Ideally, should subclass URI. @see rfc-2396 @version 0.3-3 06/05/2001 @author Ronald Tschal�r @since V0.3-1
URI is, well, an URI, as described in RFC 2396. Since
exists only since version 1.4, R-OSGi uses its own URI class. This is a lightweight implementation, it does only as much as is needed for R-OSGi. Furthermore, certain protocol schemes do address resolution to avoid URI schizophrenia.
@author Jan S. Rellermeyer, ETH Zurich
Every absolute URI consists of a scheme, followed by a colon (':'), followed by a scheme-specific part. For URIs that follow the "generic URI" syntax, the scheme-specific part begins with two slashes ("//") and may be followed by an authority segment (comprised of user information, host, and port), path segment, query segment and fragment. Note that RFC 2396 no longer specifies the use of the parameters segment and excludes the "user:password" syntax as part of the authority segment. If "user:password" appears in a URI, the entire user/password string is stored as userinfo.
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI. @version $Id: 447241 2006-09-18 05:12:57Z mrglavas $
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI.
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI.
Every absolute URI consists of a scheme, followed by a colon (':'), followed by a scheme-specific part. For URIs that follow the "generic URI" syntax, the scheme-specific part begins with two slashes ("//") and may be followed by an authority segment (comprised of user information, host, and port), path segment, query segment and fragment. Note that RFC 2396 no longer specifies the use of the parameters segment and excludes the "user:password" syntax as part of the authority segment. If "user:password" appears in a URI, the entire user/password string is stored as userinfo.
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI. @version $Id:,v 2005/08/30 08:02:37 neerajbj Exp $
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI.
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI.
[scheme:]scheme-specific-part[#fragment]where square brackets [...] delineate optional components and the characters : and # stand for themselves.
An absolute URI specifies a scheme; a URI that is not absolute is said to be relative. URIs are also classified according to whether they are opaque or hierarchical.
An opaque URI is an absolute URI whose scheme-specific part does not begin with a slash character ('/'). Opaque URIs are not subject to further parsing. Some examples of opaque URIs are: urn:isbn:096139210x
A hierarchical URI is either an absolute URI whose scheme-specific part begins with a slash character, or a relative URI, that is, a URI that does not specify a scheme. Some examples of hierarchical URIs are:
A hierarchical URI is subject to further parsing according to the syntax
[scheme:][//authority][path][?query][#fragment]where the characters :, /, ?, and # stand for themselves. The scheme-specific part of a hierarchical URI consists of the characters between the scheme and fragment components.
The authority component of a hierarchical URI is, if specified, either server-based or registry-based. A server-based authority parses according to the familiar syntax
[user-info@]host[:port]where the characters @ and : stand for themselves. Nearly all URI schemes currently in use are server-based. An authority component that does not parse in this way is considered to be registry-based.
The path component of a hierarchical URI is itself said to be absolute if it begins with a slash character ('/'); otherwise it is relative. The path of a hierarchical URI that is either absolute or specifies an authority is always absolute.
All told, then, a URI instance has the following nine components:
In a given instance any particular component is either undefined or defined with a distinct value. Undefined string components are represented by null, while undefined integer components are represented by -1. A string component may be defined to have the empty string as its value; this is not equivalent to that component being undefined.
Component Type scheme String scheme-specific-part String authority String user-info String host String port int path String query String fragment String
Whether a particular component is or is not defined in an instance depends upon the type of the URI being represented. An absolute URI has a scheme component. An opaque URI has a scheme, a scheme-specific part, and possibly a fragment, but has no other components. A hierarchical URI always has a path (though it may be empty) and a scheme-specific-part (which at least contains the path), and may have any of the other components. If the authority component is present and is server-based then the host component will be defined and the user-information and port components may be defined.
Normalization is the process of removing unnecessary "." and ".." segments from the path component of a hierarchical URI. Each "." segment is simply removed. A ".." segment is removed only if it is preceded by a non-".." segment. Normalization has no effect upon opaque URIs.
