we hit a whitespace character. This is a nasty case
* because the DN could be 'cn= "foo" ,...' which must be
* transformed into 'cn=foo'. that means all whitespace
* characters before the delimiter must be truncated.
if (WHITESPACE.indexOf(tok) >= 0) {
* Ignore leading whitespace characters.
if (value.length() == 0) {
* Remember start of trailing whitespace characters.
if (trunc == -1) {
trunc = value.length();
* If we hit upon a RDN separator then we can ship out the
* attribute and value.
if (SEPARATORS.indexOf(tok.charAt(0)) >= 0) {
* Remove trailing whitespace characters, if existent
if (trunc != -1) {
* If the separator is a PLUS then we have to set the flag
* that says: "this AVA is followed by another one at the
* same level."
val = value.toString();
state = 0;
plus = tok.equals(PLUS);
* We got a key and an empty value. Now we ship it out and
* go on in state 0.
ava_.add(new AVA(key, val, plus));
if (trunc != -1) {
trunc = -1;
* An ESCAPE brings us into a state that simply returns after
* having read the escaped special character.
if (tok.equals(ESCAPE)) {
returnState = state;
state = 4;
* If we hit upon a QUOTE then we have to parse a quoted
* substring. The state for that simply returns as well.
if (tok.equals(QUOTE)) {
if (value.length() > 0) {
throw new BadNameException("(" + state
+ ") Only whitespace characters "
+ "are allowed before the first unescaped "
+ "quotation mark (\")!");
state = 5;
* Last not least, we check for a special character that is not
* escaped. If there isn't then we have plain chars that we
* append to the current value.
if (SPECIALS.indexOf(tok.charAt(0)) < 0) {
if (tok.length() > 0) {
throw new BadNameException("(" + state
+ ") Unquoted special character '" + tok + "' after '"
+ key + "'!");
case 4:
* This state handles escaped SPECIAL characters, backslashes
* (\), quotations ("), and UTF-8 code. It returns to the set
* 'returnState'.
if (SPECIALS.indexOf(tok.charAt(0)) >= 0) {
* We got an escaped special character, so we append it to
* the value.
state = returnState;
if (tok.length() > 1) {
t = tok.substring(0, 2);
* we first have to check whether we are in a situation like
* 'CN=Before\0DAfter' (escaped non printable ascii
* character)
try {
b = (Hex.decode(t))[0];
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("(" + state
+ ") Invalid hex character '" + t + "'!");
if (b >= 0 && b <= 37) {
try {
if (baos.size() == 0) {
ascii = new byte[1];
ascii[0] = b;
str = new String(ascii);
} else {
throw new BadNameException("(" + state
+ ") Invalid UTF-8 code '"
+ Hex.encode(baos.toByteArray()) + "'!");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw new BadNameException("(" + state
+ ") Invalid hex character '" + t + "'!");
} else {
* now we have to try to parse the UTF-8 code
try {
utf = baos.toByteArray();
bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(utf);
utfReader = new UTF8InputStreamReader(bais, 2048);
str = utfReader.readLine();
utfParsed = true;
} catch (Exception e) {