// System.out.println("GRAPH:");
// System.out.println(graph);
Map<Group, Integer> parallelisms = getGroupParallelisms(graph, grouper, mergedGroups);
TridentTopologyBuilder builder = new TridentTopologyBuilder();
Map<Node, String> spoutIds = genSpoutIds(spoutNodes);
Map<Group, String> boltIds = genBoltIds(mergedGroups);
for(SpoutNode sn: spoutNodes) {
Integer parallelism = parallelisms.get(grouper.nodeGroup(sn));
if(sn.type == SpoutNode.SpoutType.DRPC) {
builder.setBatchPerTupleSpout(spoutIds.get(sn), sn.streamId,
(IRichSpout) sn.spout, parallelism, batchGroupMap.get(sn));
} else {
ITridentSpout s;
if(sn.spout instanceof IBatchSpout) {
s = new BatchSpoutExecutor((IBatchSpout)sn.spout);
} else if(sn.spout instanceof ITridentSpout) {
s = (ITridentSpout) sn.spout;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Regular rich spouts not supported yet... try wrapping in a RichSpoutBatchExecutor");
// TODO: handle regular rich spout without batches (need lots of updates to support this throughout)
builder.setSpout(spoutIds.get(sn), sn.streamId, sn.txId, s, parallelism, batchGroupMap.get(sn));
for(Group g: mergedGroups) {
if(!isSpoutGroup(g)) {
Integer p = parallelisms.get(g);
Map<String, String> streamToGroup = getOutputStreamBatchGroups(g, batchGroupMap);
BoltDeclarer d = builder.setBolt(boltIds.get(g), new SubtopologyBolt(graph, g.nodes, batchGroupMap), p,
committerBatches(g, batchGroupMap), streamToGroup);
Collection<PartitionNode> inputs = uniquedSubscriptions(externalGroupInputs(g));
for(PartitionNode n: inputs) {
Node parent = TridentUtils.getParent(graph, n);
String componentId;
if(parent instanceof SpoutNode) {
componentId = spoutIds.get(parent);
} else {
componentId = boltIds.get(grouper.nodeGroup(parent));
d.grouping(new GlobalStreamId(componentId, n.streamId), n.thriftGrouping);
return builder.buildTopology();