Examples of UnifiedAst

Examples of com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.UnifiedAst

          module, compilationState, generatedArtifacts, allPermutations,
          genDir, generatorResourcesDir);
      // Allow GC later.
      compilationState = null;
      UnifiedAst unifiedAst = getCompiler(module).precompile(logger,
          module, rpo, declEntryPts, null, jjsOptions,
          rpo.getPermuationCount() == 1);

      // Merge all identical permutations together.
      Permutation[] permutations = rpo.getPermutations();
      // Sort the permutations by an ordered key to ensure determinism.
      SortedMap<String, Permutation> merged = new TreeMap<String, Permutation>();
      SortedSet<String> liveRebindRequests = unifiedAst.getRebindRequests();
      for (Permutation permutation : permutations) {
        // Construct a key from the stringified map of live rebind answers.
        SortedMap<String, String> rebindAnswers = new TreeMap<String, String>(
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Examples of com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.UnifiedAst

      // Read the File that contains the serialized UnifiedAst
      File astFile = (File) in.readObject();
      ObjectInputStream astIn = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(
      UnifiedAst ast = (UnifiedAst) astIn.readObject();
      logger.log(TreeLogger.SPAM, "Created new UnifiedAst instance");

      // Report on the amount of memory we think we're using
      long estimatedMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()
          - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
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Examples of com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.UnifiedAst

      ArtifactSet generatedArtifacts = new ArtifactSet();
      DistillerRebindPermutationOracle rpo = new DistillerRebindPermutationOracle(
          module, compilationState, generatedArtifacts, allPermutations,
          genDir, generatorResourcesDir);
      UnifiedAst unifiedAst = getCompiler(module).precompile(logger, module,
          rpo, declEntryPts, null, jjsOptions, rpo.getPermuationCount() == 1);

      // Merge all identical permutations together.
      Permutation[] permutations = rpo.getPermutations();
      // Sort the permutations by an ordered key to ensure determinism.
      SortedMap<String, Permutation> merged = new TreeMap<String, Permutation>();
      SortedSet<String> liveRebindRequests = unifiedAst.getRebindRequests();
      for (Permutation permutation : permutations) {
        // Construct a key from the stringified map of live rebind answers.
        SortedMap<String, String> rebindAnswers = new TreeMap<String, String>(
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Examples of com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.UnifiedAst


      WebModeCompilerFrontEnd frontEnd = new WebModeCompilerFrontEnd(
          compilationState, rpo);
      UnifiedAst unifiedAst = JavaToJavaScriptCompiler.precompile(logger,
          frontEnd, declEntryPts, null, jjsOptions,
          rpo.getPermuationCount() == 1);

      // Merge all identical permutations together.
      Permutation[] permutations = rpo.getPermutations();
      // Sort the permutations by an ordered key to ensure determinism.
      SortedMap<String, Permutation> merged = new TreeMap<String, Permutation>();
      for (Permutation permutation : permutations) {
        // Arbitrarily choose as a key the stringified map of rebind answers.
        String rebindResultsString = permutation.getRebindAnswers().toString();
        if (merged.containsKey(rebindResultsString)) {
          Permutation existing = merged.get(rebindResultsString);
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Examples of com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.UnifiedAst

      // Read the File that contains the serialized UnifiedAst
      File astFile = (File) in.readObject();
      ObjectInputStream astIn = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(
      UnifiedAst ast = (UnifiedAst) astIn.readObject();
      logger.log(TreeLogger.SPAM, "Created new UnifiedAst instance");

      // Report on the amount of memory we think we're using
      long estimatedMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()
          - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
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Examples of com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.UnifiedAst

      // Read the File that contains the serialized UnifiedAst
      File astFile = (File) in.readObject();
      ObjectInputStream astIn = new StringInterningObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(
      UnifiedAst ast = (UnifiedAst) astIn.readObject();
      logger.log(TreeLogger.SPAM, "Created new UnifiedAst instance");

