Examples of TPropertyQuery

Examples of de.desy.tine.queryUtils.TPropertyQuery

                  TPropertyQuery[] prpq = new TPropertyQuery[propInstances.size()];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[prpq.length * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  Iterator<TExportProperty> it = propInstances.iterator();
                  for (int i = 0; (it.hasNext()) && (i < prpq.length); i++)
                    prpq[i] = new TPropertyQuery((TExportProperty) it.next(), propInstances.size() - 1);
                    if ((lhr=getLocalHistoryRecord(prpq[i].prpName,"#0")) != null)
                      prpq[i].prpHistoryDepthLong = (short)lhr.getHspec().getDepthLong();
                      prpq[i].prpHistoryDepthShort = (short)lhr.getHspec().getDepthShort();
                    System.arraycopy(prpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PRPQSr4");
                { // want the whole list ...
                  String[] slst = new String[propertyList.countUniqueProperties()];
                  TPropertyQuery[] prpq = new TPropertyQuery[slst.length];
                  if (slst.length == 0) break;
                  byte[] tba = new byte[slst.length * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  TExportProperty prp;
                  for (int i=0; i<slst.length; i++)
                    prp = propertyList.getFirstProperty(slst[i]);
                    prpq[i] = new TPropertyQuery(prp,1);
                    System.arraycopy(prpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PRPQSr4");
              else if (dout.getTag().compareTo("XPQS") == 0 || (dout.getArrayLength() % XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes) == 0)
                if (din != null)
                { // looking for a specific property ...
                  LinkedList<TExportProperty> propInstances;
                  String propertyName = din.toString();
                  propertyName = propertyName.replace('\n', (char) 0).trim();
                  propInstances = propertyList.getEqualProperties(propertyName);
                  if ((propInstances == null) || (propInstances.size() == 0))
                      return TErrorList.not_exported;
                  // fill in the targeted property info
                  THistoryRecord lhr = null;
                  XPropertyQuery[] xpq = new XPropertyQuery[propInstances.size()];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[xpq.length * XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  Iterator<TExportProperty> it = propInstances.iterator();
                  for (int i = 0; (it.hasNext()) && (i < xpq.length); i++)
                    xpq[i] = new XPropertyQuery((TExportProperty) it.next(), propInstances.size() - 1);
                    if ((lhr=getLocalHistoryRecord(xpq[i].prpName,"#0")) != null)
                      xpq[i].prpHistoryDepthLong = (short)lhr.getHspec().getDepthLong();
                      xpq[i].prpHistoryDepthShort = (short)lhr.getHspec().getDepthShort();
                    System.arraycopy(xpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "XPQS");
                { // want the whole list ...
                  String[] slst = new String[propertyList.countUniqueProperties()];
                  XPropertyQuery[] xpq = new XPropertyQuery[slst.length];
                  if (slst.length == 0) break;
                  byte[] tba = new byte[slst.length * XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  TExportProperty prp;
                  for (int i=0; i<slst.length; i++)
                    prp = propertyList.getFirstProperty(slst[i]);
                    xpq[i] = new XPropertyQuery(prp,1);
                    System.arraycopy(xpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "XPQS");
              else if (dout.getTag().compareTo("PQS") == 0 || (dout.getArrayLength() % PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes) == 0)
              { // legacy request ...
                if (din != null)
                { // looking for a specific property ...
                  LinkedList<TExportProperty> propInstances;
                  String propertyName = din.toString();
                  propertyName = propertyName.replace('\n', (char) 0).trim();
                  propInstances = propertyList.getEqualProperties(propertyName);
                  if ((propInstances == null) || (propInstances.size() == 0))
                      return TErrorList.not_exported;
                  // fill in the targeted property info
                  PropertyQuery[] pqs = new PropertyQuery[1];
                  TExportProperty prp = propertyList.getFirstProperty(propertyName);
                  byte[] tba = new byte[PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  pqs[0] = new PropertyQuery();
                  pqs[0].name = propertyName;
                  pqs[0].prpDesc = prp.getDescription().getText();
                  pqs[0].prpAccess = (byte)prp.getAccessMode();
                  pqs[0].prpFormat = (byte)(prp.getOutputFormat()%512);
                  pqs[0].prpSize = (short)prp.getOutputSize();
                  System.arraycopy(pqs[0].toByteArray(), 0, tba, 0, PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes);
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PQS");
                { // want the whole list ...