Resolution is the process of resolving one URI against another, base URI. The resulting URI is constructed from components of both URIs in the manner specified by RFC 2396, taking components from the base URI for those not specified in the original. For hierarchical URIs, the path of the original is resolved against the path of the base and then normalized. The result, for example, of resolving
docs/guide/collections/designfaq.html#28 (1)against the base URI is the result URI the relative URI
../../../demo/jfc/SwingSet2/src/ (2)against this result yields, in turn, of both absolute and relative URIs, and of both absolute and relative paths in the case of hierarchical URIs, is supported. Resolving the URI file:///~calendar against any other URI simply yields the original URI, since it is absolute. Resolving the relative URI (2) above against the relative base URI (1) yields the normalized, but still relative, URI
Relativization, finally, is the inverse of resolution: For any two normalized URIs u and v,
u.relativize(u.resolve(v)).equals(v) andThis operation is often useful when constructing a document containing URIs that must be made relative to the base URI of the document wherever possible. For example, relativizing the URI
u.resolve(u.relativize(v)).equals(v) . the base URI the relative URI docs/guide/index.html.
alpha The US-ASCII alphabetic characters, 'A' through 'Z' and 'a' through 'z' digit The US-ASCII decimal digit characters, '0' through '9' alphanum All alpha and digit characters unreserved All alphanum characters together with those in the string "_-!.~'()*" punct The characters in the string ",;:$&+=" reserved All punct characters together with those in the string "?/[]@" escaped Escaped octets, that is, triplets consisting of the percent character ('%') followed by two hexadecimal digits ('0'-'9', 'A'-'F', and 'a'-'f') other The Unicode characters that are not in the US-ASCII character set, are not control characters (according to the {@link java.lang.Character#isISOControl(char) Character.isISOControl}method), and are not space characters (according to the {@link java.lang.Character#isSpaceChar(char) Character.isSpaceChar}method) (Deviation from RFC 2396, which is limited to US-ASCII)
The set of all legal URI characters consists of the unreserved, reserved, escaped, and other characters.
To encode non-US-ASCII characters when a URI is required to conform strictly to RFC 2396 by not containing any other characters.
To quote characters that are otherwise illegal in a component. The user-info, path, query, and fragment components differ slightly in terms of which characters are considered legal and illegal.
A character is encoded by replacing it with the sequence of escaped octets that represent that character in the UTF-8 character set. The Euro currency symbol ('\u20AC'), for example, is encoded as "%E2%82%AC". (Deviation from RFC 2396, which does not specify any particular character set.)
An illegal character is quoted simply by encoding it. The space character, for example, is quoted by replacing it with "%20". UTF-8 contains US-ASCII, hence for US-ASCII characters this transformation has exactly the effect required by RFC 2396.
A sequence of escaped octets is decoded by replacing it with the sequence of characters that it represents in the UTF-8 character set. UTF-8 contains US-ASCII, hence decoding has the effect of de-quoting any quoted US-ASCII characters as well as that of decoding any encoded non-US-ASCII characters. If a decoding error occurs when decoding the escaped octets then the erroneous octets are replaced by '\uFFFD', the Unicode replacement character.
The {@link #URI(java.lang.String) single-argumentconstructor
} requires any illegal characters in its argument to bequoted and preserves any escaped octets and other characters that are present.
The {@link #URI(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,int,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.String) multi-argument constructors
} quote illegal characters asrequired by the components in which they appear. The percent character ('%') is always quoted by these constructors. Any other characters are preserved.
The {@link #getRawUserInfo() getRawUserInfo}, {@link #getRawPath() getRawPath}, {@link #getRawQuery() getRawQuery}, {@link #getRawFragment() getRawFragment}, {@link #getRawAuthority() getRawAuthority}, and {@link #getRawSchemeSpecificPart() getRawSchemeSpecificPart} methods return thevalues of their corresponding components in raw form, without interpreting any escaped octets. The strings returned by these methods may contain both escaped octets and other characters, and will not contain any illegal characters.