      // Report on the amount of memory we think we're using
      long estimatedMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()
          - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
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Examples of com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.UnifiedAst

      // Allow GC later.
      compilationState = null;
      PrecompilationMetricsArtifact precompilationMetrics =
              ? new PrecompilationMetricsArtifact(permutationBase) : null;
      UnifiedAst unifiedAst =
          getCompiler(module).precompile(logger, compilerContext, rpo, declEntryPts, null,
              rpo.getPermutationCount() == 1, precompilationMetrics);

      if (jjsOptions.isCompilerMetricsEnabled()) {
        ModuleMetricsArtifact moduleMetrics = new ModuleMetricsArtifact();
        // The initial type list has to be gathered before the call to
        // precompile().
        // The elapsed time in ModuleMetricsArtifact represents time
        // which could be done once for all permutations.
        moduleMetrics.setElapsedMilliseconds(moduleLoadFinished - startTimeMilliseconds);

      // Merge all identical permutations together.
      List<Permutation> permutations =
          new ArrayList<Permutation>(Arrays.asList(rpo.getPermutations()));

      // Monolithic compiles have multiple permutations but library compiles do not (since the
      // library output contains runtime rebind logic that will find implementations for any
      // supported browser).
      if (compileMonolithic) {

        // Sort the permutations by an ordered key to ensure determinism.
        SortedMap<RebindAnswersPermutationKey, Permutation> merged =
            new TreeMap<RebindAnswersPermutationKey, Permutation>();
        SortedSet<String> liveRebindRequests = unifiedAst.getRebindRequests();
        for (Permutation permutation : permutations) {
          // Construct a key for the live rebind answers.
          RebindAnswersPermutationKey key =
              new RebindAnswersPermutationKey(permutation, liveRebindRequests);
          if (merged.containsKey(key)) {
            Permutation existing = merged.get(key);
            existing.mergeFrom(permutation, liveRebindRequests);
          } else {
            merged.put(key, permutation);


      if (jjsOptions.isCompilerMetricsEnabled()) {
        int[] ids = new int[allPermutations.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < allPermutations.size(); i++) {
          ids[i] = permutationBase + i;
        // TODO(zundel): Right now this double counts module load and
        // precompile time. It correctly counts the amount of time spent
        // in this process. The elapsed time in ModuleMetricsArtifact
        // represents time which could be done once for all permutations.
            - startTimeMilliseconds);
      return new Precompilation(unifiedAst, permutations, permutationBase, generatedArtifacts);
    } catch (UnableToCompleteException e) {
      // We intentionally don't pass in the exception here since the real
      // cause has been logged.
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Examples of com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.UnifiedAst

      // Allow GC later.
      compilationState = null;
      PrecompilationMetricsArtifact precompilationMetrics =
              ? new PrecompilationMetricsArtifact(permutationBase) : null;
      UnifiedAst unifiedAst =
          getCompiler(module).precompile(logger, module, rpo, declEntryPts, null, jjsOptions,
              rpo.getPermuationCount() == 1, precompilationMetrics);

      if (jjsOptions.isCompilerMetricsEnabled()) {
        ModuleMetricsArtifact moduleMetrics = new ModuleMetricsArtifact();
        // The initial type list has to be gathered before the call to
        // precompile().
        // The elapsed time in ModuleMetricsArtifact represents time
        // which could be done once for all permutations.
        moduleMetrics.setElapsedMilliseconds(moduleLoadFinished - startTimeMilliseconds);

      // Merge all identical permutations together.
      List<Permutation> permutations =
          new ArrayList<Permutation>(Arrays.asList(rpo.getPermutations()));