                  String[] slst = new String[propertyList.countUniqueProperties()];
                  if (slst.length == 0) break;
                  PropertyQuery[] pqs = new PropertyQuery[slst.length];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[slst.length * PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  TExportProperty prp;
                  for (int i=0; i<slst.length; i++)
                    pqs[i] = new PropertyQuery();
                    pqs[i].name = slst[i];
                    prp = propertyList.getFirstProperty(slst[i]);
                    pqs[i].prpDesc = prp.getDescription().getText();
                    pqs[i].prpAccess = (byte)prp.getAccessMode();
                    pqs[i].prpFormat = (byte)(prp.getOutputFormat()%512);
                    pqs[i].prpSize = (short)prp.getOutputSize();
                    System.arraycopy(pqs[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PQS");               
        return TErrorList.illegal_format;

    TPropertyHandler metapropertiesStructHandler = new TPropertyHandler()
      public int call(String devName, TDataType dout, TDataType din, TAccess devAccess)
        if (dout != null)
          int filter = getMetaPrpsCallFilter(din);
          switch (dout.dFormat)
          { // TODO: tidy this copy-and-past job up !
            case TFormat.CF_STRUCT:
              LinkedList<TExportProperty> propInstances;
              if (dout.getTag().compareTo("PRPQSr4") == 0 || (dout.getArrayLength() % TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes) == 0)
                if (din != null && filter != 0x7fffffff)
                { // looking for a specific property ...
                  String propertyName = din.toString();
                  propertyName = propertyName.replace('\n', (char) 0).trim();
                  propInstances = propertyList.getFilledMetaProperties(propertyName,filter);
                  if ((propInstances == null) || (propInstances.size() == 0))
                      return TErrorList.not_exported;
                  // fill in the targeted property info
                  TPropertyQuery[] prpq = new TPropertyQuery[propInstances.size()];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[prpq.length * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  Iterator<TExportProperty> it = propInstances.iterator();
                  for (int i = 0; (it.hasNext()) && (i < prpq.length); i++)
                    prpq[i] = new TPropertyQuery((TExportProperty) it.next(), propInstances.size() - 1);
                    System.arraycopy(prpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PRPQSr4");
                { // want the whole list ...
                  String[] slst = new String[propertyList.countUniqueProperties()];
                  if (slst.length == 0) break;
                  propInstances = new LinkedList<TExportProperty>();
                  LinkedList<TExportProperty> theseInstances;
                  for (int i=0; i<slst.length; i++)
                    theseInstances = propertyList.getFilledMetaProperties(slst[i],filter);
                    if (theseInstances.size() > 0) propInstances.addAll(theseInstances);
                  int size = propInstances.size();
                  TExportProperty prp;
                  TPropertyQuery[] prpq = new TPropertyQuery[size];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[size * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
                    prp = propInstances.get(i);
                    prpq[i] = new TPropertyQuery(prp,1);
                    System.arraycopy(prpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PRPQSr4");
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Examples of de.desy.tine.queryUtils.TPropertyQuery

            FutureTask<TLink> ft =
                    new FutureTask<TLink>(
                            new Callable<TLink>() {
                                public TLink call() throws Exception {
                                    TPropertyQuery meta = getTPropertyQuery(attrName);
                                    int size = getTPropertySize(meta);
                                    short dataFormat = getTPropertyFormat(meta);
                                    TDataType dout = new TDataType(size, dataFormat);
                                    // get a reference array : synchronous call ...
