// Validate OnBehalfOf token if present
if (providerParameters.getTokenRequirements().getOnBehalfOf() != null) {
ReceivedToken validateTarget = providerParameters.getTokenRequirements().getOnBehalfOf();
TokenValidatorResponse tokenResponse = validateReceivedToken(
context, realm, tokenRequirements, validateTarget);
if (tokenResponse == null) {
LOG.fine("No Token Validator has been found that can handle this token");
} else if (validateTarget.getValidationState().equals(STATE.INVALID)) {
throw new STSException("Incoming token is invalid", STSException.REQUEST_FAILED);
} else if (validateTarget.getValidationState().equals(STATE.VALID)) {
// Map the principal (if it exists)
Principal responsePrincipal = tokenResponse.getPrincipal();
if (responsePrincipal != null) {
String targetRealm = providerParameters.getRealm();
String sourceRealm = tokenResponse.getTokenRealm();
IdentityMapper identityMapper = stsProperties.getIdentityMapper();
if (sourceRealm != null && !sourceRealm.equals(targetRealm) && identityMapper != null) {
Principal targetPrincipal =
identityMapper.mapPrincipal(sourceRealm, responsePrincipal, targetRealm);
} else {
//[TODO] Add plugin for validation out-of-band
// Example:
// If the requestor is in the possession of a certificate (mutual ssl handshake)
// the STS trusts the token sent in OnBehalfOf element
if (tokenResponse != null) {
Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = tokenResponse.getAdditionalProperties();
if (additionalProperties != null) {
// create token
TokenProviderResponse tokenResponse = null;
for (TokenProvider tokenProvider : tokenProviders) {
boolean canHandle = false;
if (realm == null) {
canHandle = tokenProvider.canHandleToken(tokenType);
} else {
canHandle = tokenProvider.canHandleToken(tokenType, realm);
if (canHandle) {
try {
tokenResponse = tokenProvider.createToken(providerParameters);
} catch (STSException ex) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "", ex);
throw ex;
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "", ex);
throw new STSException("Error in providing a token", ex, STSException.REQUEST_FAILED);
if (tokenResponse == null || tokenResponse.getToken() == null) {
LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "No token provider found for requested token type: " + tokenType);
throw new STSException(
"No token provider found for requested token type: " + tokenType,