Iterator it = share_map.iterator();
TorrentManager tm = ci.azureus_core.getPluginManager().getDefaultPluginInterface().getTorrentManager();
TorrentAttribute category_attribute = tm.getAttribute( TorrentAttribute.TA_CATEGORY );
TorrentAttribute props_attribute = tm.getAttribute( TorrentAttribute.TA_SHARE_PROPERTIES );
while( it.hasNext()){
ShareResourceDirContents root = (ShareResourceDirContents)it.next();
String cat = root.getAttribute( category_attribute );
String props = root.getAttribute( props_attribute );
String extra = cat==null?"":(",cat=" + cat );
extra += props==null?"":(",props=" + props );
ci.out.println( "> " + share_num++ + ": " + root.getName() + extra );
outputChildren( ci, " ", root );
String first_arg = (String)args.get(0);
if ( first_arg.equals( "hash" ) && args.size() > 1 ){
byte[] hash = ByteFormatter.decodeString((String)args.get(1));
boolean force = false;
if ( args.size() > 2 ){
force = ((String)args.get(2)).equalsIgnoreCase( "true" );
if (( "remove".equalsIgnoreCase(arg))){
ShareResource[] shares = share_manager.getShares();
boolean done = false;
for (int i=0;i<shares.length;i++){
ShareResource share = shares[i];
ShareItem item = null;
if ( share instanceof ShareResourceFile ){
item = ((ShareResourceFile)share).getItem();
}else if ( share instanceof ShareResourceDir ){
item = ((ShareResourceDir)share).getItem();
if ( item != null ){
byte[] item_hash = item.getTorrent().getHash();
if ( Arrays.equals( hash, item_hash )){
share.delete( force );
ci.out.println( "> Share " + share.getName() + " removed" );
done = true;
}catch( Throwable e ) {
ci.out.println( "ERROR: " + e.getMessage() + " ::");
Debug.printStackTrace( e );
if ( !done ){
ci.out.println( "> Share with hash " + ByteFormatter.encodeString( hash ) + " not found" );
ci.out.println( "ERROR: Unsupported hash based command '" + arg + "'" );
final File path = new File( first_arg );
if( !path.exists() ) {
ci.out.println( "ERROR: path [" +path+ "] does not exist." );
if ( ("remove".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) ) {
ShareResource[] shares = share_manager.getShares();
boolean done = false;
for (int i=0;i<shares.length;i++){
if ( shares[i].getName().equals( path.toString())){
ci.out.println( "> Share " + path.toString() + " removed" );
done = true;
}catch( Throwable e ) {
ci.out.println( "ERROR: " + e.getMessage() + " ::");
Debug.printStackTrace( e );
if ( !done ){
ci.out.println( "> Share " + path.toString() + " not found" );
String category = null;
String props = null;
if ( args.size() == 2 ){
String properties = (String)args.get(1);
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer( properties, ";" );
while( tok.hasMoreTokens()){
String token = tok.nextToken();
int pos = token.indexOf('=');
if ( pos == -1 ){
ci.out.println( "ERROR: invalid properties string '" + properties + "'" );
String lhs = token.substring(0,pos).trim().toLowerCase();
String rhs = token.substring(pos+1).trim();
if ( lhs.equals( "category" )){
category = rhs;
if ( lhs.equals( "private" ) ||
lhs.equals( "dht_backup" ) ||
lhs.equals( "comment" )){
if ( props == null ){
props = "";
// _ are replaced with spaces
if ( lhs.equals("comment")){
rhs = rhs.replace('_', ' ' );
if ( rhs.length() > 0 ){
props += (props.length()==0?"":";") + lhs + "=" + rhs;
ci.out.println( "ERROR: invalid properties string '" + properties + "'" );
final String f_category = category;
final String f_props = props;
new AEThread( "shareFile" )
public void
ShareResource resource = share_manager.getShare( path );
if( "file".equalsIgnoreCase( arg ) ) {
ci.out.println( "File [" +path+ "] share being processed in background..." );
if ( resource == null ){
resource = share_manager.addFile( path );
}else if( "folder".equalsIgnoreCase( arg ) ) {
ci.out.println( "Folder [" +path+ "] share being processed in background..." );
if ( resource == null ){
resource = share_manager.addDir( path );
}else if( "contents".equalsIgnoreCase( arg ) ) {
ci.out.println( "Folder contents [" +path+ "] share being processed in background..." );
if ( resource == null ){
resource = share_manager.addDirContents( path, false );
}else if( "rcontents".equalsIgnoreCase( arg ) ) {
ci.out.println( "Folder contents recursive [" +path+ "] share being processed in background..." );
if ( resource == null ){
resource = share_manager.addDirContents( path, true );
ci.out.println( "ERROR: type '" + arg + "' unknown." );
if ( resource != null ){
TorrentManager tm = ci.azureus_core.getPluginManager().getDefaultPluginInterface().getTorrentManager();
String cat = f_category;
if ( cat != null ){
if ( cat.length() == 0 ){
cat = null;
resource.setAttribute( tm.getAttribute( TorrentAttribute.TA_CATEGORY), cat );
String pro = f_props;
if ( pro != null ){
if ( pro.length() == 0 ){
pro = null;
resource.setAttribute( tm.getAttribute( TorrentAttribute.TA_SHARE_PROPERTIES), pro );
if ( resource != null ){