                                    TLink result = new TLink(getDeviceName(), attrName, dout, null, TAccess.CA_READ);
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Examples of de.desy.tine.queryUtils.TPropertyQuery

        return result;

    public Class<?> getAttributeClass(String attrName) throws ClientException {
        TPropertyQuery meta = getTPropertyQuery(attrName);
        int size = getTPropertySize(meta);
        short dataFormat = getTPropertyFormat(meta);
        TDataType dataType = new TDataType(size, dataFormat);
        //TODO it appears that TINE always returns array of values
        //TODO and the only interesting value is always the first one in this array
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Examples of de.desy.tine.queryUtils.TPropertyQuery

                  TPropertyQuery[] prpq = new TPropertyQuery[propInstances.size()];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[prpq.length * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  Iterator<TExportProperty> it = propInstances.iterator();
                  for (int i = 0; (it.hasNext()) && (i < prpq.length); i++)
                    prpq[i] = new TPropertyQuery((TExportProperty) it.next(), propInstances.size() - 1);
                    if ((lhr=getLocalHistoryRecord(prpq[i].prpName,"#0")) != null)
                      prpq[i].prpHistoryDepthLong = (short)lhr.getHspec().getDepthLong();
                      prpq[i].prpHistoryDepthShort = (short)lhr.getHspec().getDepthShort();
                    System.arraycopy(prpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PRPQSr4");
                { // want the whole list ...
                  String[] slst = new String[propertyList.countUniqueProperties()];
                  TPropertyQuery[] prpq = new TPropertyQuery[slst.length];
                  if (slst.length == 0) break;
                  byte[] tba = new byte[slst.length * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  TExportProperty prp;
                  for (int i=0; i<slst.length; i++)
                    prp = propertyList.getFirstProperty(slst[i]);
                    prpq[i] = new TPropertyQuery(prp,1);
                    System.arraycopy(prpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PRPQSr4");
              else if (dout.getTag().compareTo("XPQS") == 0 || (dout.getArrayLength() % XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes) == 0)
                if (din != null)
                { // looking for a specific property ...
                  LinkedList<TExportProperty> propInstances;
                  String propertyName = din.toString();
                  propertyName = propertyName.replace('\n', (char) 0).trim();
                  propInstances = propertyList.getEqualProperties(propertyName);
                  if ((propInstances == null) || (propInstances.size() == 0))
                      return TErrorList.not_exported;
                  // fill in the targeted property info
                  THistoryRecord lhr = null;
                  XPropertyQuery[] xpq = new XPropertyQuery[propInstances.size()];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[xpq.length * XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  Iterator<TExportProperty> it = propInstances.iterator();
                  for (int i = 0; (it.hasNext()) && (i < xpq.length); i++)
                    xpq[i] = new XPropertyQuery((TExportProperty) it.next(), propInstances.size() - 1);
                    if ((lhr=getLocalHistoryRecord(xpq[i].prpName,"#0")) != null)
                      xpq[i].prpHistoryDepthLong = (short)lhr.getHspec().getDepthLong();
                      xpq[i].prpHistoryDepthShort = (short)lhr.getHspec().getDepthShort();
                    System.arraycopy(xpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "XPQS");
                { // want the whole list ...
                  String[] slst = new String[propertyList.countUniqueProperties()];
                  XPropertyQuery[] xpq = new XPropertyQuery[slst.length];
                  if (slst.length == 0) break;
                  byte[] tba = new byte[slst.length * XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  TExportProperty prp;
                  for (int i=0; i<slst.length; i++)
                    prp = propertyList.getFirstProperty(slst[i]);
                    xpq[i] = new XPropertyQuery(prp,1);
                    System.arraycopy(xpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "XPQS");
              else if (dout.getTag().compareTo("PQS") == 0 || (dout.getArrayLength() % PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes) == 0)
              { // legacy request ...
                if (din != null)
                { // looking for a specific property ...
