Examples of Torrent

Examples of org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.Torrent

                throw( new IOException( "upload filename missing" ));
              InputStream tis = field.getInputStream();
              Torrent torrent;
                torrent = plugin_interface.getTorrentManager().createFromBEncodedInputStream( tis );
              }catch( Throwable e ){
                throw( new IOException( "Failed to deserialise torrent file: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)));
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Examples of org.gudy.azureus2.plugins.torrent.Torrent

        url += "&dummy_param=1";
      URL  torrent_url = new URL( url );
      Torrent torrent;
        TorrentDownloader dl =
          plugin_interface.getTorrentManager().getURLDownloader( torrent_url, null, null );
        torrent = dl.download( Constants.DEFAULT_ENCODING );
      }catch( Throwable e ){

        throw( new IOException( "torrent download failed: " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( e )));
      Download download = addTorrent( torrent, add_stopped );

      JSONObject torrent_details = new JSONObject();
      torrent_details.put( "id", new Long( getID( download )));
      torrent_details.put( "name", escapeXML( download.getName()));
      torrent_details.put( "hashString", ByteFormatter.encodeString( torrent.getHash()));
      result.put( "torrent-added", torrent_details );
    }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-start" )){

      Object  ids = args.get( "ids" );

      List<Download>  downloads = getDownloads( ids );

      for ( Download download: downloads ){
          int  state = download.getState();
          if ( state != Download.ST_DOWNLOADING && state != Download.ST_SEEDING ){
        }catch( Throwable e ){
    }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-stop" )){

      Object  ids = args.get( "ids" );

      List<Download>  downloads = getDownloads( ids );

      for ( Download download: downloads ){
          int  state = download.getState();
          if ( state != Download.ST_STOPPED ){
        }catch( Throwable e ){
    }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-verify" )){

      Object  ids = args.get( "ids" );

      List<Download>  downloads = getDownloads( ids );

      for ( Download download: downloads ){
          int  state = download.getState();
          if ( state != Download.ST_STOPPED ){
        }catch( Throwable e ){
    }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-remove" )){

      Object  ids = args.get( "ids" );

      boolean  delete_data = getBoolean( args.get( "delete-local-data" ));
      List<Download>  downloads = getDownloads( ids );

      for ( Download download: downloads ){
          int  state = download.getState();
          if ( state != Download.ST_STOPPED ){
          if ( delete_data ){
            download.remove( true, true );
          synchronized( recently_removed ){
            recently_removed.add( getID( download ));
        }catch( Throwable e ){
    }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-set" )){
      Object  ids = args.get( "ids" );
      if ( ids != null && ids instanceof String && ((String)ids).equals( "recently-active" )){
        synchronized( recently_removed ){
          if ( recently_removed.size() > 0 ){
            List<Long> removed = new ArrayList<Long>( recently_removed );
            result.put( "removed", removed );
      List<Download>  downloads = getDownloads( ids );
      JSONArray files_unwanted   = (JSONArray)args.get( "files-unwanted" );
      JSONArray files_wanted     = (JSONArray)args.get( "files-wanted" );
      JSONArray priority_high    = (JSONArray)args.get( "priority-high" );
      JSONArray priority_normal  = (JSONArray)args.get( "priority-normal" );
      JSONArray priority_low    = (JSONArray)args.get( "priority-low" );
      Long  speed_limit_down  = (Long)args.get( "speedLimitDownload" );
      Long  speed_limit_up    = (Long)args.get( "speedLimitUpload" );

      Long  l_uploaded_ever    = (Long)args.get( "uploadedEver" );
      Long  l_downloaded_ever   = (Long)args.get( "downloadedEver" );

