static public NetcdfFile open(String location, String iospClassName, int bufferSize, CancelTask cancelTask, Object iospMessage)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, IOException {
Class iospClass = NetcdfFile.class.getClassLoader().loadClass(iospClassName);
IOServiceProvider spi = (IOServiceProvider) iospClass.newInstance(); // fail fast
// send before iosp is opened
if (iospMessage != null)
// get rid of file prefix, if any
String uriString = location.trim();
if (uriString.startsWith("file://"))
uriString = uriString.substring(7);
else if (uriString.startsWith("file:"))
uriString = uriString.substring(5);
// get rid of crappy microsnot \ replace with happy /
uriString = StringUtil.replace(uriString, '\\', "/");
if (bufferSize <= 0)
bufferSize = default_buffersize;
ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile raf = new ucar.unidata.io.RandomAccessFile(uriString, "r", bufferSize);
NetcdfFile result = new NetcdfFile(spi, raf, location, cancelTask);
// send after iosp is opened
if (iospMessage != null)
return result;