Package ucar.ma2

Examples of ucar.ma2.TestStructureArray

    for (Parameter p : params) {
      if (p.isString())
        v.addAttribute(new Attribute(p.getName(), p.getStringValue()));
      else {
        double[] data = p.getNumericValues();
        Array dataA = Array.factory(double.class, new int[]{data.length}, data);
        v.addAttribute(new Attribute(p.getName(), dataA));
    v.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.TransformType, ct.getTransformType().toString()));

    // fake data
    Array data = Array.factory(DataType.CHAR.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] {}, new char[] {' '});
    v.setCachedData(data, true);

    return v;
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        double[] tdata = new double[1];

        tdata[0] = dd.getTime();

        Array dataT = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] { 1 }, tdata);

        taxis.setCachedData(dataT, false);

        DateFormatter formatter = new DateFormatter();

        taxis.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "msecs since " + formatter.toDateTimeStringISO(new Date(0))));
        ncfile.addVariable(null, taxis);

        Dimension jDim = new Dimension("y", numY, true, false, false);
        Dimension iDim = new Dimension("x", numX, true, false, false);

        ncfile.addDimension(null, iDim);
        ncfile.addDimension(null, jDim);
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("cdm_data_type", FeatureType.GRID.toString()));

        String   coordinates = "time y x";
        Variable v           = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, cname);

        ncfile.addVariable(null, v);
        v.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", ctitle));
        v.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", cunit));
        v.setSPobject(new Vinfo(numX, numY, hoff, false));
        v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, coordinates));

        // create coordinate variables
        Variable xaxis = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "x");

        xaxis.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name", "projection x coordinate"));
        xaxis.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "km"));
        xaxis.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, "GeoX"));

        double[]       data1      = new double[numX];
        ProjectionImpl projection = new LambertConformal(clat, clon, lat1, lat2);
        double ullat = 51.8294;
        double ullon = -135.8736;
        double lrlat = 17.2454;
        double lrlon = -70.1154;

        ProjectionPointImpl ptul = (ProjectionPointImpl) projection.latLonToProj(new LatLonPointImpl(ullat, ullon));
        ProjectionPointImpl ptlr = (ProjectionPointImpl) projection.latLonToProj(new LatLonPointImpl(lrlat, lrlon));
        ProjectionPointImpl ptc = (ProjectionPointImpl) projection.latLonToProj(new LatLonPointImpl(clat, clon));
        double startX = ptul.getX();
        double startY = ptlr.getY();
        double dx = (ptlr.getX() - ptul.getX())/(numX-1);
        for (int i = 0; i < numX; i++) {
            data1[i] = startX + i*dx;

        Array dataA = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] { numX }, data1);

        xaxis.setCachedData(dataA, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, xaxis);

        Variable yaxis = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "y");

        yaxis.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name", "projection y coordinate"));
        yaxis.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "km"));
        yaxis.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, "GeoY"));
        data1 = new double[numY];
        double dy = (ptul.getY() - ptlr.getY())/(numY-1);

        for (int i = 0; i < numY; i++) {
            data1[i] = startY + i*dy;

        dataA = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] { numY }, data1);
        yaxis.setCachedData(dataA, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, yaxis);

        // projection
        // lower left and upper right corner lat/lons
        // modified cylind. equidistant or  CED with lat/lon ration != 1
        Variable ct = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, projection.getClassName());


        List params = projection.getProjectionParameters();

        for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
            Parameter p = (Parameter) params.get(i);

            ct.addAttribute(new Attribute(p));

        ct.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.TransformType, "Projection"));
        //ct.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, "lat lon"));
        ct.addAttribute( new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, "x y "));
        // fake data
        dataA = Array.factory(DataType.CHAR.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] {});
        dataA.setChar(dataA.getIndex(), ' ');
        ct.setCachedData(dataA, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, ct);

        return projection;
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        double[] tdata = new double[1];

        tdata[0] = dd.getTime();

        Array dataT = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] { 1 }, tdata);

        taxis.setCachedData(dataT, false);

        DateFormatter formatter = new DateFormatter();

        taxis.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "msecs since " + formatter.toDateTimeStringISO(new Date(0))));
        ncfile.addVariable(null, taxis);

        Dimension jDim = new Dimension("lat", numY, true, false, false);
        Dimension iDim = new Dimension("lon", numX, true, false, false);

        ncfile.addDimension(null, iDim);
        ncfile.addDimension(null, jDim);
        ncfile.addAttribute(null, new Attribute("cdm_data_type", FeatureType.GRID.toString()));

        String   coordinates = "time lat lon";
        Variable v           = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, cname);

        ncfile.addVariable(null, v);
        v.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", ctitle));
        v.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", cunit));
        v.setSPobject(new Vinfo(numX, numY, hoff, false));
        v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.Axes, coordinates));

        // create coordinate variables
        Variable xaxis = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "lon");
        xaxis.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "longitude"));
        xaxis.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "degree"));
        xaxis.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, "Lon"));

        double[] data1 = new double[numX];

        for (int i = 0; i < numX; i++) {
            data1[i] = (double) (rlon1 + i * dlon);

        Array dataA = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE.getPrimitiveClassType(), new int[] { numX }, data1);

        xaxis.setCachedData(dataA, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, xaxis);

