Created: Wed Oct 27 14:17:44 2004
throws UserNotFoundException { try { xmldb.removeData(user, subnode, key); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { if (!autoCreateUser) { throw new UserNotFoundException(USER_STR+user+NOT_FOUND_STR, e); } } // end of try-catch }
throws UserNotFoundException { try { xmldb.removeSubnode(user, subnode); } catch (NodeNotFoundException e) { if (!autoCreateUser) { throw new UserNotFoundException(USER_STR+user+NOT_FOUND_STR, e); } } // end of try-catch }
} if (result <= 0) { if (autoCreate) { result = addUserRepo(user_id); } else { throw new UserNotFoundException("User does not exist: " + user_id); } // end of if (autoCreate) else } // end of if (isnext) else } } finally { release(null, rs);
get_pass.setString(1, JIDUtils.getNodeID(user)); rs = get_pass.executeQuery(); if ( { return rs.getString(1); } else { throw new UserNotFoundException("User does not exist: " + user); } // end of if (isnext) else } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TigaseDBException("Problem with retrieving user password.", e); } finally {
log.fine("Login failed, for user: '" + user_id + "'" + ", password: '" + password + "'" + ", from DB got: " + rs.getString(1)); } } throw new UserNotFoundException("User does not exist: " + user); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new TigaseDBException("Problem accessing repository.", e); } finally { release(null, rs);
String[] list) throws UserNotFoundException { try { if (rep.userExists(user)) { rep.addDataList(user, calcNode(OFFLINE_DATA_NODE, subnode), key, list); } else { throw new UserNotFoundException("User: " + user + " has not been found inthe repository."); } } catch (UserNotFoundException e) { log.warning("User not found in repository: " + user); } catch (TigaseDBException e) {
status_st.setString(1, JIDUtils.getNodeNick(user)); rs = status_st.executeQuery(); if ( { return (rs.getInt(1) == 1); } else { throw new UserNotFoundException("User does not exist: " + user); } // end of if (isnext) else } } finally { release(null, rs); }
pass_st.setString(1, JIDUtils.getNodeNick(user)); rs = pass_st.executeQuery(); if ( { return rs.getString(1); } else { throw new UserNotFoundException("User does not exist: " + user); } // end of if (isnext) else } } finally { release(null, rs); }
get_pass_sp.setString(1, JIDUtils.getNodeID(user)); rs = get_pass_sp.executeQuery(); if ( { return rs.getString(1); } else { throw new UserNotFoundException("User does not exist: " + user); } // end of if (isnext) else } } finally { release(null, rs); }