for (int pass = 0; pass < tpasses; pass++) {
if (pass != 0) // have to start with fresh ios
ios = new FileInputStream(location);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
GridIndex gridIndex = null;
DataInputStream dis = null;
try {
gridIndex = new GridIndex(location);
dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(ios));
// lastModified of raf, used for Index Extending
long lastModified = dis.readLong();
if (lastModified == 7597120008394602085L) {// this is a text index
dis.close(); // close, has to be reopened differently
dis = null;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Dont support text indexes");
//return new GribReadTextIndex().open(location);
// section 1 - global attributes
Date baseTime = null;
boolean grid_edition_1 = false;
String index_version = "";
int center = 0, sub_center = 0, table_version = 0;
// read (name,value) string pairs, blank separated, stored all on one line
String line = dis.readUTF();
if (debugParse) System.out.println(line);
String[] split = line.split("\\s");
for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i += 2) {
gridIndex.addGlobalAttribute(split[i], split[i + 1]);
if (split[i].equals("basetime")) {
baseTime = dateFormat.parse(split[i + 1]);
} else if (split[i].equals("grid_edition")) {
grid_edition_1 = split[i + 1].equals("1");
} else if (split[i].equals("index_version")) {
index_version = split[i + 1];
if (index_version.equals("7.1")) { // TODO: delete after 8.0 release
File f = new File(location);
return null;
} else if (split[i].equals("center")) {
center = Integer.parseInt(split[i + 1]);
} else if (split[i].equals("sub_center")) {
sub_center = Integer.parseInt(split[i + 1]);
} else if (split[i].equals("table_version")) {
table_version = Integer.parseInt(split[i + 1]);
// binary data
// DataInputStream assumes big-endian i think
// number of grib records to read
int number = dis.readInt();
// section 2 -- grib records
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
GribGridRecord ggr = new GribGridRecord();
if (index_version.equals("7.0")) {
ggr.productTemplate = dis.readInt();
ggr.discipline = dis.readInt();
ggr.category = dis.readInt();
ggr.paramNumber = dis.readInt();
ggr.typeGenProcess = dis.readInt();
ggr.levelType1 = dis.readInt();
ggr.levelValue1 = dis.readFloat();
ggr.levelType2 = dis.readInt();
ggr.levelValue2 = dis.readFloat();
long refTime = dis.readLong();
ggr.refTime = calendar.getTime();
ggr.forecastTime = dis.readInt();
// setValidTime
calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, ggr.forecastTime);
ggr.gdsKey = dis.readInt();
ggr.offset1 = dis.readLong();
ggr.offset2 = dis.readLong();
if (grid_edition_1) {
ggr.decimalScale = dis.readInt();
ggr.bmsExists = dis.readBoolean(); = dis.readInt();
ggr.subCenter = dis.readInt();
ggr.table = dis.readInt();
} else { // index version 8.0 or higher
*/ // only support index version 8.0 or higher
ggr.edition = grid_edition_1 ? 1 : 2;
ggr.discipline = dis.readInt();
long refTime = dis.readLong();
ggr.refTime = refTime;
ggr.refTimeAsDate = calendar.getTime(); // ??
