Examples of UnsupportedFeatureException

Examples of com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException

            // We don't let the user change the fetchSize globally if the proto v1 is used, so we just need to
            // check for the case of a per-statement override
            if (fetchSize <= 0)
                fetchSize = -1;
            else if (fetchSize != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Paging is not supported");
        } else if (fetchSize <= 0) {
            fetchSize = configuration().getQueryOptions().getFetchSize();

        if (fetchSize == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            fetchSize = -1;

        if (statement instanceof RegularStatement) {
            RegularStatement rs = (RegularStatement)statement;

            // It saddens me that we special case for the query builder here, but for now this is simpler.
            // We could provide a general API in RegularStatement instead at some point but it's unclear what's
            // the cleanest way to do that is right now (and it's probably not really that useful anyway).
            if (protoVersion == 1 && rs instanceof com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.BuiltStatement)

            ByteBuffer[] rawValues = rs.getValues(protoVersion);

            if (protoVersion == 1 && rawValues != null)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Binary values are not supported");

            List<ByteBuffer> values = rawValues == null ? Collections.<ByteBuffer>emptyList() : Arrays.asList(rawValues);
            String qString = rs.getQueryString();
            Requests.QueryProtocolOptions options = new Requests.QueryProtocolOptions(cl, values, false, fetchSize, pagingState, scl);
            return new Requests.Query(qString, options);
        } else if (statement instanceof BoundStatement) {
            BoundStatement bs = (BoundStatement)statement;
            boolean skipMetadata = protoVersion != 1 && bs.statement.getPreparedId().resultSetMetadata != null;
            Requests.QueryProtocolOptions options = new Requests.QueryProtocolOptions(cl, Arrays.asList(bs.wrapper.values), skipMetadata, fetchSize, pagingState, scl);
            return new Requests.Execute(bs.statement.getPreparedId().id, options);
        } else {
            assert statement instanceof BatchStatement : statement;
            assert pagingState == null;

            if (protoVersion == 1)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Protocol level batching is not supported");

            BatchStatement bs = (BatchStatement)statement;
            BatchStatement.IdAndValues idAndVals = bs.getIdAndValues(protoVersion);
            return new Requests.Batch(bs.batchType, idAndVals.ids, idAndVals.values, cl);
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Examples of com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException

            // We don't let the user change the fetchSize globally if the proto v1 is used, so we just need to
            // check for the case of a per-statement override
            if (fetchSize <= 0)
                fetchSize = -1;
            else if (fetchSize != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Paging is not supported");
        } else if (fetchSize <= 0) {
            fetchSize = configuration().getQueryOptions().getFetchSize();

        if (fetchSize == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            fetchSize = -1;

        if (statement instanceof RegularStatement) {
            RegularStatement rs = (RegularStatement)statement;

            // It saddens me that we special case for the query builder here, but for now this is simpler.
            // We could provide a general API in RegularStatement instead at some point but it's unclear what's
            // the cleanest way to do that is right now (and it's probably not really that useful anyway).
            if (protoVersion == 1 && rs instanceof com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.BuiltStatement)

            ByteBuffer[] rawValues = rs.getValues();

            if (protoVersion == 1 && rawValues != null)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Binary values are not supported");

            List<ByteBuffer> values = rawValues == null ? Collections.<ByteBuffer>emptyList() : Arrays.asList(rawValues);
            String qString = rs.getQueryString();
            Requests.QueryProtocolOptions options = new Requests.QueryProtocolOptions(cl, values, false, fetchSize, pagingState, scl);
            return new Requests.Query(qString, options);
        } else if (statement instanceof BoundStatement) {
            BoundStatement bs = (BoundStatement)statement;
            boolean skipMetadata = protoVersion != 1 && bs.statement.getPreparedId().resultSetMetadata != null;
            Requests.QueryProtocolOptions options = new Requests.QueryProtocolOptions(cl, Arrays.asList(bs.values), skipMetadata, fetchSize, pagingState, scl);
            return new Requests.Execute(bs.statement.getPreparedId().id, options);
        } else {
            assert statement instanceof BatchStatement : statement;
            assert pagingState == null;

            if (protoVersion == 1)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Protocol level batching is not supported");

