Examples of Tiny2D

Examples of com.tinyline.tiny2d.Tiny2D

        for (int i = 0; i < tile.width * tile.height; i++)
            tile.pixels32[i] = dimmedColor;

    void drawVariant(final Tile tile) {
        Tiny2D t2d = getT2D(tile);
        //t2d.strokeColor = TinyColor.NONE;
        t2d.fillColor = new TinyColor(variantColor);
        t2d.drawOval(daAnchorX, daAnchorY, daWidth(tile), daHeight(tile));
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Examples of com.tinyline.tiny2d.Tiny2D

        t2d.fillColor = new TinyColor(variantColor);
        t2d.drawOval(daAnchorX, daAnchorY, daWidth(tile), daHeight(tile));

    void drawVariant(final Tile tile, boolean good) {
        Tiny2D t2d = getT2D(tile);
        //t2d.strokeColor = new TinyColor(good ? goodMoveColor : badMoveColor);
        t2d.fillColor = new TinyColor(good ? goodMoveColor : badMoveColor);
        t2d.drawOval(daAnchorX, daAnchorY, daWidth(tile), daHeight(tile));
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Examples of com.tinyline.tiny2d.Tiny2D

            String comment) {

        if (commentLines <= 0)

        Tiny2D t2d = getT2D(tile);
        TinyFont font = MyArial.getFont();
        int commentFontSize = daHeight(tile) / commentLines;
        //int commentFontDescent = commentFontSize * font.descent / font.unitsPerEm;
        int commentFontAscent = commentFontSize * font.ascent / font.unitsPerEm;
        TinyColor fgColor = new TinyColor(commentFgColor);

        for (int i = 0; i < tile.pixels32.length; i++)
            tile.pixels32[i] = commentBgColor;

        int Y = 0; // y position to draw

        if (moveStatus != null) {
            char[] text = moveStatus.toCharArray();
            //#ifdef debug
            System.out.println("\t" + moveStatus);
            int X = daWidth(tile) / 2;
            t2d.strokeColor = TinyColor.NONE;
            t2d.fillColor = fgColor;
            t2d.drawChars(font, commentFontSize, text, 0, text.length, X, Y + commentFontAscent, Tiny2D.TEXT_ANCHOR_MIDDLE);
            Y += commentFontSize;

        if (commentLines > 0) {
            int X = ONE * 2;

            // draw move indicator
            if (drawSolvedFailedIndicator || drawColorToPlayIndicator) {
                t2d.strokeWidth = ONE;
                t2d.strokeColor = fgColor;
                if (drawSolvedFailedIndicator)
                    t2d.fillColor = new TinyColor(goodMove ? goodMoveColor : badMoveColor);
                else if (drawColorToPlayIndicator)
                    t2d.fillColor = new TinyColor(black ? blackStoneColor : whiteStoneColor);
                t2d.drawOval(X, Y + ONE, commentFontSize - ONE * 2, commentFontSize - ONE * 2);
                X = commentFontSize + commentFontSize / 4;

            if (comment != null) {
                char[] text = comment.toCharArray();
                //#ifdef debug
                System.out.println("\t" + comment);

                t2d.strokeColor = TinyColor.NONE;
                t2d.fillColor = fgColor;

                int off = 0; // The current char pointer
                int len = 0; // The current length of the line
                //int breakOff = -1; // break line at space points

                do {
                    boolean drawChars = len == text.length;

                    if (!drawChars) {
                        TinyRect cbox = Tiny2D.charsBounds(font, commentFontSize,
                                text, off, len, Tiny2D.TEXT_DIR_LR);
                        if (X + cbox.xmax - cbox.xmin + ONE > daWidth(tile)) {
                            drawChars = true;

                    if (drawChars){
                        // Draw the current line
                        //t2d.matrix = new TinyMatrix();
                        //if (breakOff <= off || len == text.length)
                        //breakOff = len;
                        t2d.drawChars(font, commentFontSize, text, off,
                                /*breakOff*/len, X, Y + commentFontAscent, Tiny2D.TEXT_ANCHOR_START);
                        // Advance one line
                        if (off == 0)
                            X = ONE;
                        //off = breakOff + 1;
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