      long  uploaded_ever   = l_uploaded_ever==null?-1:l_uploaded_ever.longValue();
      long  downloaded_ever = l_downloaded_ever==null?-1:l_downloaded_ever.longValue();
      for ( Download download: downloads ){
        Torrent t = download.getTorrent();
        if ( t == null ){
        if ( speed_limit_down != null ){
          download.setDownloadRateLimitBytesPerSecond( speed_limit_down.intValue());
        if ( speed_limit_up != null ){
          download.setUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond( speed_limit_up.intValue());
        DownloadManager  core_download = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( download );
        DiskManagerFileInfo[] files = core_download.getDiskManagerFileInfo();
        if ( files_unwanted != null ){
          for ( int i=0;i<files_unwanted.size();i++){
            int  index = ((Long)files_unwanted.get( i )).intValue();
            if ( index >= 0 && index <= files.length ){
              files[index].setSkipped( true );
        if ( files_wanted != null ){
          for ( int i=0;i<files_wanted.size();i++){
            int  index = ((Long)files_wanted.get( i )).intValue();
            if ( index >= 0 && index <= files.length ){
              files[index].setSkipped( false );
        if ( priority_high != null ){
          for ( int i=0;i<priority_high.size();i++){
            int  index = ((Long)priority_high.get( i )).intValue();
            if ( index >= 0 && index <= files.length ){
              files[index].setPriority( 1 );
        if ( priority_normal != null ){
          for ( int i=0;i<priority_normal.size();i++){
            int  index = ((Long)priority_normal.get( i )).intValue();
            if ( index >= 0 && index <= files.length ){
              files[index].setPriority( 0 );
        if ( priority_low != null ){
          for ( int i=0;i<priority_low.size();i++){
            int  index = ((Long)priority_low.get( i )).intValue();
            if ( index >= 0 && index <= files.length ){
              files[index].setPriority( 0 );
        if ( uploaded_ever != -1 || downloaded_ever != -1 ){
            // new method in 4511 B31
            download.getStats().resetUploadedDownloaded( uploaded_ever, downloaded_ever );
          }catch( Throwable e ){
    }else if ( method.equals( "torrent-get" )){
      List<String>  fields = (List<String>)args.get( "fields" );
      if ( fields == null ){
        fields = new ArrayList();
      Object  ids = args.get( "ids" );
      if ( ids != null && ids instanceof String && ((String)ids).equals( "recently-active" )){
        synchronized( recently_removed ){
          if ( recently_removed.size() > 0 ){
            List<Long> removed = new ArrayList<Long>( recently_removed );
            result.put( "removed", removed );
      List<Download>  downloads = getDownloads( ids );
      JSONArray  torrents = new JSONArray();
      result.put( "torrents", torrents );
      for ( Download download: downloads ){
        Torrent t = download.getTorrent();
        if ( t == null ){
        DownloadManager  core_download = PluginCoreUtils.unwrap( download );
        PEPeerManager pm = core_download.getPeerManager();
        DownloadStats  stats = download.getStats();
        JSONObject torrent = new JSONObject();
        torrents.add( torrent );
        int  peers_from_us   = 0;
        int  peers_to_us    = 0;
        if ( pm != null ){
          List<PEPeer> peers = pm.getPeers();
          for ( PEPeer peer: peers ){
            PEPeerStats pstats = peer.getStats();
            if ( pstats.getDataReceiveRate() > 0 ){
            if ( pstats.getDataSendRate() > 0 ){
        for ( String field: fields ){
          Object  value = null;
          if ( field.equals( "addedDate" )){
            value = new Long(core_download.getDownloadState().getLongParameter(DownloadManagerState.PARAM_DOWNLOAD_ADDED_TIME)/1000);
          }else if ( field.equals( "announceURL" )){ 
            value = t.getAnnounceURL().toExternalForm();
          }else if ( field.equals( "comment" )){ 
            value = t.getComment();
          }else if ( field.equals( "creator" )){ 
            value = t.getCreatedBy();
          }else if ( field.equals( "dateCreated" )){ 
            value = new Long( t.getCreationDate());
          }else if ( field.equals( "downloadedEver" )){
            value = new Long( stats.getDownloaded() + stats.getDiscarded() + stats.getHashFails());
          }else if ( field.equals( "error" )){
            String str = download.getErrorStateDetails();
              // o = none, 1=tracker warn,2=tracker error,2=other
            if ( str != null && str.length() > 0 ){
              value = new Long(3);
              value = ZERO;
              TRTrackerAnnouncer tracker_client = core_download.getTrackerClient();
              if ( tracker_client != null ){
                TRTrackerAnnouncerResponse x = tracker_client.getBestAnnouncer().getLastResponse();
                if ( x != null ){
                  if ( x.getStatus() == TRTrackerAnnouncerResponse.ST_REPORTED_ERROR ){
                    value = new Long(2);
                DownloadScrapeResult x = download.getLastScrapeResult();
                if ( x != null ){
                  if ( x.getResponseType() == DownloadScrapeResult.RT_ERROR ){
                    String status = x.getStatus();
                    if ( status != null && status.length() > 0 ){
                      value = new Long(2);
          }else if ( field.equals( "errorString" )){ 
            String str = download.getErrorStateDetails();
            if ( str != null && str.length() > 0 ){
              value = str;
              value = "";
              TRTrackerAnnouncer tracker_client = core_download.getTrackerClient();
              if ( tracker_client != null ){
                TRTrackerAnnouncerResponse x = tracker_client.getBestAnnouncer().getLastResponse();
                if ( x != null ){
                  if ( x.getStatus() == TRTrackerAnnouncerResponse.ST_REPORTED_ERROR ){
                    value = x.getStatusString();
                DownloadScrapeResult x = download.getLastScrapeResult();
                if ( x != null ){
                  if ( x.getResponseType() == DownloadScrapeResult.RT_ERROR ){
                    value = x.getStatus();
          }else if ( field.equals( "eta" )){
              // infinite -> 215784000
            long eta_secs = stats.getETASecs();
            eta_secs = Math.min( eta_secs, 215784000 );
            value = new Long( eta_secs );
          }else if ( field.equals( "hashString" )){ 
            value = ByteFormatter.encodeString( t.getHash());
          }else if ( field.equals( "haveUnchecked" )){ 
            value = ZERO;
          }else if ( field.equals( "haveValid" )){
            value = new Long( stats.getDownloaded());
          }else if ( field.equals( "id" )){   
            value = new Long( getID( download ));
          }else if ( field.equals( "trackerSeeds" )){
            DownloadScrapeResult scrape = download.getLastScrapeResult();
            value = new Long( scrape==null?0:scrape.getSeedCount());
          }else if ( field.equals( "trackerLeechers" )){
            DownloadScrapeResult scrape = download.getLastScrapeResult();
            value = new Long( scrape==null?0:scrape.getNonSeedCount());
          }else if ( field.equals( "leechers" )){ 
            if ( pm == null ){
              value = new Long(0);
              value = new Long( pm.getNbPeers());
          }else if ( field.equals( "leftUntilDone" )){ 
            value = new Long( stats.getRemaining());
          }else if ( field.equals( "name" )){ 
            value = download.getName();
          }else if ( field.equals( "peersConnected" )){ 
            if ( pm == null ){
              value = new Long(0);
              value = new Long( pm.getNbPeers() + pm.getNbSeeds());
          }else if ( field.equals( "peersGettingFromUs" )){ 
            value = new Long( peers_from_us );
          }else if ( field.equals( "peersSendingToUs" )){
            value = new Long( peers_to_us );
          }else if ( field.equals( "isPrivate" )){
            value = t.isPrivate()?TRUE:FALSE;
          }else if ( field.equals( "rateDownload" )){ 
            value = new Long( stats.getDownloadAverage());
          }else if ( field.equals( "rateUpload" )){
            value = new Long( stats.getUploadAverage());
          }else if ( field.equals( "speedLimitDownload" )){ 
            value = new Long( download.getDownloadRateLimitBytesPerSecond());
          }else if ( field.equals( "speedLimitUpload" )){
            value = new Long( download.getUploadRateLimitBytesPerSecond());
          }else if ( field.equals( "seeders" )){
            if ( pm == null ){
              value = new Long(-1);
              value = new Long( pm.getNbSeeds());
          }else if ( field.equals( "sizeWhenDone" )){ 
            value = new Long( t.getSize())// TODO: excluded DND
          }else if ( field.equals( "status" )){ 
              // 1 - waiting to verify
              // 2 - verifying
              // 4 - downloading
              // 5 - queued (incomplete)
              // 8 - seeding
              // 9 - queued (complete)
              // 16 - paused
            int  status_int = 7;
            if ( download.isPaused()){
              status_int = 16;
              int state = download.getState();
              if ( state == Download.ST_DOWNLOADING ){
                status_int = 4;
              }else if ( state == Download.ST_SEEDING ){
                status_int = 8;
              }else if ( state == Download.ST_QUEUED ){