            BatchStatement bs = (BatchStatement)statement;
            BatchStatement.IdAndValues idAndVals = bs.getIdAndValues();
            return new Requests.Batch(bs.batchType, idAndVals.ids, idAndVals.values, cl);
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Examples of com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException

        if (fetchSize <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid fetchSize, should be > 0, got " + fetchSize);

        int version = manager == null ? -1 : manager.protocolVersion();
        if (fetchSize != Integer.MAX_VALUE && version == 1)
            throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Paging is not supported");

        this.fetchSize = fetchSize;
        return this;
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Examples of com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException

            // We don't let the user change the fetchSize globally if the proto v1 is used, so we just need to
            // check for the case of a per-statement override
            if (fetchSize <= 0)
                fetchSize = -1;
            else if (fetchSize != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Paging is not supported");
        } else if (fetchSize <= 0) {
            fetchSize = configuration().getQueryOptions().getFetchSize();

        if (fetchSize == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            fetchSize = -1;

        if (statement instanceof RegularStatement) {
            RegularStatement rs = (RegularStatement)statement;

            // It saddens me that we special case for the query builder here, but for now this is simpler.
            // We could provide a general API in RegularStatement instead at some point but it's unclear what's
            // the cleanest way to do that is right now (and it's probably not really that useful anyway).
            if (protoVersion == 1 && rs instanceof com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.BuiltStatement)

            ByteBuffer[] rawValues = rs.getValues(protoVersion);

            if (protoVersion == 1 && rawValues != null)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Binary values are not supported");

            List<ByteBuffer> values = rawValues == null ? Collections.<ByteBuffer>emptyList() : Arrays.asList(rawValues);
            String qString = rs.getQueryString();
            Requests.QueryProtocolOptions options = new Requests.QueryProtocolOptions(cl, values, false, fetchSize, pagingState, scl);
            return new Requests.Query(qString, options);
        } else if (statement instanceof BoundStatement) {
            BoundStatement bs = (BoundStatement)statement;
            boolean skipMetadata = protoVersion != 1 && bs.statement.getPreparedId().resultSetMetadata != null;
            Requests.QueryProtocolOptions options = new Requests.QueryProtocolOptions(cl, Arrays.asList(bs.wrapper.values), skipMetadata, fetchSize, pagingState, scl);
            return new Requests.Execute(bs.statement.getPreparedId().id, options);
        } else {
            assert statement instanceof BatchStatement : statement;
            assert pagingState == null;

            if (protoVersion == 1)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Protocol level batching is not supported");

            BatchStatement bs = (BatchStatement)statement;
            BatchStatement.IdAndValues idAndVals = bs.getIdAndValues(protoVersion);
            return new Requests.Batch(bs.batchType, idAndVals.ids, idAndVals.values, cl);
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Examples of com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException

            // We don't let the user change the fetchSize globally if the proto v1 is used, so we just need to
            // check for the case of a per-statement override
            if (fetchSize <= 0)
                fetchSize = -1;
            else if (fetchSize != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Paging is not supported");
        } else if (fetchSize <= 0) {
            fetchSize = configuration().getQueryOptions().getFetchSize();

        if (fetchSize == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            fetchSize = -1;

        if (statement instanceof RegularStatement) {
            RegularStatement rs = (RegularStatement)statement;

            // It saddens me that we special case for the query builder here, but for now this is simpler.
            // We could provide a general API in RegularStatement instead at some point but it's unclear what's
            // the cleanest way to do that is right now (and it's probably not really that useful anyway).
            if (protoVersion == 1 && rs instanceof com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.BuiltStatement)

            ByteBuffer[] rawValues = rs.getValues(protoVersion);

            if (protoVersion == 1 && rawValues != null)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Binary values are not supported");

            List<ByteBuffer> values = rawValues == null ? Collections.<ByteBuffer>emptyList() : Arrays.asList(rawValues);
            String qString = rs.getQueryString();
            Requests.QueryProtocolOptions options = new Requests.QueryProtocolOptions(cl, values, false, fetchSize, pagingState, scl);
            return new Requests.Query(qString, options);
        } else if (statement instanceof BoundStatement) {
            BoundStatement bs = (BoundStatement)statement;
            boolean skipMetadata = protoVersion != 1 && bs.statement.getPreparedId().resultSetMetadata != null;
            Requests.QueryProtocolOptions options = new Requests.QueryProtocolOptions(cl, Arrays.asList(bs.wrapper.values), skipMetadata, fetchSize, pagingState, scl);
            return new Requests.Execute(bs.statement.getPreparedId().id, options);
        } else {
            assert statement instanceof BatchStatement : statement;
            assert pagingState == null;

            if (protoVersion == 1)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Protocol level batching is not supported");

