if (debugEnhance) System.out.printf("proto.enhance() parseInfo = %s%n", builder.getParseInfo());
// turn it into a GridDataset, so we can add standard metadata to result, not dependent on CoordSysBuilder
// also see ucar.nc2.dt.grid.NetcdfCFWriter - common code could be extracted
Formatter parseInfo = new Formatter();
GridDataset gds = new ucar.nc2.dt.grid.GridDataset(result, parseInfo); // LOOK not sure coord axes will read ??
if (debugEnhance) System.out.printf("proto GridDataset parseInfo = %s%n", parseInfo);
// now make standard CF metadata for gridded data
for (GridDatatype grid : gds.getGrids()) {
Variable newV = result.findVariable(grid.getFullName());
if (newV == null) {
logger.warn("FmrcDataset cant find "+grid.getFullName()+" in proto gds ");