                if ( download.isComplete()){
                  status_int = 9;
                  status_int = 5;
              }else if ( state == Download.ST_STOPPED || state == Download.ST_STOPPING ){
                status_int = 16;
              }else if ( state == Download.ST_ERROR ){
                status_int = 0;
                if ( core_download.getState() == DownloadManager.STATE_CHECKING ){
                  status_int = 2;
                  status_int = 1;
            value = new Long(status_int);
          }else if ( field.equals( "swarmSpeed" )){ 
            value = new Long( core_download.getStats().getTotalAveragePerPeer());
          }else if ( field.equals( "totalSize" )){
            value = new Long( t.getSize());
          }else if ( field.equals( "pieceCount" )){
            value = new Long( t.getPieceCount());
          }else if ( field.equals( "pieceSize" )){
            value = new Long( t.getPieceSize());
          }else if ( field.equals( "metadataPercentComplete" )){
            value = new Long( 100 );
          }else if ( field.equals( "uploadedEver" )){ 
            value = new Long( stats.getUploaded());
          }else if ( field.equals( "recheckProgress" )){
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Examples of org.torrcast.model.Torrent

        public void run() {
            String filename = item.getFilename();
            String completeFilePath = podcastCacheDir + File.separatorChar + filename;

            Torrent torrent = new Torrent();

            TorrentProcessor tp = new TorrentProcessor();
            tp.setName("test")// TODO: don't set?

            ArrayList<String> files = new ArrayList<String>();

            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Problem when adding files to torrent. Check your data");


            try {
                System.out.println("Hashing the files...");
                System.out.println("Hash complete... Saving...");

                TorrentFile torrentFile = new TorrentFile(tp.generateTorrent(item.getFileUrl()));
                torrent.setCreatedDate(new Date());

                OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/file-989.mp3.torrent");

//                 Save the new data (TorrentFile & Torrent).
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