.ietf.org/html/rfc6570">RFC6570 URI Templates and produces output that is compliant with the spec. The template processor supports
levels 1 through 4 as well as supports composite types. In addition to supporting {@link Map} and {@link List} values as composite types, the library also supports the use of Java objectsas well. Please see the {@link VarExploder} and {@link DefaultVarExploder} for more info.
Basic Usage:
There are many ways to use this library. The simplest way is to create a template from a URI template expression string:
UriTemplate template = UriTemplate.fromExpression("http://example.com/search{?q,lang}");
Replacement values are added by calling the {@link #set(String,Object)} method on the template:
template.set("q","cat") .set("lang","en"); String uri = template.expand();
The {@link #expand()} method will replace the variable names with the supplied valuesand return the following URI:
Ryan J. McDonough
@version $Revision: 1.1 $
@since 1.0