This object implements MetaDataObject
, which implements {@link org.apache.uima.util.XMLizable}, so it can be serialized to and deserialized from an XML element.
TypePriorities can declare that they {@link #getImports() import} other TypePriorities. Atruntime, these imports will be resolved to create a single logical TypePriorities object.
Note that type priorities imports are not automatically resolved when a TypePriorities object is deserialized from XML. To resolve the imports, call the {@link #resolveImports()} method. Importresolution is done automatically when a CAS is created using a TypePriorities object.
TypePriorities declarations can optionally be assigned a {@link #getName() name}, {@link #getDescription() description}, {@link #getVendor() vendor}, and {@link #getVersion() version}. It is recommended that these properties be set on any TypePriorities declaration that is meant to be shared by (imported by) multiple components.