Examples of TokenList

Examples of org.hsqldb.cmdline.sqltool.TokenList

            this.interactive = interactive;
            continueOnError = this.interactive;

            if (interactive) {
                history = new TokenList();
                maxHistoryLength = DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE;
            // Updates local vars basd on * shared.userVars
            // even when (like now) these are all defaults.
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
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Examples of org.hsqldb.cmdline.sqltool.TokenList

                    && forrowsM.group(1).length() > 0)
                    ? forrowsM.group(1).trim().split("\\s+") : null;
            String[] origVals = (vars == null) ? null : new String[vars.length];
            if (origVals != null) for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++)
                origVals[i] = shared.userVars.get(vars[i]);
            TokenList dupNesteds = token.nestedBlock.dup();
            if (dupNesteds.size() < 2)
                // TODO: Define message
                throw new BadSpecial("Empty forrows loop");
            Token queryToken = dupNesteds.remove(0);
            if (queryToken.type != Token.SQL_TYPE)
                // TODO: Define message
                throw new BadSpecial("*forrows command not followed "
                        + "immediately by an SQL statement");
            List<String[]> rowData = new ArrayList<String[]>();
            ResultSet rs = null;
            int colCount = 0;
            Statement statement = processSQL();
            if (statement == null)
                // TODO: Define message
                throw new BadSpecial("Failed to prepare SQL for loop");
            try {
                rs = statement.getResultSet();
                ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
                colCount = rsmd.getColumnCount();
                if (vars != null && vars.length > colCount)
                    // TODO: Define message
                    throw new BadSpecial("*forrows command specifies "
                            + vars.length
                            + " variables, but query pulled only "
                            + colCount + " columns");
                if (colCount < 1) return;
                String[] rowCells;
                while (rs.next()) {
                    rowCells = new String[colCount];
                    for (int i = 1; i <= colCount; i++)
                        rowCells[i-1] = rs.getString(i);
            } finally {
                try {
                    if (rs != null) rs.close();
                } catch (SQLException nse) {
                    // Purposefully doing nothing
                } finally {
                    rs = null;
                try {
                } catch (SQLException nse) {
                    // Purposefully doing nothing
                } finally {
                    statement = null;
            lastSqlStatement = null;
            // Done with SQL

            if (rowData.size() > 0) {
                String firstVal = rowData.get(0)[0];
                String lastVal = rowData.get(rowData.size()-1)[colCount - 1];
                        (lastVal == null) ? nullRepToken : lastVal);
                if (fetchingVar != null) {
                    if (firstVal == null)
                        shared.userVars.put(fetchingVar, firstVal);
                    sqlExpandMode = null;
                    fetchingVar = null;
            } else {
                shared.userVars.put("?", "");
            StringBuilder rowBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            String rowVal;
            try {
                for (String[] cells : rowData) {
                    if (cells.length == 1) {
                        rowVal = (cells[0] == null) ? nullRepToken : cells[0];
                    } else {
                        for (String s : cells) {
                            if (rowBuilder.length() > 0)
                            rowBuilder.append((s == null) ? nullRepToken : s);
                        rowVal = rowBuilder.toString();
                    shared.userVars.put("*ROW", rowVal);

                    if (vars != null) for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++)
                        if (cells[i] == null)
                            shared.userVars.put(vars[i], cells[i]);

                    Recursion origRecursed = recursed;
                    recursed = Recursion.FORROWS;
                    try {
                    } catch (ContinueException ce) {
                        String ceMessage = ce.getMessage();

                        if (ceMessage != null
                                && !ceMessage.equals("forrows")) throw ce;
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Examples of org.hsqldb.cmdline.sqltool.TokenList

     * @param nestingCommand Set to null to read scanner until EOF.
    private TokenList seekTokenSource(String nestingCommand)
            throws BadSpecial, IOException, SqlToolError {
        Token token;
        TokenList newTS = new TokenList();
        Pattern endPattern = null;
        Pattern elsePattern = null;
        if (nestingCommand != null)
            if (nestingCommand.equals("if")) {
                endPattern = Pattern.compile("end\\s+" + nestingCommand);
                elsePattern = Pattern.compile("else");
            } else if (nestingCommand.equals("else")) {
                endPattern = Pattern.compile("end\\s+if");
            } else {
                endPattern = Pattern.compile("end\\s+" + nestingCommand);

        String subNestingCommand;
        Matcher inlineNestMatcher;

        while ((token = scanner.yylex()) != null) {
            if (endPattern != null && token.type == Token.PL_TYPE
                    && endPattern.matcher(token.val).matches()) return newTS;
            if (elsePattern != null && token.type == Token.PL_TYPE
                    && elsePattern.matcher(token.val).matches()) {
                assert token.nestedBlock == null:
                        "else statement's .nested block not null";
                token.nestedBlock = seekTokenSource("else");
                return newTS;
            inlineNestMatcher = inlineNestMatcher(token);
            if (inlineNestMatcher != null) {
            } else {
                subNestingCommand = nestingCommand(token);
                if (subNestingCommand != null)
                    token.nestedBlock = seekTokenSource(subNestingCommand);
        if (nestingCommand == null) return newTS;
        throw new BadSpecial(
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Examples of org.hsqldb.cmdline.sqltool.TokenList

            this.interactive = interactive;
            continueOnError = this.interactive;

            if (interactive) {
                history = new TokenList();
                maxHistoryLength = DEFAULT_HISTORY_SIZE;
            // Updates local vars basd on * shared.userVars
            // even when (like now) these are all defaults.
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Examples of org.hsqldb.cmdline.sqltool.TokenList

     * the very top.
    private TokenList seekTokenSource(String nestingCommand)
            throws BadSpecial, IOException {
        Token token;
        TokenList newTS = new TokenList();
        Pattern endPattern = Pattern.compile("end\\s+" + nestingCommand);
        String subNestingCommand;

        while ((token = scanner.yylex()) != null) {
            if (token.type == Token.PL_TYPE
                    && endPattern.matcher(token.val).matches()) {
                return newTS;
            subNestingCommand = nestingCommand(token);
            if (subNestingCommand != null) {
                token.nestedBlock = seekTokenSource(subNestingCommand);
        throw new BadSpecial(
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