                  LinkedList<TExportProperty> propInstances;
                  String propertyName = din.toString();
                  propertyName = propertyName.replace('\n', (char) 0).trim();
                  propInstances = propertyList.getEqualProperties(propertyName);
                  if ((propInstances == null) || (propInstances.size() == 0))
                      return TErrorList.not_exported;
                  // fill in the targeted property info
                  PropertyQuery[] pqs = new PropertyQuery[1];
                  TExportProperty prp = propertyList.getFirstProperty(propertyName);
                  byte[] tba = new byte[PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  pqs[0] = new PropertyQuery();
                  pqs[0].name = propertyName;
                  pqs[0].prpDesc = prp.getDescription().getText();
                  pqs[0].prpAccess = (byte)prp.getAccessMode();
                  pqs[0].prpFormat = (byte)(prp.getOutputFormat()%512);
                  pqs[0].prpSize = (short)prp.getOutputSize();
                  System.arraycopy(pqs[0].toByteArray(), 0, tba, 0, PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes);
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PQS");
                { // want the whole list ...
                  String[] slst = new String[propertyList.countUniqueProperties()];
                  if (slst.length == 0) break;
                  PropertyQuery[] pqs = new PropertyQuery[slst.length];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[slst.length * PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  TExportProperty prp;
                  for (int i=0; i<slst.length; i++)
                    pqs[i] = new PropertyQuery();
                    pqs[i].name = slst[i];
                    prp = propertyList.getFirstProperty(slst[i]);
                    pqs[i].prpDesc = prp.getDescription().getText();
                    pqs[i].prpAccess = (byte)prp.getAccessMode();
                    pqs[i].prpFormat = (byte)(prp.getOutputFormat()%512);
                    pqs[i].prpSize = (short)prp.getOutputSize();
                    System.arraycopy(pqs[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PQS");               
        return TErrorList.illegal_format;
    TPropertyHandler metapropertiesStructHandler = new TPropertyHandler()
      public int call(String devName, TDataType dout, TDataType din, TAccess devAccess)
        if (dout != null)
          int filter = getMetaPrpsCallFilter(din);
          switch (dout.dFormat)
          { // TODO: tidy this copy-and-past job up !
            case TFormat.CF_STRUCT:
              LinkedList<TExportProperty> propInstances;
              if (dout.getTag().compareTo("PRPQSr4") == 0 || (dout.getArrayLength() % TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes) == 0)
                if (din != null && filter != 0x7fffffff)
                { // looking for a specific property ...
                  String propertyName = din.toString();
                  propertyName = propertyName.replace('\n', (char) 0).trim();
                  propInstances = propertyList.getFilledMetaProperties(propertyName,filter);
                  if ((propInstances == null) || (propInstances.size() == 0))
                      return TErrorList.not_exported;
                  // fill in the targeted property info
                  TPropertyQuery[] prpq = new TPropertyQuery[propInstances.size()];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[prpq.length * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  Iterator<TExportProperty> it = propInstances.iterator();
                  for (int i = 0; (it.hasNext()) && (i < prpq.length); i++)
                    prpq[i] = new TPropertyQuery((TExportProperty) it.next(), propInstances.size() - 1);
                    System.arraycopy(prpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PRPQSr4");
                { // want the whole list ...