      // Sort the permutations by an ordered key to ensure determinism.
      SortedMap<RebindAnswersPermutationKey, Permutation> merged =
          new TreeMap<RebindAnswersPermutationKey, Permutation>();
      SortedSet<String> liveRebindRequests = unifiedAst.getRebindRequests();
      for (Permutation permutation : permutations) {
        // Construct a key for the live rebind answers.
        RebindAnswersPermutationKey key =
            new RebindAnswersPermutationKey(permutation, liveRebindRequests);
        if (merged.containsKey(key)) {
          Permutation existing = merged.get(key);
          existing.mergeFrom(permutation, liveRebindRequests);
        } else {
          merged.put(key, permutation);
      if (jjsOptions.isCompilerMetricsEnabled()) {
        int[] ids = new int[allPermutations.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < allPermutations.size(); i++) {
          ids[i] = permutationBase + i;
        // TODO(zundel): Right now this double counts module load and
        // precompile time. It correctly counts the amount of time spent
        // in this process. The elapsed time in ModuleMetricsArtifact
        // represents time which could be done once for all permutations.
            - startTimeMilliseconds);
      return new Precompilation(unifiedAst, merged.values(), permutationBase, generatedArtifacts);
    } catch (UnableToCompleteException e) {
      // We intentionally don't pass in the exception here since the real
      // cause has been logged.
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Examples of com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.UnifiedAst

      // Read the File that contains the serialized UnifiedAst
      File astFile = (File) in.readObject();
      ObjectInputStream astIn = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(
      UnifiedAst ast = (UnifiedAst) astIn.readObject();
      logger.log(TreeLogger.SPAM, "Created new UnifiedAst instance");

      // Report on the amount of memory we think we're using
      long estimatedMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()
          - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory();
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Examples of com.google.gwt.dev.jjs.UnifiedAst

      // Allow GC later.
      compilationState = null;
      PrecompilationMetricsArtifact precompilationMetrics =
              ? new PrecompilationMetricsArtifact(permutationBase) : null;
      UnifiedAst unifiedAst =
          getCompiler(module).precompile(logger, compilerContext, rpo, declEntryPts, null,
              rpo.getPermutationCount() == 1, precompilationMetrics);

      if (jjsOptions.isCompilerMetricsEnabled()) {
        ModuleMetricsArtifact moduleMetrics = new ModuleMetricsArtifact();
        // The initial type list has to be gathered before the call to
        // precompile().
        // The elapsed time in ModuleMetricsArtifact represents time
        // which could be done once for all permutations.
        moduleMetrics.setElapsedMilliseconds(moduleLoadFinished - startTimeMilliseconds);

      // Merge all identical permutations together.
      List<Permutation> permutations =
          new ArrayList<Permutation>(Arrays.asList(rpo.getPermutations()));

      // Monolithic compiles have multiple permutations but library compiles do not (since the
      // library output contains runtime rebind logic that will find implementations for any
      // supported browser).
      if (compileMonolithic) {

        // Sort the permutations by an ordered key to ensure determinism.
        SortedMap<RebindAnswersPermutationKey, Permutation> merged =
            new TreeMap<RebindAnswersPermutationKey, Permutation>();
        SortedSet<String> liveRebindRequests = unifiedAst.getRebindRequests();
        for (Permutation permutation : permutations) {
          // Construct a key for the live rebind answers.
          RebindAnswersPermutationKey key =
              new RebindAnswersPermutationKey(permutation, liveRebindRequests);
          if (merged.containsKey(key)) {
            Permutation existing = merged.get(key);
            existing.mergeFrom(permutation, liveRebindRequests);
          } else {
            merged.put(key, permutation);


      if (jjsOptions.isCompilerMetricsEnabled()) {
        int[] ids = new int[allPermutations.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < allPermutations.size(); i++) {
          ids[i] = permutationBase + i;
        // TODO(zundel): Right now this double counts module load and
        // precompile time. It correctly counts the amount of time spent
        // in this process. The elapsed time in ModuleMetricsArtifact
        // represents time which could be done once for all permutations.
            - startTimeMilliseconds);
      return new Precompilation(unifiedAst, permutations, permutationBase, generatedArtifacts);
    } catch (UnableToCompleteException e) {
      // We intentionally don't pass in the exception here since the real
      // cause has been logged.
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