/** Returns a registered tiled drawable. If no tiled drawable is found but a region exists with the name, a tiled drawable is
* created from the region and stored in the skin. */
public TiledDrawable getTiledDrawable (String name) {
TiledDrawable tiled = optional(name, TiledDrawable.class);
if (tiled != null) return tiled;
Drawable drawable = optional(name, Drawable.class);
if (drawable != null) {
if (!(drawable instanceof TiledDrawable)) {
throw new GdxRuntimeException("Drawable found but is not a TiledDrawable: " + name + ", "
+ drawable.getClass().getName());
return (TiledDrawable)drawable;
tiled = new TiledDrawable(getRegion(name));
add(name, tiled, TiledDrawable.class);
return tiled;