The {@link #getUserInfo() getUserInfo}, {@link #getPath() getPath}, {@link #getQuery() getQuery}, {@link #getFragment() getFragment}, {@link #getAuthority() getAuthority}, and {@link #getSchemeSpecificPart() getSchemeSpecificPart} methods decode any escapedoctets in their corresponding components. The strings returned by these methods may contain both other characters and illegal characters, and will not contain any escaped octets.
The {@link #toString() toString} method returns a URI string withall necessary quotation but which may contain other characters.
The {@link #toASCIIString() toASCIIString} method returns a fullyquoted and encoded URI string that does not contain any other characters.
new URI(u.toString()).equals(u) .For any URI u that does not contain redundant syntax such as two slashes before an empty authority (as in file:///tmp/ ) or a colon following a host name but no port (as in ), and that does not encode characters except those that must be quoted, the following identities also hold:
new URI(u.getScheme(),in all cases,
new URI(u.getScheme(),if u is hierarchical, and
u.getUserInfo(), u.getAuthority(),
u.getPath(), u.getQuery(),
new URI(u.getScheme(),if u is hierarchical and has either no authority or a server-based authority.
u.getUserInfo(), u.getHost(), u.getPort(),
u.getPath(), u.getQuery(),
The conceptual distinction between URIs and URLs is reflected in the differences between this class and the {@link URL} class.
An instance of this class represents a URI reference in the syntactic sense defined by RFC 2396. A URI may be either absolute or relative. A URI string is parsed according to the generic syntax without regard to the scheme, if any, that it specifies. No lookup of the host, if any, is performed, and no scheme-dependent stream handler is constructed. Equality, hashing, and comparison are defined strictly in terms of the character content of the instance. In other words, a URI instance is little more than a structured string that supports the syntactic, scheme-independent operations of comparison, normalization, resolution, and relativization.
An instance of the {@link URL} class, by contrast, represents thesyntactic components of a URL together with some of the information required to access the resource that it describes. A URL must be absolute, that is, it must always specify a scheme. A URL string is parsed according to its scheme. A stream handler is always established for a URL, and in fact it is impossible to create a URL instance for a scheme for which no handler is available. Equality and hashing depend upon both the scheme and the Internet address of the host, if any; comparison is not defined. In other words, a URL is a structured string that supports the syntactic operation of resolution as well as the network I/O operations of looking up the host and opening a connection to the specified resource.
@version 1.48, 06/06/12
@author Mark Reinhold
@since 1.4
@see RFC 2279: UTF-8, a
transformation format of ISO 10646,
RFC 2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax,
RFC 2732: Format for Literal IPv6 Addresses in URLs,
Every absolute URI consists of a scheme, followed by a colon (':'), followed by a scheme-specific part. For URIs that follow the "generic URI" syntax, the scheme-specific part begins with two slashes ("//") and may be followed by an authority segment (comprised of user information, host, and port), path segment, query segment and fragment. Note that RFC 2396 no longer specifies the use of the parameters segment and excludes the "user:password" syntax as part of the authority segment. If "user:password" appears in a URI, the entire user/password string is stored as userinfo.
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI. @version $Id: 712351 2008-11-08 05:45:12Z mrglavas $
Every absolute URI consists of a scheme, followed by a colon (':'), followed by a scheme-specific part. For URIs that follow the "generic URI" syntax, the scheme-specific part begins with two slashes ("//") and may be followed by an authority segment (comprised of user information, host, and port), path segment, query segment and fragment. Note that RFC 2396 no longer specifies the use of the parameters segment and excludes the "user:password" syntax as part of the authority segment. If "user:password" appears in a URI, the entire user/password string is stored as userinfo.
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI. @version $Id:,v 1.5 2004/02/25 14:02:47 dims Exp $
Every absolute URI consists of a scheme, followed by a colon (':'), followed by a scheme-specific part. For URIs that follow the "generic URI" syntax, the scheme-specific part begins with two slashes ("//") and may be followed by an authority segment (comprised of user information, host, and port), path segment, query segment and fragment. Note that RFC 2396 no longer specifies the use of the parameters segment and excludes the "user:password" syntax as part of the authority segment. If "user:password" appears in a URI, the entire user/password string is stored as userinfo.