ggr.gdsKey = dis.readInt();
ggr.gdsOffset = dis.readLong();
ggr.pdsOffset = dis.readLong();
// read PDS as raw bytes
int pdsSize = dis.readInt();
byte[] pdsData = new byte[pdsSize];
GribPds pdsv = GribPds.factory(ggr.edition, pdsData, refTime, calendar);
if (pdsv == null) continue;
if (grid_edition_1) {
Grib1Pds pds1 = (Grib1Pds) pdsv;
ggr.bmsExists = pds1.bmsExists(); = pds1.getCenter();
ggr.subCenter = pds1.getSubCenter();
ggr.tableVersion = pds1.getParameterTableVersion();
} else { = center;
ggr.subCenter = sub_center;
ggr.tableVersion = table_version;
/* if (grid_edition_1) {
GribPds pdsv = GribPds.factory(1, pdsData, calendar);
// read Grib1 vars
ggr.productTemplate = pdsv.getProductDefinitionTemplate();
ggr.category = pdsv.getParameterCategory();
ggr.paramNumber = pdsv.getParameterNumber();
ggr.typeGenProcess = pdsv.getTypeGenProcess();
ggr.levelType1 = pdsv.getTypeFirstFixedSurface();
ggr.levelValue1 = pdsv.getValueFirstFixedSurface();
ggr.levelType2 = pdsv.getTypeSecondFixedSurface();
ggr.levelValue2 = pdsv.getValueSecondFixedSurface();
// parameter with interval
ggr.intervalStatType = pdsv.getIntervalStatType();
if ( ggr.intervalStatType != -1 ) {
int[] interval = pdsv.getForecastTimeInterval();
ggr.startOfInterval = interval[ 0 ];
ggr.forecastTime = interval[ 1 ];
if( ggr.forecastTime - ggr.startOfInterval == 0 )
// //System.out.println( "Total Precip Interval ="+ interval[0]
// //+" "+ interval[1]);
} else {
ggr.forecastTime = pdsv.getForecastTime();
tunit = pdsv.getTimeRangeUnit();
ggr.decimalScale = pdsv.getDecimalScale();
ggr.bmsExists = pdsv.bmsExists(); = pdsv.getCenter();
ggr.subCenter = pdsv.getSubCenter();
ggr.table = pdsv.getParameterTableVersion();
if (pdsv.isEnsemble()) {
//ggr.pdsVars = pdsv; To expensive to store.
// ensemble, derived, or probability information
//ggr.isEnsemble = true;
ggr.type = pdsv.getType();
ggr.ensembleNumber = pdsv.getEnsembleNumber();
ggr.numberForecasts = pdsv.getNumberForecasts();
ggr.lowerLimit = pdsv.getValueLowerLimit();
ggr.upperLimit = pdsv.getValueUpperLimit();
} else { // Grib2
Grib2Pds pdsv = Grib2Pds.factory(pdsData, calendar);
ggr.productTemplate = pdsv.getProductDefinitionTemplate();
// These are accumulation variables.
if (ggr.productTemplate > 7 && ggr.productTemplate < 15 ||
ggr.productTemplate == 42 || ggr.productTemplate == 43) {
int[] interval = pdsv.getForecastTimeInterval();
ggr.startOfInterval = interval[0];
ggr.forecastTime = interval[1];
//if( ggr.forecastTime - ggr.startOfInterval == 0 ) // WTF ??
// continue;
//System.out.println( "Total Precip Interval ="+ interval[0]
//+" "+ interval[1]);
} else {
ggr.forecastTime = pdsv.getForecastTime();
ggr.category = pdsv.getParameterCategory();
ggr.paramNumber = pdsv.getParameterNumber();
ggr.typeGenProcess = pdsv.getTypeGenProcess();
ggr.analGenProcess = pdsv.getAnalysisGenProcess();
//int typeForeProcess = pdsv.getAnalysisGenProcess();
ggr.levelType1 = pdsv.getTypeFirstFixedSurface();
ggr.levelValue1 = pdsv.getValueFirstFixedSurface();
ggr.levelType2 = pdsv.getTypeSecondFixedSurface();
ggr.levelValue2 = pdsv.getValueSecondFixedSurface();
ggr.intervalStatType = pdsv.getIntervalStatType();
tunit = pdsv.getTimeRangeUnit(); = center;
ggr.subCenter = sub_center;
ggr.table = table_version;
if (pdsv.isEnsemble()) {
//ggr.pdsVars = pdsv; To expensive to store.
