Examples of UnicodeRegex

Examples of com.ibm.icu.impl.UnicodeRegex


    public void TestBnf() {
        UnicodeRegex regex = new UnicodeRegex();
        final String[][] tests = {
                    "c = a wq;\n" +
                    "a = xyz;\n" +
                    "b = a a c;\n"
                    "c = a b;\n" +
                    "a = xyz;\n" +
                    "b = a a c;\n",
                    "uri = (?: (scheme) \\:)? (host) (?: \\? (query))? (?: \\u0023 (fragment))?;\n" +
                    "scheme = reserved+;\n" +
                    "host = // reserved+;\n" +
                    "query = [\\=reserved]+;\n" +
                    "fragment = reserved+;\n" +
                    "reserved = [[:ascii:][:sc=grek:]&[:alphabetic:]];\n",
        for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) {
            String test = tests[i][0];
            final boolean expectException = tests[i].length < 2 ? false : tests[i][1].equals("Exception");
            try {
                String result;
                if (test.endsWith(".txt")) {
                    java.io.InputStream is = RegexUtilitiesTest.class.getResourceAsStream(test);
                    List lines = UnicodeRegex.appendLines(new ArrayList(), is, "UTF-8");
                    result = regex.compileBnf(lines);
                } else {
                    result = regex.compileBnf(test);
                if (expectException) {
                    errln("Expected exception for " + test);
                result = result.replaceAll("[0-9]+%", ""); // just so we can use the language subtag stuff
                String resolved = regex.transform(result);
                Matcher m = Pattern.compile(resolved, Pattern.COMMENTS).matcher("");
                String checks = "";
                for (int j = 1; j < tests[i].length; ++j) {
                    String check = tests[i][j];
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