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI.
The following examples illustrate URI that are in common use. -- ftp scheme for File Transfer Protocol services gopher:// -- gopher scheme for Gopher and Gopher+ Protocol services -- http scheme for Hypertext Transfer Protocol services -- mailto scheme for electronic mail addresses news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix -- news scheme for USENET news groups and articles telnet:// -- telnet scheme for interactive services via the TELNET ProtocolPlease, notice that there are many modifications from URL(RFC 1738) and relative URL(RFC 1808).
The expressions for a URI
For escaped URI forms - URI(char[]) // constructor - char[] getRawXxx() // method - String getEscapedXxx() // method - String toString() // methodFor unescaped URI forms - URI(String) // constructor - String getXXX() // method
@author Sung-Gu @author Mike Bowler @version $Revision: 155418 $ $Date: 2002/03/14 15:14:01
The following examples illustrate URI that are in common use. -- ftp scheme for File Transfer Protocol services gopher:// -- gopher scheme for Gopher and Gopher+ Protocol services -- http scheme for Hypertext Transfer Protocol services -- mailto scheme for electronic mail addresses news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix -- news scheme for USENET news groups and articles telnet:// -- telnet scheme for interactive services via the TELNET ProtocolPlease, notice that there are many modifications from URL(RFC 1738) and relative URL(RFC 1808).
The expressions for a URI
For escaped URI forms - URI(char[]) // constructor - char[] getRawXxx() // method - String getEscapedXxx() // method - String toString() // methodFor unescaped URI forms - URI(String) // constructor - String getXXX() // method
This class is a slightly modified version of the URI class distributed with Http Client 3.1. The changes involve removing dependencies to other Http Client classes and the Commons Codec library. To this avail the following methods have been added to this class:
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI. @version $Id:,v 2000/10/05 01:59:28 andyc Exp $
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI. @version $Id:,v 1.3 2000/09/12 00:35:14 jeffreyr Exp $
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI.
ISO_8859_1 encoding is used by default for % encoded characters. This may be overridden with the org.mortbay.util.URI.charset system property. @see UrlEncoded @version $Id:,v 1.39 2006/01/04 13:55:31 gregwilkins Exp $ @author Greg Wilkins (gregw)
instance can be created by specifying values for its components, or by providing a single URI string, which is parsed into its components. Static factory methods whose names begin with "create" are used for both forms of object creation. No public or protected constructors are provided; this class can not be subclassed. Like String
is an immutable class; a URI
instance offers several by-value methods that return a new URI
object based on its current state. Most useful, a relative URI
can be {@link #resolve(URI) resolve}d against a base absolute URI
-- the latter typically identifies the document in which the former appears. The inverse to this is {@link #deresolve(URI) deresolve}, which answers the question, "what relative URI will resolve, against the given base, to this absolute URI?"
In the RFC, much attention is focused on a hierarchical naming system used widely to locate resources via common protocols such as HTTP, FTP, and Gopher, and to identify files on a local file system. Accordingly, most of this class's functionality is for handling such URIs, which can be identified via {@link #isHierarchical isHierarchical}.
For URIs that do not follow the "generic URI" syntax (e.g. mailto), the entire scheme-specific part is treated as the "path" portion of the URI.
Note that, unlike the class, this class does not provide any built-in network access functionality nor does it provide any scheme-specific functionality (for example, it does not know a default port for a specific scheme). Rather, it only knows the grammar and basic set of operations that can be applied to a URI. @version $Id:,v 1.1 2004/11/26 01:51:06 tanderson Exp $
public boolean equals(Object other); public int hashCode();The method "public String toString();" is expected to return a valid URI String @author voelkel
ISO_8859_1 encoding is used by default for % encoded characters. This may be overridden with the org.openqa.jetty.util.URI.charset system property. @see UrlEncoded @version $Id:,v 1.39 2006/01/04 13:55:31 gregwilkins Exp $ @author Greg Wilkins (gregw)