* Accept a new connection.
private void handleAccept() throws IOException {
SelectionKey clientKey = null;
TNonblockingTransport client = null;
try {
// accept the connection
client = (TNonblockingTransport)serverTransport.accept();
clientKey = client.registerSelector(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
// add this key to the map
FrameBuffer frameBuffer = processorFactory_.isAsyncProcessor() ?
new AsyncFrameBuffer(client, clientKey,SelectAcceptThread.this) :
new FrameBuffer(client, clientKey,SelectAcceptThread.this);
} catch (TTransportException tte) {
// something went wrong accepting.
LOGGER.warn("Exception trying to accept!", tte);
if (clientKey != null) cleanupSelectionKey(clientKey);
if (client != null) client.close();