A trigger.
We are dependent on TableDescriptors, SPSDescriptors (for our WHEN clause and our action). Note that we don't strictly need to be dependent on out SPSes because we could just disallow anyone from dropping an sps of type 'T', but to keep dependencies uniform, we'll do be dependent.
We are a provider for DML (PreparedStatements or SPSes) The public methods for this class are:
- getUUID
- getName
- getSchemaDescriptor
- public boolean listensForEvent(int event);
- public int getTriggerEventMask();
- public Timestamp getCreationTimestamp();
- public boolean isBeforeTrigger();
- public boolean isRowTrigger();
- public UUID getActionId();
- public SPSDescriptor getActionSPS();
- public UUID getWhenClauseId();
- public SPSDescriptor getWhenClauseSPS()
- public TableDescriptor getTableDescriptor()
- public ReferencedColumns getReferencedColumnsDescriptor()
- public int[] getReferencedCols();
- public boolean isEnabled();
- public void setEnabled();
- public void setDisabled();
- public boolean needsToFire(int stmtType, int[] modifiedCols)
- public String getTriggerDefinition();
- public boolean getReferencingOld();
- public boolean getReferencingNew();
- public String getOldReferencingName();
- public String getNewReferencingName();