// Open URL:s
boolean isClosed = false; // was this window closed?
while (childIndex < uidl.getChildCount()
&& "open".equals(uidl.getChildUIDL(childIndex).getTag())) {
final UIDL open = uidl.getChildUIDL(childIndex);
final String url = client.translateVaadinUri(open
final String target = open.getStringAttribute("name");
if (target == null) {
// source will be opened to this browser window, but we may have
// to finish rendering this window in case this is a download
// (and window stays open).
Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Command() {
public void execute() {
} else if ("_self".equals(target)) {
// This window is closing (for sure). Only other opens are
// relevant in this change. See #3558, #2144
isClosed = true;
} else {
String options;
boolean alwaysAsPopup = true;
if (open.hasAttribute("popup")) {
alwaysAsPopup = open.getBooleanAttribute("popup");
if (alwaysAsPopup) {
if (open.hasAttribute("border")) {
if (open.getStringAttribute("border").equals("minimal")) {
options = "menubar=yes,location=no,status=no";
} else {
options = "menubar=no,location=no,status=no";
} else {
options = "resizable=yes,menubar=yes,toolbar=yes,directories=yes,location=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes";
if (open.hasAttribute("width")) {
int w = open.getIntAttribute("width");
options += ",width=" + w;
if (open.hasAttribute("height")) {
int h = open.getIntAttribute("height");
options += ",height=" + h;
Window.open(url, target, options);
} else {
open(url, target);
if (isClosed) {
// We're navigating away, so stop the application.
// Handle other UIDL children
UIDL childUidl;
while ((childUidl = uidl.getChildUIDL(childIndex++)) != null) {
String tag = childUidl.getTag().intern();
if (tag == "actions") {
if (getWidget().actionHandler == null) {
getWidget().actionHandler = new ShortcutActionHandler(
getWidget().id, client);
} else if (tag == "notifications") {
for (final Iterator<?> it = childUidl.getChildIterator(); it
.hasNext();) {
final UIDL notification = (UIDL) it.next();
VNotification.showNotification(client, notification);
} else if (tag == "css-injections") {