        Variable yaxis = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "lat");
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  public MAMath.MinMax getMinMaxData( float[] data) {
      int[] shape = new int[1];
      shape[0] = data.length;
      Array a = Array.factory( DataType.FLOAT.getPrimitiveClassType(), shape, data);
      return MAMath.getMinMax( a);
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   private void makeCoordinateData(Variable elev, Variable azim, DoradeSweep mySweep) {
    Object ele = (Object) mySweep.getElevations();
    Object azi = (Object) mySweep.getAzimuths();

    Array elevData = Array.factory( elev.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType(), elev.getShape(), ele);
    Array aziData = Array.factory( azim.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType(), azim.getShape(), azi);

    elev.setCachedData( elevData, false);
    azim.setCachedData( aziData, false);
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        ncfile.addDimension(null, time);
        ncfile.addDimension(null, dirDim);
        ncfile.addDimension(null, navDim);

        Array varArray;

        // make the variables

        // time
        Variable timeVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "time");
        timeVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("units",
                                           "seconds since "
                                           + df.toDateTimeString(nomTime)));
        timeVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "time"));
        varArray = new ArrayInt.D1(1);
        ((ArrayInt.D1) varArray).set(0, 0);
        timeVar.setCachedData(varArray, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, timeVar);

        // lines and elements
        Variable lineVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "lines");
        //lineVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "km"));
        lineVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name",
        varArray = new ArrayInt.D1(numLines);
        for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) {
            int pos = nav.isFlippedLineCoordinates()
                      ? i
                      : numLines - i - 1;
            ((ArrayInt.D1) varArray).set(i, pos);
        lineVar.setCachedData(varArray, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, lineVar);

        Variable elementVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "elements");
        //elementVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", "km"));
        elementVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name",
        varArray = new ArrayInt.D1(numElements);
        for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) {
            ((ArrayInt.D1) varArray).set(i, i);
        elementVar.setCachedData(varArray, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, elementVar);

        // TODO: handle bands and calibrations
        Variable bandVar = new Variable(ncfile, null, null, "bands");
        bandVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name",
                                           "spectral band number"));
        bandVar.addAttribute(new Attribute("axis", "Z"));
        Array bandArray = new ArrayInt.D1(numBands);
        for (int i = 0; i < numBands; i++) {
            ((ArrayInt.D1) bandArray).set(i, bandMap[i]);
        bandVar.setCachedData(bandArray, false);
        ncfile.addVariable(null, bandVar);
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        String varname = v2.getFullName();

        Array dataArray =

        Index dataIndex = dataArray.getIndex();

        if (varname.equals("latitude") || varname.equals("longitude")) {
            double[][] pixel = new double[2][1];
            double[][] latLon;
            double[][][] latLonValues =
                new double[geoXRange.length()][geoYRange.length()][2];

            // Use Range object, which calculates requested i, j
            // values and incorporates stride
            for (int i = 0; i < geoXRange.length(); i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < geoYRange.length(); j++) {
                    pixel[0][0] = (double) geoXRange.element(i);
                    pixel[1][0] = (double) geoYRange.element(j);
                    latLon      = nav.toLatLon(pixel);

                    if (varname.equals("lat")) {
                        dataArray.setFloat(dataIndex.set(j, i),
                                           (float) (latLon[0][0]));
                    } else {
                        dataArray.setFloat(dataIndex.set(j, i),
                                           (float) (latLon[1][0]));

        if (varname.equals("image")) {
            try {
                int[][] pixelData = new int[1][1];
                if (bandRange != null) {
                    for (int k = 0; k < bandRange.length(); k++) {
                        int bandIndex = bandRange.element(k) + 1// band numbers in McIDAS are 1 based
                        for (int j = 0; j < geoYRange.length(); j++) {
                            for (int i = 0; i < geoXRange.length(); i++) {
                                pixelData = af.getData(geoYRange.element(j),
                                        geoXRange.element(i), 1, 1,
                                dataArray.setInt(dataIndex.set(0, k, j, i),

                } else {
                    for (int j = 0; j < geoYRange.length(); j++) {
                        for (int i = 0; i < geoXRange.length(); i++) {
                            pixelData = af.getData(geoYRange.element(j),
                                    geoXRange.element(i), 1, 1);
                            dataArray.setInt(dataIndex.set(0, j, i),

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    return readValue( axis, fromVar, index);

  public double readValue(Variable targetVar, Variable fromVar, int[] index) throws InvalidRangeException, IOException {
    Section axisElement = mapIndex( targetVar, fromVar, index);
    Array result =;
    return result.nextDouble();
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    String units = v.getUnitsString();
    assert units != null;
    assert units.equals("hours since 2006-09-25T06:00:00Z");

    int count = 0;
    Array data =;
    NCdumpW.printArray(data, "time", new PrintWriter(System.out), null);
    while (data.hasNext()) {
      assert TestAll.closeEnough(data.nextInt(), (count + 1) * 3);

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    String units = v.getUnitsString();
    assert units != null;
    assert units.equals("hours since 2007-04-11T00:00:00Z") : units;

    int count = 0;
    Array data =;
    NCdumpW.printArray(data, "time", new PrintWriter(System.out), null);
    while (data.hasNext()) {
      assert data.nextInt() == count * 3;

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Related Classes of ucar.ma2.TestStructureArray

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