                  String[] slst = new String[propertyList.countUniqueProperties()];
                  if (slst.length == 0) break;
                  propInstances = new LinkedList<TExportProperty>();
                  LinkedList<TExportProperty> theseInstances;
                  for (int i=0; i<slst.length; i++)
                    theseInstances = propertyList.getFilledMetaProperties(slst[i],filter);
                    if (theseInstances.size() > 0) propInstances.addAll(theseInstances);
                  int size = propInstances.size();
                  TExportProperty prp;
                  TPropertyQuery[] prpq = new TPropertyQuery[size];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[size * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
                    prp = propInstances.get(i);
                    prpq[i] = new TPropertyQuery(prp,1);
                    System.arraycopy(prpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PRPQSr4");
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Examples of de.desy.tine.queryUtils.TPropertyQuery

                  TPropertyQuery[] prpq = new TPropertyQuery[propInstances.size()];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[prpq.length * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  Iterator<TExportProperty> it = propInstances.iterator();
                  for (int i = 0; (it.hasNext()) && (i < prpq.length); i++)
                    prpq[i] = new TPropertyQuery((TExportProperty) it.next(), propInstances.size() - 1);
                    if ((lhr=getLocalHistoryRecord(prpq[i].prpName,"#0")) != null)
                      prpq[i].prpHistoryDepthLong = (short)lhr.getHspec().getDepthLong();
                      prpq[i].prpHistoryDepthShort = (short)lhr.getHspec().getDepthShort();
                    System.arraycopy(prpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PRPQSr4");
                { // want the whole list ...
                  String[] slst = new String[propertyList.countUniqueProperties()];
                  TPropertyQuery[] prpq = new TPropertyQuery[slst.length];
                  if (slst.length == 0) break;
                  byte[] tba = new byte[slst.length * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  TExportProperty prp;
                  for (int i=0; i<slst.length; i++)
                    prp = propertyList.getFirstProperty(slst[i]);
                    prpq[i] = new TPropertyQuery(prp,1);
                    System.arraycopy(prpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PRPQSr4");
              else if (dout.getTag().compareTo("XPQS") == 0 || (dout.getArrayLength() % XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes) == 0)
                if (din != null)
                { // looking for a specific property ...
                  LinkedList<TExportProperty> propInstances;
                  String propertyName = din.toString();
                  propertyName = propertyName.replace('\n', (char) 0).trim();
                  propInstances = propertyList.getEqualProperties(propertyName);
                  if ((propInstances == null) || (propInstances.size() == 0))
                      return TErrorList.not_exported;
                  // fill in the targeted property info
                  THistoryRecord lhr = null;
                  XPropertyQuery[] xpq = new XPropertyQuery[propInstances.size()];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[xpq.length * XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  Iterator<TExportProperty> it = propInstances.iterator();
                  for (int i = 0; (it.hasNext()) && (i < xpq.length); i++)
                    xpq[i] = new XPropertyQuery((TExportProperty) it.next(), propInstances.size() - 1);
                    if ((lhr=getLocalHistoryRecord(xpq[i].prpName,"#0")) != null)
                      xpq[i].prpHistoryDepthLong = (short)lhr.getHspec().getDepthLong();
                      xpq[i].prpHistoryDepthShort = (short)lhr.getHspec().getDepthShort();
                    System.arraycopy(xpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "XPQS");
                { // want the whole list ...
                  String[] slst = new String[propertyList.countUniqueProperties()];
                  XPropertyQuery[] xpq = new XPropertyQuery[slst.length];
                  if (slst.length == 0) break;
                  byte[] tba = new byte[slst.length * XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  TExportProperty prp;
                  for (int i=0; i<slst.length; i++)
                    prp = propertyList.getFirstProperty(slst[i]);
                    xpq[i] = new XPropertyQuery(prp,1);
                    System.arraycopy(xpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * XPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "XPQS");
              else if (dout.getTag().compareTo("PQS") == 0 || (dout.getArrayLength() % PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes) == 0)
              { // legacy request ...
                if (din != null)
                { // looking for a specific property ...