            BatchStatement bs = (BatchStatement)statement;
            BatchStatement.IdAndValues idAndVals = bs.getIdAndValues(protoVersion);
            return new Requests.Batch(bs.batchType, idAndVals.ids, idAndVals.values, cl);
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Examples of com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException

            // We don't let the user change the fetchSize globally if the proto v1 is used, so we just need to
            // check for the case of a per-statement override
            if (fetchSize <= 0)
                fetchSize = -1;
            else if (fetchSize != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Paging is not supported");
        } else if (fetchSize <= 0) {
            fetchSize = configuration().getQueryOptions().getFetchSize();

        if (fetchSize == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
            fetchSize = -1;

        if (statement instanceof RegularStatement) {
            RegularStatement rs = (RegularStatement)statement;

            // It saddens me that we special case for the query builder here, but for now this is simpler.
            // We could provide a general API in RegularStatement instead at some point but it's unclear what's
            // the cleanest way to do that is right now (and it's probably not really that useful anyway).
            if (protoVersion == 1 && rs instanceof com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.BuiltStatement)

            ByteBuffer[] rawValues = rs.getValues();

            if (protoVersion == 1 && rawValues != null)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Binary values are not supported");

            List<ByteBuffer> values = rawValues == null ? Collections.<ByteBuffer>emptyList() : Arrays.asList(rawValues);
            String qString = rs.getQueryString();
            Requests.QueryProtocolOptions options = new Requests.QueryProtocolOptions(cl, values, false, fetchSize, pagingState, scl);
            return new Requests.Query(qString, options);
        } else if (statement instanceof BoundStatement) {
            BoundStatement bs = (BoundStatement)statement;
            boolean skipMetadata = protoVersion != 1 && bs.statement.getPreparedId().resultSetMetadata != null;
            Requests.QueryProtocolOptions options = new Requests.QueryProtocolOptions(cl, Arrays.asList(bs.values), skipMetadata, fetchSize, pagingState, scl);
            return new Requests.Execute(bs.statement.getPreparedId().id, options);
        } else {
            assert statement instanceof BatchStatement : statement;
            assert pagingState == null;

            if (protoVersion == 1)
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Protocol level batching is not supported");

            BatchStatement bs = (BatchStatement)statement;
            BatchStatement.IdAndValues idAndVals = bs.getIdAndValues();
            return new Requests.Batch(bs.batchType, idAndVals.ids, idAndVals.values, cl);
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Examples of io.crate.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException

        process(node.subQuery(), context);

        // We forbid using limit/offset or order by until we've implemented ES paging support (aka 'scroll')
        if (context.subQueryAnalysis().isLimited() || context.subQueryAnalysis().isSorted()) {
            throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Using limit, offset or order by is not" +
                    "supported on insert using a sub-query");

        int numInsertColumns = node.columns().size() == 0 ? context.table().columns().size() : node.columns().size();
        int maxInsertValues = Math.max(numInsertColumns, context.getSubQueryColumns().size());
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Examples of io.crate.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException

        if (RawCollectorExpression.COLUMN_NAME.equals(referenceInfo.ident().columnIdent().name())){
            if (referenceInfo.ident().columnIdent().isColumn()){
                return new RawCollectorExpression();
            } else {
                // TODO: implement an Object source expression which may support subscripts
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(
                        String.format("_source expression does not support subscripts %s",
        } else if (IdCollectorExpression.COLUMN_NAME.equals(referenceInfo.ident().columnIdent().name())) {
            return new IdCollectorExpression();
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Examples of io.crate.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException

                        ((QualifiedNameReference) expression).getName().toString()));

            Symbol v = process(expression, context);
            if (!v.symbolType().isValueSymbol()) {
                throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("Only literals are allowed as parameter values");
            builder.put(key, StringValueSymbolVisitor.INSTANCE.process(v));
        return builder.build();
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Examples of io.crate.exceptions.UnsupportedFeatureException


    public Symbol visitArrayComparisonExpression(ArrayComparisonExpression node, T context) {
        if (node.quantifier().equals(ArrayComparisonExpression.Quantifier.ALL)) {
            throw new UnsupportedFeatureException("ALL is not supported");

        // implicitly swapping arguments so we got 1. reference, 2. literal
        Symbol left = process(node.getRight(), context);
        Symbol right = process(node.getLeft(), context);
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