This class represents an Timeout event that is passed from a SipProvider to its SipListener. A specific message may need retransmitted on a specific transaction numerous times before it is acknowledged by the receiver. If the message is not acknowledged after a specified period in the underlying implementation the transaction will expire, this occurs usually after seven retransmissions. The mechanism to alert an application that a message for a an underlying transaction needs retransmitted (i.e. 200OK) or an underlying transaction has expired is a Timeout Event.
A Timeout Event can be of two different types, namely:
- {@link Timeout#RETRANSMIT}
- {@link Timeout#TRANSACTION}
A TimeoutEvent contains the following information:
- source - the SipProvider that sent the TimeoutEvent.
- transaction - the transaction that this Timeout applies to.
- isServerTransaction - boolean indicating whether the transaction refers to a client or server transaction.
- timeout - indicates what type of {@link Timeout} occurred.
@see Timeout
@author BEA Systems, NIST
@version 1.2