See {@link TransferManager} for more information about creating transfers.
@see TransferManager#upload(String,String, @see TransferManager#upload( Zhang Kaitao
Date: 13-2-4 上午9:38
Version: 1.0
The visible component consists of a file name input box and a browse button and an upload submit button to start uploading.
The Upload component needs a to write the uploaded data. You need to implement the Upload.Receiver interface and return the output stream in the receiveUpload() method.
You can get an event regarding starting (StartedEvent), progress (ProgressEvent), and finishing (FinishedEvent) of upload by implementing StartedListener, ProgressListener, and FinishedListener, respectively. The FinishedListener is called for both failed and succeeded uploads. If you wish to separate between these two cases, you can use SucceededListener (SucceededEvenet) and FailedListener (FailedEvent).
The upload component does not itself show upload progress, but you can use the ProgressIndicator for providing progress feedback by implementing ProgressListener and updating the indicator in updateProgress().
Setting upload component immediate initiates the upload as soon as a file is selected, instead of the common pattern of file selection field and upload button.
Note! Because of browser dependent implementations of element, setting size for Upload component is not supported. For some browsers setting size may work to some extend. @author Vaadin Ltd. @since 3.0