                  LinkedList<TExportProperty> propInstances;
                  String propertyName = din.toString();
                  propertyName = propertyName.replace('\n', (char) 0).trim();
                  propInstances = propertyList.getEqualProperties(propertyName);
                  if ((propInstances == null) || (propInstances.size() == 0))
                      return TErrorList.not_exported;
                  // fill in the targeted property info
                  PropertyQuery[] pqs = new PropertyQuery[1];
                  TExportProperty prp = propertyList.getFirstProperty(propertyName);
                  byte[] tba = new byte[PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  pqs[0] = new PropertyQuery();
                  pqs[0].name = propertyName;
                  pqs[0].prpDesc = prp.getDescription().getText();
                  pqs[0].prpAccess = (byte)prp.getAccessMode();
                  pqs[0].prpFormat = (byte)(prp.getOutputFormat()%512);
                  pqs[0].prpSize = (short)prp.getOutputSize();
                  System.arraycopy(pqs[0].toByteArray(), 0, tba, 0, PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes);
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PQS");
                { // want the whole list ...
                  String[] slst = new String[propertyList.countUniqueProperties()];
                  if (slst.length == 0) break;
                  PropertyQuery[] pqs = new PropertyQuery[slst.length];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[slst.length * PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  TExportProperty prp;
                  for (int i=0; i<slst.length; i++)
                    pqs[i] = new PropertyQuery();
                    pqs[i].name = slst[i];
                    prp = propertyList.getFirstProperty(slst[i]);
                    pqs[i].prpDesc = prp.getDescription().getText();
                    pqs[i].prpAccess = (byte)prp.getAccessMode();
                    pqs[i].prpFormat = (byte)(prp.getOutputFormat()%512);
                    pqs[i].prpSize = (short)prp.getOutputSize();
                    System.arraycopy(pqs[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * PropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PQS");               
        return TErrorList.illegal_format;

    TPropertyHandler metapropertiesStructHandler = new TPropertyHandler()
      public int call(String devName, TDataType dout, TDataType din, TAccess devAccess)
        if (dout != null)
          int filter = getMetaPrpsCallFilter(din);
          switch (dout.dFormat)
          { // TODO: tidy this copy-and-past job up !
            case TFormat.CF_STRUCT:
              LinkedList<TExportProperty> propInstances;
              if (dout.getTag().compareTo("PRPQSr4") == 0 || (dout.getArrayLength() % TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes) == 0)
                if (din != null && filter != 0x7fffffff)
                { // looking for a specific property ...
                  String propertyName = din.toString();
                  propertyName = propertyName.replace('\n', (char) 0).trim();
                  propInstances = propertyList.getFilledMetaProperties(propertyName,filter);
                  if ((propInstances == null) || (propInstances.size() == 0))
                      return TErrorList.not_exported;
                  // fill in the targeted property info
                  TPropertyQuery[] prpq = new TPropertyQuery[propInstances.size()];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[prpq.length * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  Iterator<TExportProperty> it = propInstances.iterator();
                  for (int i = 0; (it.hasNext()) && (i < prpq.length); i++)
                    prpq[i] = new TPropertyQuery((TExportProperty) it.next(), propInstances.size() - 1);
                    System.arraycopy(prpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PRPQSr4");
                { // want the whole list ...
                  String[] slst = new String[propertyList.countUniqueProperties()];
                  if (slst.length == 0) break;
                  propInstances = new LinkedList<TExportProperty>();
                  LinkedList<TExportProperty> theseInstances;
                  for (int i=0; i<slst.length; i++)
                    theseInstances = propertyList.getFilledMetaProperties(slst[i],filter);
                    if (theseInstances.size() > 0) propInstances.addAll(theseInstances);
                  int size = propInstances.size();
                  TExportProperty prp;
                  TPropertyQuery[] prpq = new TPropertyQuery[size];
                  byte[] tba = new byte[size * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes];
                  for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
                    prp = propInstances.get(i);
                    prpq[i] = new TPropertyQuery(prp,1);
                    System.arraycopy(prpq[i].toByteArray(), 0, tba, i * TPropertyQuery.sizeInBytes,
                  return dout.putData(tba, "PRPQSr4");
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