// ensemble, derived, or probability information
//ggr.isEnsemble = true;
ggr.type = pdsv.getType();
ggr.ensembleNumber = pdsv.getPerturbation();
ggr.numberForecasts = pdsv.getNumberForecasts();
ggr.lowerLimit = pdsv.getValueLowerLimit();
ggr.upperLimit = pdsv.getValueUpperLimit();
if ( debugParse && ggr.productTemplate == 31 ) { // Satellite data
int nb = pdsv.getNB();
System.out.println( "NB ="+ pdsv.getNB() );
int[] series = pdsv.getSatelliteSeries();
int[] satellite = pdsv.getSatellite();
int[] instrument = pdsv.getSatelliteInstrument();
float[] wave = pdsv.getSatelliteWave();
for( int n = 0; n < nb; n++) {
System.out.println( series[ n ] +" "+ satellite[ n ] +" "+
instrument[ n ] +" "+ wave[ n ]);
} // end GRIB 2 */
// setValidTime hour, day, minute, month. second, year, decade, normal, century
// only test data available for hour
/* hour
if (tunit == 1 || tunit == 10 || tunit == 11 || tunit == 12) {
calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, ggr.forecastTime);
// day, it's 24 hours so multiply forecast * 24
} else if (tunit == 2) {
calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, ggr.forecastTime * 24);
// minute
} else if (tunit == 0) {
calendar.add(Calendar.MINUTE, ggr.forecastTime);
// month
} else if (tunit == 3) {
calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, ggr.forecastTime);
// second
} else if (tunit == 13 || tunit == 254) {
calendar.add(Calendar.SECOND, ggr.forecastTime * 3600);
// year
} else if (tunit == 4) {
calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, ggr.forecastTime);
// decade
} else if (tunit == 5) {
calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, ggr.forecastTime * 10);
// normal
} else if (tunit == 6) {
calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, ggr.forecastTime * 30);
// century
} else if (tunit == 7) {
calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, ggr.forecastTime * 100);
ggr.timeUnit = tunit; */
/* if (debugParse)
System.out.println(ggr.productTemplate + " " + ggr.discipline + " " +
ggr.category + " " + ggr.paramNumber + " " +
ggr.typeGenProcess + " " + ggr.levelType1 + " " +
ggr.levelValue1 + " " + ggr.levelType2 + " " +
ggr.levelValue2 + " " + dateFormat.format(calendar.getTime()) + " " +
ggr.forecastTime + " " + ggr.gdsKey + " " + ggr.offset1 + " " + ggr.offset2 + " " +
ggr.decimalScale + " " + ggr.bmsExists + " " + + " " + ggr.subCenter + " " + ggr.table + " " +
ggr.type + " " + ggr.numberForecasts + " " + ggr.lowerLimit + " " + ggr.upperLimit);
} */
} // loop over grib records in the index
// section 3+ - GDS
/* old
if (index_version.startsWith("7")) {
while (true) {
line = dis.readUTF();
if (line.equals("End")) {
GribGridDefRecord gds = new GribGridDefRecord(line);
} else { */
// new
number = dis.readInt();
for (int j = 0; j < number; j++) {
int gdsSize = dis.readInt();
if (gdsSize == 4) { // for Grib1 records with no GDS
int gdskey = dis.readInt();
GribGridDefRecord ggdr = new GribGridDefRecord();
Grib1Grid.populateGDS(ggdr, gdskey);
// read GDS as raw bytes
byte[] gdsData = new byte[gdsSize];
int gdskey;
if (grid_edition_1) {
Grib1GDSVariables gdsv = new Grib1GDSVariables(gdsData);
GribGridDefRecord ggdr = new GribGridDefRecord(gdsv);
if (index_version.startsWith("8.0")) {
gdskey = gdsv.get80TypeGdsKey();
} else {
gdskey = gdsv.getGdsKey();
populateGDS1(ggdr, gdsv, gdskey);
//System.out.println("GDS length =" + gdsv.getLength());
//System.out.println("GDS GdsKey =" + gdsv.getOldTypeGdsKey());
} else {
Grib2GDSVariables gdsv = new Grib2GDSVariables(gdsData);
GribGridDefRecord ggdr = new GribGridDefRecord(gdsv);
if (index_version.startsWith("8.0")) {
gdskey = gdsv.get80TypeGdsKey();
} else {
gdskey = gdsv.getGdsKey(); // version higher than 8.0
populateGDS2(ggdr, gdsv, gdskey);
//System.out.println("GDS length =" + gdsv.getLength());
//System.out.println("GDS GdsKey =" + gdsv.getGdsKey());
if (debugTiming) {
long took = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
System.out.println(" Index read " + location + " count="
+ gridIndex.getGridCount() + " took=" + took + " msec ");
log.debug("Binary index read: {}", location);
log.debug("Number Records = {} at {}", gridIndex.getGridCount(), dateFormat.format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()));
return gridIndex;
} catch (IOException e) {
// there can be tpasses attempts to read the index, sometimes the 1st read
// fails because of network or NFS errors
if (pass == tpasses) {
String message = "I/O error at record " + gridIndex.getGridCount() + " in index file";
//log.warn("open(): " + message + "[" + location + "]");
throw new IOException(message);
// retry"open(): rereading index [{}] due to IOException={}", location, e.getMessage());