FormItem that creates an HTML <input type="upload"> control, with an interface that allows a user to pick a file from his machine to upload to the server.
See the {@link Uploading Files} overviewfor details.
Note: if a form containing an UploadItem is {@link com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Canvas#redraw redrawn}(which may happen if other form items are shown or hidden, the form is {@link com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Canvas#getRedrawOnResize resized}, or other items show validation errors) then the value in the upload item is lost (because an HTML upload field may not be created with a value). For this reason, if you are building a form that combines an UploadItem with other FormItems that could trigger redraw()s, recommended practice is to place each UploadItem in a distinct DynamicForm instance and create the visual appearance of a single logical form via combining the DynamicForms in a {@link com.smartgwt.client.widgets.layout.Layout}.
@see Upload overview and related methods